I sometimes feel like East Asian race should unite and

I sometimes feel like East Asian race should unite and
get rid of all the filthy,degenerate westerners and other etc shitskins.
Sure, I don't like both chinks or japs either, but it's inevitable to reach our goal.

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those filthy degenerate westerners :(

>table of unimportance

face it jamal,east asian men are the smartest and most efficient people in the world

no, look at the western inventiveness

But japone discovered one material named "japanium " recently as only non-white nation...sorry for always destroying beautiful western supremacy ....really sorry....

wow,that is amazing!

No you don't do anything. Shut up and give me a cute asian bottom bf so I can pound his ass now!

you know that we'll always forgive you since you continue to bombard us with anime

based japan. blow them filthy whites the fuck out

Japan's given more to the world in the past century, then your nigger infested shithole has. The past =/= the future my friend. Nipponland has one, you don't.

Recommend me an anime to watch, [spoiler]you nigger.[/spoiler]

You misspelled China my Asian friend. And It's also your future.

>asian men is effiminate meme
the most mentally strong and powerful wont be your bf

japan is over
china is the future

Yes yes, so what about the girly guys then? Why can't I have them?

Across the street, some degenerate White tourists are screaming some nonsense while driving mini cars with Mario costumes.
We gotta deport these degenerate fuckers.

dont exist outside gaypop

>being this burger dumb

SK and Japan would be the same shitholes they were after the war if US didn't dump a shitload of money into you to make your their outposts in a fight against China

what? its your wrong fantasy

and why is china so strong now without USA?



To be fair Andrés Manuel del Río was also Spaniard

You'd be a literal pile of shit just like your North friend if it was not for western investment

where is chinese western investment?

lol stfu cuckrea

you're gonna get nuked by best korea

>where is chinese western investment?
I'm pretty sure there are a ton of western corporations that invested in china, built factories there and gave Chinks better paying jobs than they had working as peasants in the rice fields.
That's basically the whole story of Deng Xiapoing's reforms, open up the country to western investment and international trade and the people started moving to cities to work there


All over the place

I mean chinese investments made by the west

outsourced to chinese run factories run by chinese and most corporations is chinese to chinese or to chinese market.

He he he....

You'll kill each other before that ever happens.

I hope you do it soon, though.

what is east asian race anyway?

I don't, can you be my cute boyfriend?
I will carry you.

If there was no USA 's interrupting in 1940s we would be the ultra super power in Asia you brainwashed Russian

Interracial marriage are necessary. A tragedy, yes.. but natural in a sense. Read your Darwin. Only the fittest survive. And how tough is east asian?

East Asians hate each other more than any outsiders, never going to happen

>be a Colombian soccer player
>shot and killed by retard own people
>Gracias por el auto gol !!!

hue hue hue