Anthony Cruz
Zachary Morales
back, you have to go
James Cooper
who the hell finds these things sexy?
Dylan Cox
look like transvestites all of them
Daniel Long
Stop same faggin you waste of skin op
Lincoln Davis
They look like caricatures.
Owen Thomas
1/10 would not bang
Kayden King
Kayden Gray
vain much?
Kevin Walker
Latina hooker
Jose Stewart
Robert Wood
You are all fucking gay go fap to your trap shit
Sebastian Kelly
I love latinas
William Ross
>cherry-picked pic
Liam Moore
Levi Morales
Put a ring on them and give them a kid and watch them balloon up.
Latinas age horribly.
Aaron Long
Latinas are trash you fucking faggot
Charles Roberts
Your trash faggot. Mad cause you can't get any pussy?
Mason Williams
>implying you've ever gotten pussy
Kek projecting much? 0/10 fuccboi
Thomas Watson
Are you some kind of retard?
Andrew Barnes
>rancid swines
Thomas Wood
Jose Butler