been transitioning for 6 mnth now,
would i pass IRL
19 BTW
Other urls found in this thread:
no, OP always looks like a faggot.
Yea, you could pass IRL as a Caitlyn Jenner impersonator
tits or gtfo
You're a fucking dude
need an actual titty with a dicky too
get those disgusting man tits outta here
Hell yeah, would bust gallons in
Can we get sum booty (;
I'm the blue haired retard from the other board, fancy seeing you here, what kind of transitioning are you talking about?
maybe on snapchat
Most pathetic tits I've ever seen. 0/10, Would rather fuck a granny
No you wouldn't pass, don't post boobs looking for attention, or anything nude, you are a mentally ill individual who believe they are a woman in a mans body, you need serious help not attention.
What is it
sexy. got any more?
You still have a dick?
You look like a muhhfuckin Uhhhh.... a muhhfuckin uhhhh
Yeah you're actually pretty cute. 19 yo male and I'd totally date you
Fuk yea
you're cute
Yore a betch
U r an fagit
you retards need to fucking learn to read file names.
At least I'm a faggot that knows what I like
I agree. Their totally a fag
lol she thinks she has 32 dd
bitch you're fucking delusional, we know how have teeny little b cups
actually gorgeous congrats op
Fuck off roastie we know it's you
Fags' are gay, right guys?
Super passable.. GF material right here.
Good to see the ugly mongoloid bitch getting absolutely roasted ITT lmfao
OP looks kind of girly but the pictures are poor
Since when does Sup Forums care so much
the biggest problem is that (s)he said she'd send nudes to guys she said were qt, and didn't send nudes to anyone. then we found out that she's ugly as fuck, so we're returning the favor.
also we're keeping it fresh on the minds of those who inhabit the servers which are notorious for doxing folk (wink)
Trips of truth
Roastie getting toastie
Trips has spoken
She was being a huge cock tease and never delivered
I'd bang tbh
Seems like your cock teasing was a grave mistake camwhore chan
You're turning into a meme
We're working on your physical address btw
Oh yeah we've located your ip fyi
yeah it's a pretty great tuck job, you almost cant see it at all
Nobody cares about your roasted vagina lips at this point you mongoloid cunt
send me some food?
Show us your dick.
She posted more lewds
We don't care about that :)
This is the saddest, most desperate attempt to gain attention I've witnessed.
OP you need to get an IRL friend, this is getting depressing. God how awful is your life. Sorry you're so ugly that you don't get attention IRL but please go to a counselor and learn how to cope with it because that face will never be pretty.
see >>> see >>> youtube.com
she unadded me lmfao.
What did you do
Asked for nudes lol
The ego of a whore is fickle, surely you would know this
whats it so you can meet up and receive dick in your asshole
I also told her she was ugly, she needs to know. She let her ego get too fat, almost as fat as her nose
There's a reason she doesn't get attention IRL.
Well that explains it.
Ugly body, fake tits. No you would not pass. Give up now and accept that you're male (I know it sucks no matter how much women tell us we have all the privilege). If it's too late and you can't go back then become an hero
I feel bad for OP
Not only is she disgustingly ugly, she's really fucking dumb. Her only value is her body.
Can you at least bathe before next time you come beg for a attention? I'm tired of seeing your gross dirty skin and nails. Thanks you nasty whore.
You sure as fuck wouldn't pass as a photographer
Hey slut add me back, I don't want to get my other fake account up and running again. I'm the guy who dissected you mentally, thank you.
Guys I think the ugly cunt may have finally deleted her throwaway account. It's notacamwhore404
try and add her and message her, see if it goes. Or maybe she just bans me super quick now lol
i have no interest in trying to message her
your face look so cute, too bad for the picture quality :/
nobody ever thought she was cute lol
She posted in her story about an hour ago
reload it, my story is gone on her. just made a fake account and added her, nothing pulls up. her story was available to non friends before
Just did. Whats you SC? I'll send tou the last story update. Really nice shot of her ass
well it is, and i need more
Story is still up for people she added
Ask her for nudes rn
I'm confirming her account is still up
She was posting screenshots of this thread.
I'd fuck OP. I for one enjoy the trip shes taken us on.
Fuck off whore everyone hates you
She's gone to bed
Fucking dubs yet again confirm
Posting degenerate traps doesnt make the girl in ops pi a trap. That is clearly a girl. Trying to equate real females with your feminized boys does not make real pussy less real or feminine boys less boys.
Yes, as an ugly girl, until you pull down your pants. If he see's that feminine penis, 2 things will happen:
>He'll beat the shit out of you cause you told him you're a girl when clearly you're not, even kissed you and shit.
>He'll suck on it cause he's a faggot.
Yeah earlier
Post results ITT
KYS shitbird. Go shitpost somewhere else.
No, it's more fun to torture mongoloid retard girls
Doubt anyone will get any results - its like 2:32 AM in cali
Some mothfuckers always pissin into the wind.
does she block who takes screenshoots?
Like OP, god you can see how fucking nasty and gross she is even with the potato resolution snaps
I was snapping her until like 10 minutes ago since she last blocked me lol
add me! i just added you, guillermo3218
i think you're cute, add pls
YEAH, i wanna kiss you and make love with you!
this is her post
lol nobody wants to kiss that disgusting face
you have no idea whats going on do you
You guys get off on verbally abusing females that you never could fuck irl? as a bonus you can indulge your desires for cock?
random whores? yes
You've been offering her $ for nudes? Beta much?
Add me back, my snap is guillermo3218
Thanks bb
is that ok with you?
Hey I knew you were still awake
Why'd you block me? lol
Why won't she add me back :(