UK thread, get in here faggots
UK thread, get in here faggots
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Oi m8. Puddanutha shrimp onda bawb E
Obligatory fuck Teresa May & reminder to vote her out.
cardiff anyone? fucking dreading this weekend boyoes
Fuck Britfaggots... Las Malvinas son Argentinas!
aww, bless
Any Birmingham wins?
Unlucky cherub
It's a shame you can't have them shitty freezing desolate rocks in the southern Atlantic for all they're just off your coast. Such a nice name you have for that little shithole. Suppose we might as well keep the cunts cos of all that oil and natural gas around them
Give 'em back, pirats! Or get prepared to be invaded... again
Any Huddersfield winz
whats going on lads
Any Portsmouth fags in?
Portsmouth checking in
You going out drinking tomorrow?
Probably not why?
Are you gay or 14?
Wigan wins?
Mate of mine is having a house party, was going to pre at Honest Poli and go down
Northern Ireland reporting in
Look the Bennys want nothing to do with Argentina, so give it a rest.
imagine being in the UK and not living in London, kill yourselves peasants
Lawl. London=Refugee Camp
Wanted to trade? If so just use this
lol retard how do you even have internet and electricity
I don't have many to trade, but I'll have a look in my folders
Cause I speak fluent English, I don't stink of curry and have 9 wives and I don't bomb my local area.
This snap election is gonna be craaazy, if tories don't win people gonna be so mad and if labour doesn't win, so mad. I reckon it's gonna be so close to 50/50 split
In which case it'll be a labour coalition
Where abouts?
Lmk what you have
Corbyn is an idiot who has no idea what is required to make his manifesto achievable.
He's proved this repeatedly, that and he's a terrorist sympathiser.
It's the Tories to lose.
Just moved to Portsmouth
Been Honest Poli twice now dead both times. Where can an oldfag prey on drunk uni girls?
Mid Ulster, you?
Birmingham checking in with the DUBS
Said the Daily Mail to manual workers
Good evening.
Honi poli on a weekend is usually good
South Antrim reporting in
The Daily Wail more like.
The reality is that if May and Corbyn are the best candidates for PM we are all fucked
As in Antrim town?
Popworld on a Purple Wednesday is a goldmine. If you're looking for pubs, FatFox or something down Elm Grove / Albert Road does the trick
I don't know why people are focusing on who will be PM. It's fucking meaningless. We didn't vote for May or Brown but they've both ended up PM. The party/house majority is what matters. Vote for the party you think will look after you. So unless you're cunting minted, it's Labour.
You know Felicity s?
Any Suffolk faggots in This thread??
enough politics, let's see some tits
6 cute girls / 1 vote
Do to user!
You sir are a gentleman and a scholar. The few times I've been out in Albert Road it's been largely over 30s, any particular pubs. Will check out Popworld, had assumed it would be full of chavs with a name like that, but I can put up with a few dickheads if the ratio is decent.
Inverness here
It's a shit night and I've no cigs left.
ayr here
Fuck London. I'd rather live in a country manor.
They flooded us with immigrants.
Won't fight IS.
Believe richer people should pay more tax, why? Why should I not be allowed to enjoy my own self generated wealth?
Labour are simply socialists who want everything to be free.
Look at Corbyn talking about childcare, Attwood about Policing, they hadn't a fucking clue how to fund either.
Yeah London's a fucking cess pit
Nah m8. London's where the true kings go to mess around and have fun in, not to live in.
At least you've got some hot female train ticket inspectors, fuck all in Perth
Vote for Mother Theresa in a weeks time.
Supposed to be from Belfast
So you believe that under the Tories (who wanted to be in/stay in the EU) we would have had less immigrants? Jesus fucking wept.
Socialism is great. When you stop being a 20 year old estate agent with dreams of having a new BMW and instead have children and people you care about, you'll realise that.
With what, a few cold war jets and maybe a cruise ship repurposed to land troops?
Hahahahaha. The only thing worse than a nigger is an Argie.
Usually all for politics but less chat more tits yeah?
Wouldn't know, last I checked there were only old guys and fat fuck women
Used to visit Perth every few months with friends, why is your night life so shit? Only half good bar I recall was the Green Room but apparently it's filled with students now
Albert Road is like a local pub road mostly, but Elm Grove is usually good, fair few students go to the Deco.
Popworld on Wednesday you'll need student ID to get in. You might be able to get in as a guest with a student? But I'm not overly sure on that
Tony Blare and Gordon Brown took the UK to the edge of going bankrupt. Gordon sold all of our gold, was borrowing so much that we went over 52 billion in debt. Not only that but when the torys got in after Gordon, labor had left a note for the new tory treasurer saying "Sorry, all the moneys gone" - So the torys did a load of cut backs to save money and pay our debts - 12 years later, still in debt, people hate the torys for cleaning and still cleaning labors mess - If labor get in were fucked
Any more belfast/lisburn area?
Not if the tits look like that.
More belfast?
More Manc???
Are you seriously voting for her?
She's said fuck all about her manifesto, and has just slagged off Jeza.
Welcome hard Brexit and goodbye, NHS.
>if tories don't win people gonna be so mad
Socialism is great?
So you think, living off the earnings of others is great?
Why should people work for the benefit of people who don't/won't work?
If people want families and childcare and free school meals why don't they pay for it?
Amen brother
>he's a terrorist sympathiser.
You're retard. He just believes in trying to talk things out first.
I don't agree with everything he says, but I reckon he could be the catalyst for genuine change.
>Welcome hard Brexit and goodbye, NHS.
The NHS isn't working, it needs rebuilt from the ground up, anyway. At least if it's privatized, there will be less shit brushed under the rug when they fuck up monumentally
Because either way the Tories are going to fuck you
>Tony Blare and Gordon Brown took the UK to the edge of going bankrupt
>tories have been in govt since 2010
Bristol here.
Not voting this time
Can you move back over to Sup Forums fgts
Got any Bristol uni girls?
Going back swimming this weekend lad?
He isn't a sympathiser. He's a pacifist and believes more in unvesting to prevent than investing to retaliate
The tories have repeatedly failed to achieve anything they set out to.
Their aggressive austerity measures have meant they've had to borrow more money.
Socialism isn't all about paying the jobless.
The NHS is literally socialism in action. Would you prefer to pay to use healthcare, like the Americans? 5k for asthma, 50k for a broken knee, £500k for cancer, etc.
I hate to break it to you, but if you like the NHS, you like socialism. And if you don't like the NHS, well, you're retarded.
Labour were in power for 10+ years and achieved fuck all.
The tories were in power before that, and achieved fuck all.
Yet taxation across the board has risen.
Politics have failed the UK. We need a better system, and a hard reset.
I'm a retard? Very mature response.
And he believed the IRA campaign was justified and they should be honoured?
In other words, he thinks a terrorist group that murdered British citizens, Soilders, Police Officers and Prison Officers should be honoured. How can he be trusted to respond to a terrorist attack?
He can't even be honest about a train journey for fuck sake.
I wish ISIS were like the IRA 2bh. At least they had the common fucking decency to call us up before they bombed a building.
There are aspects of socialism which are flawed as there is with any political structure. So really you're all right. The NHS is great but things like the welfare state need a serious reformation before they become good and fair to all.
It's not working because the tories are running it into the ground so they can claim it's not working. Out-sourcing to private companies cost the NHS more.
disappointing thread is disappointing
are you a fuckin moron ?
socialism doesnt work , look what happened when it was last here .... rats run the streets , the dead went unburied , power cuts , nothing in the fuckin shops .... this is why children shouldnt be allowed to vote , jebus fuckin wept
Any Doncaster?
You are regurgitating Daily Mail headlines over and over again thinking that they must be true because you read them in big letters. It's cute, but sad. Like watching a dog with no back legs try to run.
Liquid on any given night (though I think its called prism now)