Incest thread

Incest thread.
Come one come all share your saucy stories of family debaturey with the world.

come on faggots you know you want to

i remember when i was 14 or 15 my older cousin, who was a year older than me. we where curious, id never been with a girl, let alone seen tits or a pussy in real life. i remember vividly on night we were watching tv, and i got up to go to the bath room, she walked in on me with my cock in my hand pissing. continue?

its an incest thread. do you even need to ask? just tell the fucking story

No faggot

why the fuck you asking just tell the story

Wtf.... YES!

do i need to fucking carry this thread?

apparently I do...

heavy thread... gotta carry it all on my own... *grumble grumble*





lets do this you guys



I need to see some effort from others too...

post more aunt/cousin


I let my 8 year old sister lick my lock a few times

jesus you fags post some gree texts


I better see some content I don't already have soon, or I'm done Sup Forumsros



fuck shitty caption pics!
post green text faggots



tell moar


more more more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the fuck is happening i know you degenerates fucks have some stories

>be me
>be keeping bread alive even tho bitches complain and want greentexts instead of my pics
>have wincest folder 1200 images large
>continue posting like a fucking hero
>captcha's try to stop me
>keep posting like a boss






you are our true hero pal it isn't easy but hang in there


This thread is damn heavy, I'm sick of carrying it on my own... Someone else better pick up some weight and give me some content to enjoy too


she seen my cock and froze,and apologized. i said i was sorry. then we went back to watching the movie. i could tell something was up cuz she kept moving, she said she was hot, so she took off her short, and was wearing a tank top, with no bra. some nice tits, i kept staring, she slid close to me and immediatly strted rubbing my wang, i was diamonds. i felt like i was gonna bust. then i put my hand down her pant, and was suprised by the amount of wetness. next thing i know shes naked and on top of me teasing my cock with her puffy pussy lips, then she put my cock inside, it felt amazing, so wet. this went on for about 10 mins, then i said im gonna bust, and she said she wants me to cum deep inside her, i agreed. then blew the biggest load ever in her tight pussy, i pulled out and cum was flowing out, she proceeded to finger herself tasting the cum, and her pussy. then stroked my cock for a bit, then bent over and rubbed the cum all over her pussy and asshole, and fingered her ass, then i fingered it. then she wanted my cock in it, so tried to get my cock inside, at this point i was ready for round 2. fucked her ass, then passed out on the couch, only to woken up a few hours later by her wanting more


anyone got a name?

this thread suck ass tonight

I dunno man, I'm not sure they are really sisters.


Nice fantasy, I rate 7/10


I turn of the lights and put candy stuff on on my dick and let her lick it off



i know it was a lot better the first night


i just want you to know your a degenerate

why? because I'd give my left nut to fuck my little sister, cousin, mom, or one day my daughter?



yeah shittiest wincest bread of 2017


Yup, that's basically the reason. Not saying im any different, but for me it is both my aunts and their daughters

well fine then, fuck you guys too. I'm done

no its your pics and your complaining about "holding" a thread up

If you don't like my pics, then post something better. And considering I'm the only person really putting content into this thread other than a couple of single post "stories", I have the right to complain a bit about nobody else contributing.
at least you admit it

y'all bastards are lucky i hate to see a wincest thread die
















done helping you ungrateful bastards

source ?

>be 16 year old me
>both parents work out of town and don't come home until late
>developed after school ritual of jerking off until parents come home
>one day my older cousin of one year is supposed to stay at my place after school until supper
>desperately wanted to fuck her since I was 12
>this is my chance
>devise plan to be jerking off in basement and let her walk in on me
>turn on some music so she can hear I'm downstairs and I "couldn't hear her come in"
>see her walk around corner of my street
>run downstairs, get naked and throw on some porn
>she's at the door knocking
>get into position
>patiently wait for her to come in on her own
>hear the basement door open
>she comes downstairs, sees me naked and bolts straight into the bathroom
>decide it's too obvious and turn off the music and put on pants
>eventually talked her out of the bathroom
>she asks what I was doing
>"Just watching porn, forgot you were coming."
>force the situation and ask if she wants to watch some with me, just for fun
>surprisingly she agrees
>halfway through a video she starts touching my arm
>ask her what she's doing
>she's obviously turned on, notice she's wet and soaked through her leggings
>ask her about it and she gets super embarrassed
>tell her it's completely ok
>she suggests I probably have a boner too (I do)
>play it off and tell her to find out for herself
>her hand is on my dick and she's giving me a playful smile
>start making out
>we're naked now
>I'm inside her god tier pussy
>cum on her back
>did it 2 more times on the couch
>mission completed

After that we did it a few more times on family occasions until she got a bf and moved out of state for uni. God I wish she still lived nearby it was probably some of the best ass I could've asked for :(


If this thread stays alive long enough (maybe an hour) il post my greentext story of how im slowly trying to fuck my mom, do have definite progress with alot of weird signals im getting from her

Will start typing now

You did good user


>daddy issues
Sick fucks these girls are children for fuck sake!!!

fine, will post a few more

I fucked my cousin for about five years. We fooled around a few times growing up. We were both seriously attracted to each other. She was a beautiful blonde with great guys. When we were young teens, there was no fucking, but a whole lot of sucking. I moved away & came back 30 years later. We hooked up & were fuck buddies for about five years. I being degenerate about the sex & timing our visits around her 28 day cycle. I was seriously trying to knock her up, but we never succeeded. I got in a serious relationship with my now wife & tried to bring my cousin into it for a poly marriage, but my now wife said no. I stopped seeing my cousin at that point & that was three years ago.



Do it.




I'm not even an adult and i'm saying, this thread is sick in the head. kys

Dad gets divorced from my mother when I was two. I never saw her again until I looked her up when I was 28. I stayed in contact with her sister, my Aunt who was beautiful and from photos they looked like twins. So, I fly to her town to visit & I'm staying at my Grandmother's house. I'd sit up on the couch late with her talking. I'm staring at her & she's just gorgeous. I got a raging boner & I decide to let it peak out of my pajamas. She'd notice it, but never made it obvious. A little later when she stepped away I unbuttoned the pj's & I just let it stand to attention. This was almost 30 years ago & details are foggy, but we sat talking for what seemed like forever with my raging hard-on standing at attention. Why I didn't make a move I always wonder, but finally she patted me on the knee & said, Put that away. Kissed me on the cheek & went to bed. It was never mentioned the rest of the weekend. Over the years I've jacked-off 900 times wishing I could have fucked her.


report this underage