Help me Sup Forums I need advice on how to fucking diffuse a situation between my two good friends and I'm tired of this shit already
Help me Sup Forums I need advice on how to fucking diffuse a situation between my two good friends and I'm tired of...
>mfw intelligent enough to resolve your problem
my two best friends used to date and have a child together, now he's still in love with her and she can be a bit of a whore at times. i know that shitty feel. stresses me the fuck out to listen to their bullshit every day to the point of effects on my health.
bail. when children are involved you are far from the point
alternitive: take drugs
check my trips and someone give us both advice. im gonna nig on to this thread. what's your problem OP?
Nice trips.
>Kill them both.
>Sell the child
Problem solved.
>Kill the child.
>Sell them broth
Problema solucionado.
It's really none of your business, if they're intentionally placing you in the middle of their shit man the fuck up and tell them both to keep their bullshit off your doorstep. a good friend will understand and comply...if they don't then tell them to fuck off til they get sorted.
tell him you're not some hissidic hillbilly with a snoot full of honey bees
thanks, this helps and i do need to man up. i feel bad for them both and try to help but it's making me feel actually sick
this also helps
i usually just drink alot when they're around
OP you gonna say whats wrong? I feel shitty, I just blew up this thread.
I'll give you the short version, two friends got close to each other and talked every single day, both had personal problems they dealt with and for some reason one stopped talking to the other for some reason and the other one doesn't know what he did wrong and he wants to fix their relationship
Much better idea. Go with this one.
ask the one why they're not talking to the other? then tell that him what he did, he'll either see he was an ass and everything will be good or not understand and friendship=over.
She thinks he's a different person in and out of doing something. She claims whenever she tries to talk to him he responds that he's in a chat with people in our "community" (it's more like a group of friends doing shit.) and he tried to get her to join, she doesn't want that though.
maybe she doesn't like that side of him, is he doing bad stuff? and how long have they been friends?
No it's not bad stuff. If you really want to know the community is about gaming really and shit like that. She's into that kind of stuff too so it's not like she hates the topic. They've been friends for about 2~4 years now. He is a bit stubborn I'll give the guy that, but at the same time the girl is also a bit...idk how to put it, she gets easily angry though.
well she might have a crush on him and just want to talk to him one on one. or maybe she just moved on to different friends. couldn't really tell you anything else unless i got more info about them. i know that feel though, it's shit being in the middle.
Shit man I would give you more info. This really helped me more than it helped them though, nice to know some people try to actually help strangers. Thanks for anything, user. Btw no she doesn't have a crush. He had one on her and he said something but she rejected him. I don't know about moving on though. She still talks to me a lot too
no problem, you'll just have to straight up ask them really. or ignore it and hope they work it out, just don't let it bother you too much. good luck
>two good friends
only one is really "good" the other is just some fag you want to suck off
don't cry to us faggot.
>bit of a whore at times.
>translation; full blown whore
your male friend picked the wrong woman to have a child with.
If he doesn't know it and you haven't told him, then you deserve the mess you are in.
Which, btw, just fyi, you ARE NOT in.
Better to be rid of them both and find two new friends because sticking your nose in will only result in the same.
Let's look at a few scenarios, shall we?
Scenario #1
OP talks to male friend
Faggot OP: "You know male friend, your/my female friend has always been a bit of a whore maybe you should find a girl who isnt and actually loves you instead of abusing yourself like this"
Male friend faggot: "How could you, faggot OP!? That's the mother of my child, the woman I love! Besides, I'm clearly a faggot, why else would I give my heart to and breed with a woman I very well know is a whore (though I'd never consciously acknowledge it)!?! We are no longer friends and I will tell her you called her a (embelishes) a filthy whore and a bad mother!"
Scenario #2
OP talks to female friend
Faggot OP: You know our male friend really still has deep feelings for you, why do flaunt your relationships in front of him. It is kind of childish. You're clearly the more mature one in the relationship (she's totally not) why not make peace with each other for the benefit of the child
Female Whore Friend: Why should I stop living my life because I had a kid? There are still lots of guys who want to fuck me and since I realized I could do better than that loser who is still pinning for me, even though I've tried numerous times to tell him that we are over, I am just going to sleep with as many guys/girls as possible until I am no longer a hot property and resign myself to marry him anyway because he's such a faggot, he will always love me no matter what I do. Not that getting married will stop me from whoring around. He's a faggot and even a faggot like you knows it. How dare you, I'm going to tell him you tried to fuck me!
holy fuck, i've talked to them both about it some and obviously not in the same words, this is some accurate shit.
all my keks!
>because its so true.
>idk how to put it
"Emotionally immature" is the phrase you were looking for.