Make pollution great again!
Make pollution great again!
literally nobody cares (accept eco-terrorists like OP)
If you can tell me, in your own words what exactly the Paris agreement is, I'll take you seriously.
I don't get irony: the post
Good riddance EPA! did nothing but get in the way of businesses and killed jobs! sad!
I voted for him because he is very smart
Nicaragua, Syria, and the US are now the only countries not part of if now. Good to be in the great company as top nations like Syria.
>killed jobs
better than killing people and the planet as a whole.
Nicaragua seems to be fond of their pollution tho
anyone here voted hillary?
America comes first faggot. The world comes second, the future comes third and our partners come fourth. How is this hard for you retards to understand?
This is how we make America great again.
Didn't vote.
Still fuck Trump and his alzheimers
You don't need to know whats in it. Thats the whole point. Trump never read the thing either.
Actually fuck you. You don't get to be the problem and bitch about it as well.
you didn't vote so you don't matter.
covfefe is the future
Here comes the turbo-autists to glorify their orange lord.
This cult of personality shit is reaching North Korea levels.
I'm going to look up and at least skim through this Paris thing. I wouldn't be surprised if it was actually horrible. Wasn't there some SOPA-like bill called something like the "protect children from child pornographers" act? SOPA itself is the stop online piracy act, so there's a history of disguising horrible shit with some altruistic idea. Maybe all of these other countries are signing it just because it sounds good to be pro-environment and Trump will be remembered as the one who saw through all the bullshit?
Sad. Makes an uninformed argument.
Funny how he controls you, isn't it?
From your post I can tell that you are one or all.
1-Gender Fluid.
4-straight dick sucker and doesn't care who knows.
5-Beta BF of a Beta male.
6-Stupid as fuck.
Like the Hillary worship a few months ago?
>America comes first faggot
So much bait in this thread, but the autism in these four words made me actually laugh out loud. No idea how a country even works. Can you convince me why we should allow men to sleep with 13+ year olds again?
Find it funny that you represent most of that list by just defending the talking grapefruit.
implying i'm americuck
Even China is found of renewable energy.
2 decades and it will buy your shit out for nothing, amerifags.
Without vision, perspectives and endeavour, your country is no more than a bunch of biggots, inbreds and hillbilies.
Reading comprehension.
Every fucking thread.
I am disappoint
Too illiterate is back. Is it just your fingers are too fat?
Sure kid
Waste management is not the same as pollution dickwads. I do believe he will encourage green energy and innovation into renewable power. Stepping out of the Paris agreement I think is more like throwing off the chains from a meddling entity to have more freedom and say over your own.
Good job Donald. Keep making America great again!
You mean America. You can't say we haven't been doing more than any city-state... till now. Hail the glorious leader!
Hillary Clinton sold uranium to the Russians and sold weapons to Russian allies when they donated to the Clinton foundation.
Bernie Sanders honeymooned in Soviet Russia after getting married, has friends that were arrested for selling and giving American secrets to Soviet Russia, and for years flew a Soviet flag in his office.
Why are people upset with Donald Trump over anything to do with Russia. I can honestly see the opposing parties (who had actual ties with Russia) setting this up to try and turn America against her President.
Donald Trump is actually using common sense in making decisions.
Obama isn't president anymore.
Wait I was thinking the turd with ears.
My bad.
Heard this for eight years.
>accept eco-terrorists
Fuck the Earth!! What has the Earth ever done for me? Lol
That President is really good for us Europeans. Now we work more closely with China, we will prosper while America will be isolated.
Trading works two ways, he should learn.
eco-terrorism fucking rules, fuck u buddy.
>accept eco-terrorists like OP
Nicaragua actually refused the agreement because it wasn't harsh enough in its rules. We're paired with Syria on this one.
How are you doing tonight? Rate me.
It doesn't make littering legal, idiot.
In a decade, pollution levels in Beijing/Shanghai will swap with levels in LA/NYC. The Chinese will be breathing clean fresh air and Americans will be wondering why the prevalence of lung cancer is skyrocketing.
Yawn, sure kid
Low energy. Sad!
Who the fuck would anyone ever agree to be bound in an agreement they haven't read?
Except Nancy pelosi.
You know what, I find it sad, that as a Scot, I understand the politics of America more than actual the majority of Americans.
It is evident that people are just ignorant to all these stupid decisions from the Whitehouse.
Not only are some choices made very unconstitutional to the US, but others will endanger the fragile American economy even more.
And all the ignorant knuckle draggers do is spout out some random liberal based attacks, post Korean model pics, and try and grasp any straw to defend this idiot of a man.
Truly the US has passed the point of no return, the Corporations are firmly in control and the People are going to suffer.
Totally ludicrous.
America needs to set an exam for all in voting age to take a test, to see if they are understanding of the processes etc, if they pass they can vote, that way the window lickers do not get a say, because they are the majority and enable the financial rape of Americans.
What is sadder is people think that the American GDP is the country's wealth, how fucking stupid is that, they have no clue at all.
Oh well if he isn't impeached by the end of the year, say hello to the largest economic crash in US history (worse than the one in the 1920s), and you think people are starving now? Just wait and see.
>huhhuh if I call him kid it'll totally invalidate his argument
you're a dork