Well, looks like Trump outsmarted everyone again

Well, looks like Trump outsmarted everyone again...

covfefe (cov fe'fe') is arabic for "I will stand up"
...so "Despite the negative press, I will stand up. (covfefe).

Trump trolls libfags hard.

Other urls found in this thread:

translate.google.com/#ar/en/سوف أقف

So, it this covfefe shit done with then?

"i like trump cause he says what he means"
"no, he didnt mean that. when you decipher his words with this code i created to understand what he means..."

>this code i created
Arabic is not a 'made up code' you stupid nigger

then why did he delete it?
And why didn't he ever just say that's what he meant?

except covfefe doesn't mean shit in Arabic or any language.


translate.google.com/#ar/en/سوف أقف

You believe that shit? Haha, what the fuck is wrong with Trump-supporters?

I speak arabic, and the closest to "I will stand up" if you type it western alphabet is "sawf faqaf". So not even close. Fucking idiot.

>sawf faqaf
>so fuck off
I can dig.

Outsmarted who??
A ward of retards?

too bad it isnt arabic you retarded cunt. go gargle more trump dick slime

covfefe is the new updog

Trump's cucks, assemble!

>A relation can be found, therefore it must be what he meant
>this can't be a typo
Do you happen to believe in conspiracy theories OP?
Anne Frank did 5/7

I don't speak arabic, but I've heard of google translate. Do the people who read this shit not know how to use the rest of the internet or something?

Why would Trump an out-spoken anti-muslim use an Arabic word on the off chance people would know what it meant...

And if the use of the "arabic" was intentional, what possible reason could he have for deleting the tweet?

TBH, i find the fact that the libs are immature enough to make such a big deal out of a typo on trumps twitter really highlights how utterly insufferable they've become since the republicans are back in office.

It's actually pretty funny, the world is a bit more balanced now, actually. There's a dethroner to the liberal plague

It's a spelling error that a bunch of people blew up that now the media is trying to justify with completely ridiculous interpretations.

>There's a dethroner to the liberal plague
If anything, he's just stirring more of their shit up.

they are not making fun of the typo, but rather that it was allowed to stay on air for 6 hours before it was taken down

It's more than that. That prick of a president can never admit a mistake so he lies and makes everyone around him lie also.

What's "updog"?

I do think it's immature to make such a big deal over a spelling error. That being said don't you think it's equally moronic to try and justify it when everyone knows what it is.

that would be true if Spicer had just said "it was a typo, guys, it's not that big a deal."
That's not what he did. He said "the president and a small group of people know what he meant". Because *they* are the ones who can't admit that Trump made a simple human error. That's the problem here.

If he'll lie about a stupid little typo about stupid shit we can see, imagine what he must really be lying about big time regarding the stuff we can't see. For the first time, we'll have a president that will die in jail.


Well that is a bit lazy, but it's also a bit funny how much attention they give him now that I think about it, like they're enabling him


I'm just here to shitpost my dude

You're talking like Trump lying is new

Were you asleep the entire election?


So he's speaking in arabic now?

So instead of wiping isis out in 30 days, he's talking in their language. Right after shaming himself and every ameican on the planet by sucking saudi dick in front of the world media.

And you yanks call him an alpha male?

I've never seen such blatant cuckoldery. Unbe-fucking-lievable.

You better have brought enough for the class...