Rule 34 thread!

Rule 34 thread!
post your best stuff
also anything Tekken related or any of the Sm4sh girls as maids would be appreciated

Other urls found in this thread:


das bump

























hey guys check out my friend's art





how bout you save and post it faggot

















Hi there user Sup Forums user! Just stopping by to ask why you didn’t end this comment with a period? You are aware that this is improper punctuation and therefore the wrong way to go about using the english language correct? I think I speak for this community as a whole when I say that this is quite disturbing and it makes me very confused. Was this merely an accident? Did you really mean to add more but accidentally posted? Were you killed mid sentence? The problem is I have no clue! This will most definitely keep me up tonight if you don’t respond and acknowledge what you have done. Please reply with the proper correction. Thank you in advance it is greatly appreciated and I hope this clears up any confusion for any others in this thread.

Upon further investigation after I have typed this out you also did not capitalize the first letter in your sentence. Please acknowledge this mistake as well and let me know you will not be doing this in the future.

















More of dis




I am still waiting on your correction sir. I am quite tired and would like to get some much needed shut eye.




contribute or leave, you dumb kike








Again no capitalization or period. I am quite curious as to where you learned basic English skills ? If you would like I can help you out for free? Shoot me your email and we will work something out. Thanks :)


Hi ThErR user Sup Forums uSeR! jUsT sToPpInG bY tO aSk WhY yOu DiDn’T eDd ThiS cOmMeNt WiTh A pErIoD? yOu ArE aWaRe ThAt ThIs Is ImPrOpEr PuNcTuAtIoN aNd ThErEfOrE tHe WrOnG wAy To Go AbOuT uSiNg ThE eNgLiSh LaNgUaGe CoRrEcT? i ThInK i SpEaK fOr ThIs CoMmUnItY aS a WhOlE wHeN i SaY that this is quite disturbing and it makes me very confused. Was this merely an accident? Did you really mean to add more but accidentally posted? Were you killed mid sentence? The problem is I have no clue! This will most definitely keep me up tonight if you don’t respond and acknowledge what you have done. Please reply with the proper correction. Thank you in advance it is greatly appreciated and I hope this clears up any confusion for any others in this thread.
>Upon further investigation after I have typed this out you also did not capitalize the first letter in your sentence. Please acknowledge this mistake as well and let me know you will not be doing this in the future.

fuck it







Oh man :( You have gone and ruined my night and I hope you think long and hard on this moment. This is a learning experience for all of us. Your actions do have consequences and the sooner you learn that the better for everyone around you.







