Designated dining footpaths.
Butthurt detected.
Why anyone would want to do it
Which Hindu God were they trying to please by dining on floor.
Tamils are retards. Also they stink very bad.
I don't even like India.
On the other hand, you're too pussy to even show your flag.
Hindus even worship living people. How can anyone consider a mortal being to be a God.
My fellow Indians don't consider me to be their people. South Indians usually bully me for being North Indian. Hindus bully me for not being a Hindu. So I have stopped Identifying myself as an Indian and I identify with my ethnicity.
/Khalistan/ when?
Wrong picture?
That woman was the chief minister of TN. No one worshipped her, they just kissed her ass, nothing more.
What is your ethnicity? I am also a minority where I'm living currently.
We have still not been provided justice by Indian Government. India is not my nation. Khalistan Zindabad.
How can anyone worship rats.
They litterally used to worship her.
Are they eating off the fucking pavement? That's disgusting
They also drink cow's fresh urine for refreshment during summer seasons.
And to think some people are proud of this ""culture""
Where are you from, by the way?
No wonder Indian's are so tiny and disease ridden.
Are they lower caste btw?
>Only two things are pure in this universe, in this world. One is the water from the Holy Ganges river and the other is urine from mother holy cow
No. Many Brahmins practice these disgusting rituals
rat people worship rats
Yes. They even worship monkeys, snakes and cows.
I get that you dislike Hinduism (I feel the same way) but why are you avoiding my question?
Where are you from? What even is your ethnicity?
I am punjabi. My family is Sikh, but I am not a religious person. I hate Hindus because my Grand father and some other relatives werr murdered during 1984 Sikh massacre when our family used to live in Ranchi. And I am usually bullied by Hindu nationalists for just being a punjabi.
For non-Indians all Indians are the same. Which makes it even funnier.
I'm sorry, that is very unfair.
Hindu nationalists are the cancer of India. The only redeeming feature of India is that at least it's a democracy (albeit a dysfunctional one) and these shitheads are trying to dismantle that as well.
It is religion which has made all of Indian subcontinent into a shithole with no end in sight.
If it's the Hindus that make India so disgusting, why are the most disgusting parts the northern, more Muslim parts?
Because Muslims are woese in their own different ways