General Battlestation Thread?

General Battlestation Thread?

Pic related, it's mine.

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why tho


>mfw there's 6 monitor screens


looks a bit depressing but cozy


I use them for work, also driving sim.

This is amazing.

Terrible lighting, so it's very difficult to tell.
The retro feel is really nice

either a woman or a fag.
simple nice set up

>6 monitors
>No mechanical keyboard

i am a loser

look how much of a loser i am


>6 monitors
>standard, shit tier, membrane keyboard
what a faggot

gonna rape the family that owns the house?

>lives in the attic
>eats raw butter


Yer, got to make sure you can type over 9000, or what is the point of living?!

You can't believe it's not butter

But seriously what the fuck

>eats raw butter

>eating "I can't believe it's not butter"


How arw the minitors attached? Show a pic

Eating the margarine is a fucking meme you newfags


not in usa. They even fry it.
flora isn not butter


did I fucking say it was?

Nice. How many bodies do you have burried out there?

simple but effective

sure why not

All displays are connected on long display port to mini DP, connected to a HD 5870 Eyefinity 6.

all this plebs not having a separate drawer of mouse and keyboard

wtf pls explain use of screens

>how are monitors attached
>explains how they are plugged in

I didnt ask how they were plugged. I asked how were they "attached"

My bros

is he a fucking midget?

This is probably the gayest shit i've seen today, i hope you're trolling.

Great view man, where do you live? A cabin?

>hillary for prison 2016
bad b8

looks cozy, i like it

Ok, they are bolted together, with a hinge to allow it to be flat, or turned in.
Check out page 4 here:

Lol .

hey its you mobile man

Thanks bro


do you ever hit your head on the ceiling after you wake up?

No I sleep on my side

Oh wow, ive never seen monitors attached like that. I guess that specific monitor has those built in attachment points?

Saw these posted the other day. Can u confortably fuck on that bed? Can you administer "doggy style" with head/upper body clearance?

Do you want to marry the fucking word "attach" or something?

Yes you can and if I go doggy I bend them over the bed . Can get a little tight but it isn't bad

Yes, i know the difference between plugged and attached. Sorry.

It's true watches at $?

Lol cool. Do you have AC in it? While its off? Power inverters and such?

Yup, totally proprietary. PITA if one ever breaks. Will have to drop down to 1x3 as I am not sure I can get a spare from anywhere anymore.
But they are great and have lasted a long time so far!


I have only ever need a fan and heater. And yes I have an alternator charging system with 400 amp hours on full charge

And a laundry chute

Nice, quite expensive setup i imagine. Do u need an expensive video card to push those? I know nothing about multi monitor setup.

Very nice house, you must be a fancy boy.


Damn, i must admit, this is neat. You can save alot of money this way. Live off the grid, live anywhere. I guess you dont need much AC whwre u live?

>Very nice house

that's an apartment, you faggot

I call her commander Shepherd.


the little chuckle u let out when u realize you have the same keyboard.

Travel with the seasons . Gets to hot? Find a cooler place lol


I can't even have a proper battle-station

Why are you being mean? I didn't know what it was. Nice apartment then.

Micro center as well?

>Why are you being mean?
if you're a chick, tits or GTFO. if you're a dude, you're a pussy. :)


outdated photo but i'm too high to even bother taking a new one, speakers are on stands now and amp/eq have been moved off the desk

AMD Eyefinity 6 gfx card, but you can do it with joining up cheaper gfx cards and running it that way.
It's not a cheap setup, and there are probably much better and cheaper ways to do it now. But I like the fact that all the connections are the same and I can control all the menus on all 6 screens simultaneously, individually any combination from the attached keypad in seconds.

Can you mechanic? How do you work?

If this is yours it looks really cool

i got mine off amazon but i literally live 2 min away
from the micro center in Boston.

Nice bullet dildo
Nice tit-speakers
Nice misuse of construction paper
Nice side-trackpads
Nice unusable rubber duck
Nice rock, and also the circular stone next to it.
And, funniest of all, nice mac

You made me cry, hope you are happy.

lucky 7 dubs twice. go buy yourself a powerball ticket, user. today is your lucky day

I am a trained mechanic ad electrician so work is easy to pick up no matter where I am . As electrician I can just sleep in most job sites and use temp power(van can be plugged in) and when I do the mechanic thing I can usually sleep at the shop . I change it up a lot so I don't get bored

Nice, did you end up temporarily fucking up a couple bigger keys with the little key cap puller thing? Lol



Interesting but so much unfinished wood. Do you unironically get splinters every day?

my unoriginal meme desk

Damn, i envy you. You are not the modern slave like i am and majority of people. You literally have your own life not controlled it seems like. Do you plan on getting a different van, bigger, any other mods you plan on doing? Did something happen for you to be tired of society, are you tired of it? I am.

My question is where do you shower

this shit screams "cuck"

>where do you shower
implying folks on Sup Forums actually shower.


i raped the spacebar and had to spend an hour
trying to find out how the fucking metal hooks
went on.

Also nice unusable socket,
Nice dad mug,
nice vape charger (I'm sure vapes aren't the only things you suck)
Nice beige deckchair,
Nice pointless dangling bathroom lightbulbs,
Nice shitty mounted picture,
and have a very nice day.

either that or flaming homo

If this was an even shittier site than it already is I'd give you a nice "like".

I have a 24 gallon water tank or use a gym depending on place

what kind of speakers?

Yeah it's an HP but when it's just over 700 through employee purchase when I got it mid last year, I'll deal with the uber hatred of it.

75 percent of the stuff on my wall are SFM posters i've made myself

Its even worse with its stupid giant return key, it has 3 of those hooks and one goes vertical. Speaking of which the only real complaint I have of the keyboard is that stupid giant return and the unreasonably small back key

>24 gallon water tank
Okay but what do you just like bird bath or have some type of portable shower or what?

>Be me
>Ex leaves
>Empties bank account
>Move into van
> don't look back

Beautiful view, a la baywatch outro


75% of the posters are 40% of the total clutter in there, and those lights... WTF? LGBT parade style?