Why /b is fucking fap-thread?

Why /b is fucking fap-thread?

Greetings from Russia.


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Wow Ivan that's a cool beetle!















what are these supposed to be?

I dont know. It grows in Yalta.



i love big snek tho

In my region there are no big snakes.

fair enough. That's a snek

It' small snek.

It looks dead. You didn't kill snek did you?

Cлaвный пpивeт вaм из CШA! Haибoлee вepoятнoй пpичинoй тoгo, чтo / b являeтcя пoтoкoм fap, являeтcя тoт фaкт, чтo в / b вce идeт. И пopнo мoжeт cтaть дeйcтвитeльнo cтpaнным, тaк чтo дoгaдaйтecь, гдe дeйcтвитeльнo cтpaнный мaтepиaл, кoгдa oн cтaнoвитcя cлишкoм cтpaнным для oбычных caйтoв? Oн пpoдoлжaeтcя / b. Haдeюcь, этo пoмoглo oтвeтить нa вaш вoпpoc.


snake? snake? SNAAAAAKEEE!!!

Not dead.
Proof: youtube.com/watch?v=Yq_1fEzTFbo
It snek can't kill me.

On our russian board only 1 or 2 fap-threads in /b.

But there are a lot of them here.

Nice thread nice photos yuo is good Sup Forumstard тoвapищ

>This snek

Giv snek a hat

Cпacибo, comrade.



Steppe ratsnake

>Be inna canoe
>With Christian camp counselor and buddy
>Snek swims by
>Counselor hit snek with paddle
>Collect dead snek and show everyone fresh kill
>"Look at it still move"
Poor snek was just swimmin in the sun.

