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Miscellaneous #7344
Tell me your secrets Sup Forums
I've made a bottle of (almost) pure LSA that I'm going to be drinking, this'll be my first trip, any tips?
PAWG thread
Nude game. You know the roles
How often do you think about suicide?
Yo b
Why the fuck do girls use stupid excuses, or worse start ignoring you, when they don't want to meet you anymore?
Anyone got Sheena Duquettes patreon stuff? would love it but can't afford it on a college budget
Gonna cum soon
G/fur 4
About to go cheat on my 9/10 gf, pic related. thoughts? is cheating ok? you jelly?
Asian girl thread
Photos with no context
Roll for your life user
Waifu claiming thread
Black with pink goodness inside thread
I want to do a robbery of my store. Over 30k worth of phones. I have the codes to make it look like it wasn't me...
Anybody got a name???
Femanon here
US citizens: you elected a complete moron
My gf want more? Love showing her to my friends who know her irl anyone else into this
Well, I guess I'll tell my story. My parents came to the US before I was born. They had me January 6, 2002...
Female celebrities who got JUSTed
Which twin gets anal and which gets slapped?
Can you guys recommend me some good BBC videos?
Are you happy Americans?
Wwyd glasses edition
Music thread
Wanna see Sarah sucking dick?
Pennsylvania thread
Hey Sup Forums
Saves from Sup Forums
Help me Sup Forums I need advice on how to fucking diffuse a situation between my two good friends and I'm tired of...
Lesbians be like
Sup Forums, I'm on the roof. What do I do now?
I guess I missed the thread about missing the UWO thread.. was there anything good?
New Jersey Thread!
Can we have a hot wife/girlfriend thread?
So every Trump thread I come across either has some hard core circle jerk going on about how climate change was...
Waifu claiming thread
Left or right?
New FB/IG fap thread: version awh who gives a fuck there's always one of these threads anyways
Hey Sup Forums. I plan on wearing this tshirt at the next Slayer gig to offend dadfans...
Describe your sex life with a movie quote
Fluffy Pony General: "New PC so I need more pictures edition"
Does anyone know the name of this girl?
Itt: post your favorite league of legends champions
Convince me not to kill myself please
Day 1 of cum holy grail
Pics you shouldn't share 50000000
Ok Sup Forums just look at this they tried saying im sexist and shit how do i initiate maximum troll on these feminazis
Hey does anyone have any egg pics like the one attached? need pics of eggs
Every dubs is a new pic
Roll to determine your class
Girls in the shower
Ask a man who just fucked a hooker anything
By order of der Führer, hand over your papers!
Rule 34 thread!
No kik thread?
Hot sister thread
Cringe thread
This happened a long time ago
Anyone share my pregnancy fetish? How much does seeing a bitch like this turn you on?
Tomorrow you wake up next to your seven wives. What you do?
What game have you no-lifed?
Hey b...
Why do I hear voices in my head while I'm high on weed (pic not related)
I'm a professional shoplifter. I hit large retail stores every couple nights and resell the merchandise online. AMA
Roll fags
So Murica, what's it like being literally the dumbest fucking country on the planet?
Post some Dropbox links
Odds fap evens nap go go go
I was the first to start creating OC for the Andy Sixx shit-log
So user is currently in the process of getting a job with a reputable defense contractor...
Why don't you publicly identify as bisexual?
Remember when Lexi Belle was pretty and fit?
Would you Sup Forums?
FB/IG fap time
Going on my first date, should I wear this or my apple watch? Thanks guys
Wake up
YLYL, make me laugh you fucking you cucks
How do we fix millennials?
How come blonde blue eyed white women are universally accepted as the beauty standard?
Post some life hacks or even tips for life. It could be about anything; love, cars, cooking, cleaning, etc
Foot thread post feet
I need advice Sup Forums... My girlfriends dad hates me for no apparent reason. I haven't done anything to cross him...
Name a better super hero than The Flash
I'm glad we pulled out of that climate bullshittyness. it's about time someone put American jobs first...
Feels Thread
Sup Forums planning on getting a call girl to fuck me cause haven't got any in awhile any tips I need to not get...
Password to a girl's email, can't figure out what it is spelling out
Help Sup Forums I have a 10 year old cousin that's really sexually provocative with me for some reason...
Can someone red pill me on this girl and why she gets posted here everyday?
First time Flight help thread i guess?
How do we fix niggers from killing each other?
Hunger games thread
Let's get creepy
Anyone else afraid that the next GTA will be poisoned by the pressures of SJWs/LGBT community?
be me, get hit on by guy at party
Oklahoma Sluts
ITT: We post strange things
Celeb thread, folder is empty
Anyone want more?
Tfw only $30 to go off for the next two weeks
Texas Thread?
Faces you want to cum on
FB/IG fap
MI Sluts
Whats your favourite steam game?
Smoker thread. What do you smoke, Sup Forums? pic related for me
Give me life advice, Sup Forums. What are some life lessons you had to learn the hard way? I'm a girl...
Why are fluffy Threads deleated?
Gun thread let see your pieces you Sup Forums-tards
How can i get rid of my extreme oral fixation...
Name one good band that debuted within the last 10 years
First time ever having sushi, what do I get?
Rate my gf, Sup Forums
Chubby Thread!
What's your wierdest porn fertish Sup Forums??
First three words that come to mind?
Feeling like dumping her nudes who's keen
Thinking about stealing some phones at school for an extra buck. Any tips
Cuck thread
My girlfriend's crazy family sent this to me today, how should I respond?
My dog died recently, and I'm going to be getting a memorial tattoo of her...
Waifu claiming thread
What's her name Sup Forums?
Pics you shouldn't share
Milf thread
Quads and I will provide everybody with my Netflix account name and password
Ask somebody who sexually identifies as a neutron star anything
How fucked we are?
Why isn't there a trap thread?
How do I get a job after a year of not doing anything?
Local barista who does nude modeling. Guess her name for pics
Ask me any question rn and ill answer honestly
Sup Forums
Incest greentext?
You mad niggers?
Is this transgender movement really a thing Sup Forums? Don't they know that it's actually a mental illness?
Loli bread
Well Sup Forums I started my first day at MC and I fucking hated it. Here's why
Aparently this guy in Redding pa really likes cats
G/fur 3
My first tattoo I got it for free is it bad or dose it look decent at least anons???
Serious question Sup Forums
Anyone else want to fuck lolis?
Why are pale girls so beautiful?
We need uh rekt n rape thread in this bitch
Hi i am tranny from socal i've been on hrt 10 month and im excited to post my shit here
What do you do after you realize that nothing you do in life matters, and we are all going to die anyways ?
Let's say that Sup Forums gets taken down one day for whatever reason, where will you go?
Would you fuck me? I'd fuck me
Celeb thread
Sluts getting what they deserve
ITT: what is your passion and how did you come to find it
So what happened? Anyone seen her on?
I bought some BF-888s walkie talkies because they were cheap for what they are. But I soon got bored of them...
Poorly describe video games and others try to guess, I'll start
Why haven't you killed yourself yet, Sup Forums?
Am I a passable trap B
Who wants to jerk off to Kristen Stewart with me?
What's up Sup Forums. I'm going out with friends on saturday and we're planning on taking ecstasy...
Is there a free porn video website that doesn't have niggers? Or that at least lets you filter out niggers...
Can /b count to 10 without fucking up?
GILF thread
ITT: The hottest non-humans
Celebs with awesome pairs of tits
Dude how fucking autismo is this guy?
Will we end up dating?
Ask a guy at an AA meeting anything
Post god tier natural tits
Can we get a fucked up image thread going?
How do you know if she's the one?
Ass, pussy, mouth?
Has anyone done anything even remotely sexual with their Mom?
Give me some of your nastiest shit, not gore, just vomit inducing shit
Eurofag here
The time has come whiteboiss...
YLYL thread... all bananas if ya got 'em
the six other world leaders walked 200 yards to take a group photo at a piazza in a hilltop town. The U.S...
Fluffy thread
Why do white people have moles all over their bodies?
If Hitler's so fucking great, why is he fucking dead?
570 Stroudsburg area here. Looking to see if any Sup Forumsbrothers in my area can hook me up with any opes...
High for the first time ask me anything
Cunt thread
Grils you know IRL that you want to cover in cum. Friends? Coworkers? Family???
Sup Forumsros, please help me out! Does penis size matter to woman...
Ask away
Sup Sup Forums
Daily Most Enjoyable Berserk Thread
Admit it; You'd fuck her (pic related)
My grandfather gave me this recently, any of you faggots know what it is and how much its worth?
Average looking girls that turn you on
How do I convince a girl that I'm more than just the guy that fixes her car and occasionally drives her to work...
ITT: We roll for GTAVI cover part two
Celeb thread
S/fur doesn't plan on what happens
So um hey, hello anons. 2B's gone out for a bit...
Hello camwhore chan
Females are dumb
Dubs decide what I draw on my drunk aqquaintence
When will she be anaconda food?
Faces of Sup Forums thread
My friend and I are hanging out at my place. We're gonna use my pool later, so he invites his girlfriend over...
Is there a website where I can solicit donations for myself...
GF for Sharing Thread
Drunk as fuck and I want to die... ROAST ME PLS
I need help my Sup Forumsros. This girl has nudes of my friend...
General rule 34 thread
Michigan sluts thread
Missed thread with UWO girls
ITT: Best of YouTube
Time for our favorite user redhead to strip for us!
3D Lolicon thread
California nudes thread?
Scotland thread
Dubs decides
Brown girls thread
Good Girl/Bad Girl/Exposed Sluts
Girlfriend is tanning right now and sent me this. Thoughts?
Straight shota?
Best anti feminist memes. Show me what you got!
ITT: Roll for GTAVI cover
Cum/Cock Tributes Thread
ITT: Characters that remind you of yourself
Loli thread
New Thread
Hey Sup Forums I recently got a girlfriend and I have no idea what to talk to her about...
Random image thread
Take a Pepe leave a Pepe
More roulettes like this pls
Hunger Games thread
Spread her fame
Nofap thread, last 2 digits determines days. Get rawlin
What went wrong?
Is this true?
Well, I found this somewhere and I decided to let it out
Cumshot / Facial thread
G/fur part 2
Waifu claiming thread
Celeb thread
Fuck it who wants the video?
Who's this guy again?
Let's play a game a Sup Forums
Who is this princess? She looks familiar but I can't quite place it...
I'm drunk and want to die. Roast me /b
*blocks your path*
Woke up this morning with a sore throat, took a photo using flash and was shocked! wtf is this?
Cock r8 thread
Why do you hate Donald Trump so much?
Android 18 r34 bread
Ex gf pics
Do u like latinas?
Hey nerds
Hello I am a reporter from CNN
ITT: we treat each other splendidly until dubs turns us into mindless beasts. Each dubs is a mood swing
My niece just grabbed and rubbed my dick through my pants. AMA
How to get someone I care about to stop drinking?
Naked cosplay thread
People propagating the climate hoax just got FUCKING TOLD
The word fuck doesn't even cover the amount of rage I'm experiencing. Yes...
What's the key(s) to happiness?
Loli thread: Kana edition
I am thinking of getting one of those BBQ subscription boxes
Hey Sup Forums i heard you good at photoshop trying to get a girl can you make me look more hot thanks!
Which one is for shooting target and which one is shooting people?
Which race/ethnicity do i look?
Rekt bread
When fucking a hot trap, should her feminine penis be hard, soft, or in chastity?
Last three numbers determine what SCP you're locked in a room with for 24 hours, how fucked are you?
Hey guys how much do you hate niggers....nigger hate thread!
NEW Celeb thread
If quads on this thread I will cut my fucking useless dick live
For those of you that have foreskin...
Feet thread
Got a text from a random number, also I'm a dude
Do you guys like girls with tattoos?
Hunger games thread
Trap thread? Trap thread
Hey Sup Forums how's my tattoo look?
Hey B/ro's
S/fur bread ride with floofy titties and tails continues again
Wwyd with her?
Ask a straight guy who just sucked off a black guy he found on craigslist anything
British subhuman hate thread
Post weird and unexplainable pictures
Dubs decides
Asian girl thread, what would you do to ziqin?
ITT: Anons tell me what they'd like to accomplish and I coach them through it. Consider me your life coach for anything
Girls you actually know that you saw on here
Pics you should share/want more of
So the gf is pressuring me to watch her fuck a nigger. Am I nuts for even considering this?
Weirdest fetishes you have thread?
Where is the weirdest place you've ever rubbed one off?
On/Off Thread
I'm writing a paper for class on how anonymity can affect online communication...
Fb/insta fap thread
Be me
Your country
Anyone got more of this sloot?
Feeling lonely. Can someone make me happy? (:
Pic related
Hey Sup Forums what crimes have you committed?
What's yours?
The average erect penis is 13.2cm (5.16 inches). Scientists from King's College London measured 15...
Hop on in boys, grab a drink next to you, in this thread we won't be talking about politics, pornography...
Wwyd to her
Hey, I'm a 28 year old hotwife, what do you guys think?
Why are amerifats so retarded
Whoa better use a condom so I dont get this guy pregnant
Post your addiction Sup Forums what cant you live without and why
Good news...
Soundcloud thread
I m an 2007 fagfag. Im gonna post sum sheit i got
Take a rollllll
So this is how dumbass cops in America ride into battle against illegal immigrants
ITT: we post the tutorial/intro to a game and other anons guess what game it is
No matter what these alt+ right chucklefuck pukes think, smarts do matter...
Question thread - Ask any question and I will answer 100% honestly!
White femanon here. I really can't believe that people think we fuck white men. Their small cocks will never satisfy us...
Who has the full video?
the six other world leaders walked 200 yards to take a group photo at a piazza in a hilltop town. The U.S...
My parents hate me and no one at school is my friend
01001110 11100100 01100011 01101000 01110100 01101100 01101001 01100011 01101000 01100101 01110010 00100000 01001110...
Why don't you guys have a soft and loving bbw in your life right now. Fuck sleeping with skinny bitches
These are the genitals/butthole I'll be worshiping next week
Doing cock tribs, post and I will deliver
General Battlestation Thread?
I wanted to find out how many grapes i could fit in my mouth
So apparently that chick was an underaged prostitute and kept on being a prostitute until now when she's "legal"...
This girl goes to my school. Do whatever you want with her Snapchat
We pollute for YOU!
One piece swimsuit appreciation thread
YLYL Thread
Wank fest. which bitch do you wanna jerk to? choose one Sup Forums
What celebrity do I look like...?
Rate Thread?
Post your cum and cock tributes you made or saved
Without laughing
Leaving another turd at the doorstep of the future
At about 4:37 at the T-Mobile located at 9600 66th St. North in Pinellas Park...
What will the 2010s be known for?
Is she fat?
Is there a possibility to un-gay yourself...
Found nudes of my sons wife on his computer... who wants to see?
Who's the smart guy here?
Loli thread
Medfags help!
Sub Sup Forums
Fb/ig fab thread
Rule 34, Dumping this Johnny Test comic
What would you tell for the 14 year old yourself. Life tips/dont's thread
Waifu claiming thread
Hunger Games
Kik thread, post kiks of girls/"girls" willing to send
Smash or Pass
Who here /straight but likes cocks/?
Does anyone have more of this girl???
ITT its 2004
Who is she?
ITT: Daughter, Mother or Both? Why?
Trashy girls
Hello fellow perverts! How fucked up/orginial is this fetish?
..never, ever ends. s/fur
You’re stranded on an island, with only 5 items in front of you
Tell me why he isn't the best president the us ever had!
When someone rolls a 14 I will an hero on cam. Pic related, it's me
Roll to strip my ex gf
UK thread, get in here faggots
Wtf. girl i met online just sent me this. what is wrong with her tits did this used to be a man?
Hey Sup Forums this is the last porn thread I will fap to before I'll attempt to do a 30 day nofap...
Loli thread
Wwyd thread part 2
Morning after gangbang
Now that i have your attention
I cucked this loser and he didn't do anything about it. His bitch was great at sex too
Help pls
Random webm thread
Fluffy Bread
Ass thread??
When someone rolls a 49 I will an hero on cam. Pic related, it's me
Post your best Creep Shots. Tried to get one started up in morning but it didn't take...
Cute girls thread
Friends you want a blowjob from
Drawthread: EHG's Leaked Mixtape Edition
Make pollution great again!
So im really curious about making pot brownies / pastries...
Do you like my GF? Would you like to see her exposed? Sucking cock, nudes, fucking - webms? How would you use her...
Looking for nudes of zoe from bristol uk, someone in a uk thread had?
Magic 8 ball
Art thread
New thread Boxxy/Catie
Just realized this Sup Forums
Maisie thread
Dubs gets exs nudes -
MILF thread. The way they should be, full size pics and bad bitches
>>734444444 get thread lads
Have you ever been caught masturbating to your sister or mom's pics? Greentext the story
When someone rolls a 78 I will an hero on cam. Pic related, it's me
Wincest thread. Share your stories
Dear Sup Forums
Asian girl thread
Come on Sup Forums no drug thread
Well, looks like Trump outsmarted everyone again
No Maisie Thread
Stop chad thundercock Sup Forums
Anyone got any steam codes?
This is a legitimate question. Why is the US so against a friendship with Russia? It seems beneficial to me...
ITT we are comments on The Pirate Bay
What do you think?
How much would you pay for her to sit on your face?
Ylyl thread
...never ends
Trump making America more popular day by day
Anons of Sup Forums...
Loli thread?
Did I fuck up /b?
YLYL post funny shit anything goes sluts
Who sexually frustrated here?
The time has come whiteboiss. The black man finally cum victorious!
If E=MC2(squared) and energy is matter, and matter can neither be created nor destroyed...
Pics you should not share or saved continued
Wanna hear a story about the world's most unique breakup?
Rich KHV NEET here. AMA
Why do eurofags love incest so much?
Post your watches faggots
Would you fuck her?
Nostalgia continued
John titor thread. He was right about everything
Hey Sup Forums
Post in this thread or you will die in your sleep
I just got a pocket pussy... whats the best way to get the best feeling form it?
Wallpaper thread
So here you are, mad she's reposted
Why can't Atheists get dubs?????
So, does anyone have those leaks?
This girl apparently got so high that she forgot her brother was her brother, and had sex with him
Anyone know what the fuck this red spot on my thigh is...
Now that USA is losing almost all its friends and its influence in the world...
Hi Sup Forums
Do anti-Trump morons still exist? Can someone explain their psychology to me?
Your favorite pic/gif/webm to fap to
/pipe/ thread. Show off your shit
Reaction thread
This ugly fuck is fucking my sister, what can I do to stop him...
Trips for webm of Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner
I will never get a brazilian butt to stick my dick in
No g/fur thread? g/fur thread
UK Chav Thread
I've not seen any rekt threads recently, mind you I've not been on the Chan for a while. Let's get one started boys
Problem white boi?
Waifu claiming thread
You nostalgia you lose
Fake Celebrity Nudes
Femanon here, why do so many white guys think us white girls like black men?
Mom or daughter thread and why
Would u fuck my aunt?
Would you like to eat meat form young women if it was available in stores?
I'm on day 6 of nofap and I'm at my wits end, help me Sup Forumsros
So I've got 236 grams of stale dry hash
Celeb thread
I',m a sadfag
The Vatican is under attack. There was an explosion. Will you do your duty?
Dead Kennedys - Chemical Warfare
What would /b do for 4.5 BTC
Wwyd thread
Settle down tards of the internet, I think it's time for a story
Picture speaks truth
Help. I need professional /weed/ fags to help me clean my pipe...
Blocks your path. What do?
My spoon makes me pee blood if i'm too rough
Milf blowjob thread
Thick ass/wide hips
Dick rate thread? Dick rate thread
Neuer Deutscher Faden - Abendbrot Edition
Metal thread: keep elitist bullshit to a minimum edition
Fluffies!!! Yay!! Torture em! Maime em! Hurt em! Love em!
Hidden / creep / voy / spy thread
Chubby and plus
What's the best cartoon of all time?
Reminder that there is literally no reasonable justification for consuming animal products...
Just got the Wendy's 4 for 4 deal. Ask me anything
Are men who wear skinny jeans fags?
So why the fuck can't you fucking define fucking Atheism you fucking bitch? You fail at life, and you failed school...
New thread
Post sletjes die je op Sup Forums gezien hebt en IRL kent of sletjes waar je graag nog nudes van ziet en je IRL kent
W-why the fuck didn't anyone tell me that cum doesn't disappears entirely with time?
Ig/fb thread
Eurofag here
Just got my executive razors and handle in my mail from dollar shave club
Would you like work as woman executioner?
I'm thinking about becoming a vegetarian. I like to eat burgers and chicken but I can't help but feel bad...
When and How did you discover Sup Forums?
Find a flaw
No S/fur thread? S/fur Thread!
Post your price and characteristics:
Let's roll Sup Forumsitches
Asian girls are so cute
Being white but not supporting White Pride
I never leak it
Oh, you thought you were straight huh?
Any anons know why it takes me forever to cum when fucking but when I am jacking off I can cum in seconds
What do you think Emma Watson's asshole tastes like?
Degenerates will defend these pants
Best Porn games
Blocks your path
Make my girlfriend's pussy famous!
Help me Sup Forums
Celeb thread 2
Its prom season, girls in prom dresses
Let's play a game a Sup Forums
If you are under 6', you're not allowed to post ITT
Yo Sup Forums 20 year old here
Just wanted to share my laugh
What would b rate my sister/10
What did Hank mean in the last season of Breaking Bad when he said "my name is Isaac Schrader"?
I've liked girls all my life but now all I want to do is fuck traps. Is this normal or have I gone full gay...
A lot of kids at school are making fun of me saying I look like a boy (I'm a girl!)...
You nostalgia you lose
Any runefags want to give me their account they don't want anymore...
I think Kurt Cobain & John Lennon are both a genius in the same sense
If the world is flat why doesn't the water doesn't fall off the sides?
Rate my new dick
So the gf is pressuring me to watch her fuck a nigger. Am I nuts for even considering this?
So why do you watch porn?
Quads and i dump her lewds, assuming anyone wants
Can we get a Sup Forums exposed slut thread going?
Anyone remember/was involved in the /x/ "I am God" thread incident? Any thoughts on it?
The Fappening Part V!
I plan on going to ComicCon this year. Anyone know where I can get some good costumes...
Hey Sup Forums
Times you thought you were going to die
What would you do to me Sup Forums ?
Ask someone who's best friend fucked my crush right next to me while I "slept" anything
ITT: We're nice to each other until someone hits dubs
Has anyone seen the new post successful page!?, OMG it's awesome!
Bored so i thought i might tell you a story about something i did a few years ago
Alright fags, this place has been shitty for a long fucking time now...
YLYL thread, fuck your mom hard edition
What kind of person voluntarily drives a Saturn?
Roll trips for her nudes
Your go-to subway sandwich? Tell me what you filthy fucks prefer
Webm thread
Feet thread
Let's get a wallpaper thread going
Tfw spending all night trying to find something good to fap to and failing
My wife anybody interested?
Dropbox links, anything goes. I'll start
Why /b is fucking fap-thread?
Chubby Pup here, what's up Sup Forums? Taking requests and stuff while I'm shaved smooth. Please humiliate me. <3
Amy schumer? AMY SHUMER!! (ever been leaked???)
I'm Iranian, ask me anything. Roast me, insult me whatever. I just want to know what you lot think of Iranians
Considering fucking this transgender dude when i see my friend up north this weekend. Would be keeping it a secret...
Who would you rape if had the chance?
When someone rolls a 84 I will an hero on cam. Pic related, it's me
Where can I buy a mac-10? And why are they banned?
Anyone else wish they could turn off the desire for sex?
White genocide thread
Shouldn't share/ looking for more ex/gf/wife
New celeb thread
Lolicon thread post loli
How on earth can Hispanic "men" compete against this?
Why is she so famous?
Sean Spicer is actually trying to insist that Trumps "Covfefe" tweet wasn't a misspelling but a message to "Certain...
Here is question!
Post girls and others will give their price as slaves
Here is what a 54 year old, Jew pig, soulless ginger, washed up, has been whore looks like
Dumb shit bounty hunters try to apprehend suspect at car dealership in Texas fail miserably...
Need advice from people who have suffered from phimosis
There was a great New Jersey wins thread yesterday, lets do it again. Post some NJ sluts, 908 preferably
I hate everything I am I don't want to be talked out I just want to know how long it would take to bleed out after...
Urinal or cabin
Listen up, WHITE "men". Or should i call you "boys"?
Amateur Blowjobs - Thread
Roll to see what your face will look like at the end of 2017
Post in this thread or this will happen to you and your son
Is it just me or has South Park completely lost its touch?
Slave boy
Femanon here...
Welcome to the Witch Doctor's Hut. Your love life troubles you, so you've come to me. I can work magic...
I've been having some troubles with my current version of Windows 7, and i'm currently getting windows 10 to replace it...
Waifu claiming thread
Regrettably, my girlfriend passed away in a train explosion several years ago
Pics of your ex/ gf/ wife you shouldnt share
Neu deu fad
Do i really look German, honest answer sorry for the gay picture
Asian amateur share
So I recently put a car up for sale on craigslist and I've been getting a number of texts...
Who's this guy? Heard he was called Dan or something
If any of you like to hack and want a big ol' easy target. Look up the company "GDS Group"...
How does b/ upgrade its cup of noodles
What the fuck is this? Do I need to go see a doctor? It felt like a spot to start with...
Redheads/porcelain skin/freckles
Wishbone Ash - Blowin' Free
How often do you think about suicide?
I'm made chocolate, stored it a week in a rather warm room, it is soft and i'm not sure if its fat or bacteria on top...
The eternal question, Sup Forums:
Amber thread
Anyone know where this sloot lives
Have you guys ever thought humanity is the first race to evolve this far...
Craigslist stories?
Prove you aren't americunt?
*blocks your path*
Fb cleavage thread
Lets get a vola thread!
˙uʍop ǝpisdn pǝʇsod ǝq ʇsnɯ sǝɹnʇɔid puɐ ʇxǝʇ llɐ
Rate my knife Sup Forums
Ig/fb thread
Having a hard time with relationships, what can I do to improve and make more guys like me?
Had a shitty day today. Mum tells me she is suicidal and is thinking about ending her life due to medical conditions...
Gonna go hang myself in zintel canyon after I get off work. What would you do a few hours before you kill yourself?
Post your wife/gf for me to fap and cum to
Time to expand the void
U mad whiteboi?
Am I good looking enough that you might consider dating me?
Dubs for nudes
We need some screep shots.. voyeur shit and stuff.. Now!
Shouldn't share/ looking for more
G'morning user
Should I start smoking to deepen my voice? How long will it take? Will my voice go back to normal after I quit?
****the plot thickens****
Post your favorite tributes
Lost my reaction folder... Help me out Sup Forums
Trips names my puppy. Found the little bastard in the ditch with his pitbull mother...
Someone do me a solid
Hey guys name by band
Post ending I'm 4
Where does Sup Forums do it's grocery shopping? Kroger's God tier here
What's best fleshlight?
So Sup Forums I know you see this alot. Most of are suffering from it now
NUDES of my current gf. More?
UK slut thread
Anybody got any awesome paradoxes?
Celeb thread!
Want moar of my lil' sis'?
Chubby thread starting with my delicious thick black wife
How much do I fucking weigh. I can't read this gay ass thing...
Roast the fuck outta me i wanna be fukeen roasted
Kik thread
I want to celebrate the beginning of my vacation, so post your finest hentai
How do black men feel about this kind of thing?
People you find annoying but everyone loves
Would you date a cripple?
Hey Sup Forums feeling alright tonight?
Best Celeb ass thread
Whats the worst thing a girl has done to you?
Feet thread
Waifu claiming thread
Hey Sup Forums My boyfriend and I broke up last week. I lost my job due to the breakup...
My girlfriends big ass and thick body
Pic related
Post an objectively prettier girl
Sup Sup Forums. I wanna try Opioids but I'm not sure where to start. I just want something that'll chill me out...
How ugly are my tits?
Daily cut thread
Can i get a virus from saving pics I find on Sup Forums threads??
Front and Back thread. Go
Thoughts on lil peep?
Take a pepe leave a pepe
Would you touch your bone sculptures with unclean hands?
Fuck, Marry, Kill
So, you fuckers wanna have some fun? Let's fuck with buzzfeed for a while...
ITT: Weirdest place you've ever fapped
Faces of Sup Forums
Anyone got uncensored pics of Manchester bombing
Sharing pics of girls I fucked
Ask a guy who just fucked his first bbw/plumper anything
With all the archeological evidence proving the Bible is correct...
Can someone explain barrel diameters v. rifling to me...
Fuck marry kill?
Sup, Sup Forums. I've been rated 8-8.5 by girls but I also sometimes get a 5 or so. What gives...
Any emts got some interesting stories?
What's it like to get fucked by an animal like a dog or a horse?
Anyone know what my country is?
Why isn't there a way to increase penis size yet? This shit needs to fucking happen NOW!
Rekt bread
Even = fap
Blocks your way
Cuck thread share your stories
Family thread post sister,wife,cousin,aunt,etc
America's president
What cartoon is this bald man from?
YLYL thread niggers go
Sexy diputada hermosa de Mexico. Dubs y pongo fotos de ella
Sup Forums I need some advice
Other thread got ignore, this one has better quality
/nzg/ - New Zealand General
Who's smoking tonight?
Answer these questions
Get quads and I'll post her nudes
Femanon here, if i have sex with trump supporter will i become racist?
Reply to this thread or you will die in your sleep
NUDES you shouldnt share or exgfs/exwifes/current wives/current gfs/randos you want more of.. all the threads died
Be me
If you could be female for a week, what would you do?
Hey Sup Forums, I think my girl is too fat and it makes my dick look small
Druggie Thread (stoners need not apply)
My dad just died, can we get a feels thread going?
Let's play a game. Dubs unlocks doodle
Creepy spooky thread
Drawthread: Night out in the cold edition
Sup Sup Forums. Name my band
FB/Insta thread- Semen demon edition. Post only the hottest
Ask a Schizophrenic anything. I may take a while to reply sometimes, be patient
Interested in tugging your pecker to this cunt? I got sex pics and vids of her
Left or Right? WWYD
Desktop rate thread
I just found this beuty
Hi b/, so, my first ever gf at 26 cheated on me, how can I cope with this?
Cock rate thread
Trips gets personal army
Official Dick Rate Thread
Why do people attack Loli threads? What's wrong about appreciating artistic portrayals of beautiful girl-children...
Waifu claiming thread
What are /b's thoughts on pogo?
G/fur 5, the dicks dont stop thrusting
Deutscher Fotzen Faden™ Frühedition
So I'm at the doctors and the dude sitting in front of me is on Sup Forums. What do Sup Forumstards?
Take a Pepe leave a Pepe
Incest thread
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...
Sup Forums
Television and Film
Video Games