My niece just grabbed and rubbed my dick through my pants. AMA

My niece just grabbed and rubbed my dick through my pants. AMA

How old is she?

kys pedo

How old is said niece?

why do you go on the internet just to tell lies

how big is your dick and what does she look like

She's 8

turtles are actually pretty fast.
even the big ones.

theyre slow enough to catch up to but are gone before u can bend over and pick them up.

do not underestimate turtles. recall the story of the hare and the turtle.

It's average and she's cute. Not posting pics

too bad that's a tortoise.


she's 34 years old

okay then fuck off with your boring thread

i meat tortoises when i said "even the big ones"


what does she look like? are you scared she'll tell someone?

She's tiny and wears glasses. Not scared she'll tell anyone. I don't think she knew what she was doing. I was sitting down and she gave me a hug bye when it happened.

I think she's just felt my dick squish and tried to figure out what it was

>tried to figure out what it was
8yos know what a dick is, is she retarded or something?

skin tone? hair colour? need more info so we can track her down and arrest you.

I don't know she squeezed it from top to bottom a couple times and felt me get hard. Figured she was just curious

you should've asked for too keep it a secret, she might go ask Mommy or Daddy if they knew what that weird thing in your pants was.

pics or gtfo
