Pic related

pic related.
4 speeding tickets in just over a year, fuck me.
>Senior year 16
>rushing back from lunch to get to graduation practice
>pulled over, 55 in a 35 right by my house, ticket
>driving home at 2 in the morning
>depressed and anxious to get home
>pulled over, 104 on the freeway, ticket ($500 dollars, FUCK)
Then, TWO in the last month, the first driving home from work, and another on the freeway. Do I really speed so much more often than other people? Or am I unlucky? Is it just because I'm not fully mentally developed? But, most importantly, am I totally fucked as far as being insurable and having a license? Or at least getting it back eventually.

>tldr: 4 tickets in under 18 months, how fucked am I?

Sorry, 16 as I. 2016, I'm 19 years old

How about this.
Don't fucking speed.

>be me
>never a single ticket in my whole life
>never seen need to "I wanna go fast"

In all seriousness though, not much. I have a homie who's about to go to prison for back fines and he just got 3 more traffic violations Friday. You'll pay a hefty fine and be on your way.


just don't tell your insurance company anything....

Either way, better work overtime to pay them bitches off.

>But, most importantly, am I totally fucked as far as being insurable and having a license?

prepare for your insurance to double or triple next year.

bruh tickets are reported into a system that your insurance has access to. lol.

You're a dickhead mate. Stop making excuses for impatience. Slow down. Youll end up killing someone, or yourself.

Time to pay the fucken piper.

Yeah, that means I'll probably get cut off, so bye car for now

How about you stop speeding you fucking dolt?

>having insurance

Damn rich people.

In my state that wouod be enough points to revoke your license

And it should be revoked. Youre too retarded to be behind the wheel of a car. Then you wont have to worry about insurance.

Yeah, I know, logically of course, it's best not to. I'm not fucking going to anymore though. I blame teenage angst, but that doesn't That it was my doing

*change, sorry I'm high and on a phone

you should seriously start considering stopping being such a fucking retard

>tfw you have an old insurance card you scan and edit the dates on every 6 months

I haven't paid for insurance in years and have been pulled over numerous times. Cops never do shit aside from looking at card and handing it back. They only care about my license usually.

I am rich though. I don't know if that makes it more or less my fault

Work for insurance company.... we are lazy to check sometimes... lets renew this shit and collect

Oh yeah, I'll just give you all my personal information

I've handed them an old expired card one time for shits and giggles in hopes it would work. It did... Cop glanced at it for literally a second and gave it back once he realized it was a real insurance brand.

I don't even do that. They few times I kinda fumble around pretending to look for my insurance card, the cop goes back and runs my license and never mentions insurance card again.

So just never have a car accident I guess. Or pay out of pocket

I've told them numerous times when I wasn't insured that I had it just not in the car, they've never done jack about it

Never had a single accident in my entire life. No tickets either. I'm a pretty pussy driver so I doubt I'll have anything to worry about unless someone hits me. In that care I assume their insurance kicks in.

This is my usual go to. Say something to the effect of "in the other car" or something and they usually roll with it.

That should be your decision to begin with, shouldn't it?

Why dont you just stop being a young piece of shit and start acting like an adult in at least this aspect of your pathetic life and ya know....

slow down a little.

You are a piece of shit. I hope you get jail time. Stop endangering the lives of innocent bystanders.

Maybe try not going over the speed limit?