What's up Sup Forums. I'm going out with friends on saturday and we're planning on taking ecstasy...

What's up Sup Forums. I'm going out with friends on saturday and we're planning on taking ecstasy. We're also gonna drink alcohol and probably smoke weed. Do you have any tips /stories for a first timer?

you're going to die

Ecstacy + alcohol = death. Do one not both and make sure you have a sober watcher

Yeah we don't plan on drinking too much, just get the feel of the alcohol then take the x.


Hydrate before, during and after. Stay off the heavy liquor.

Make sure that you drink plenty of water as well as the sweating and drinking will seriously dehydrate you. Roughly 1 cup of water per hour should be what you aim to consume to keep you properly hydrated. Apart from that, just make sure to be sensible and I hope you have a great time.

For starters, don't drink alcohol if you can help it, can be lethal mixed with ecstasy. Drink plenty of water but don't drown yourself. Also, get your shit tested if you can.

Yeah man, I wanna but nobody we know has a test kit, I think ecstasy is a bitch sketchy, I wanted to get pure MDMA but our dealer was out.

What's the setting?

take 2. drink lots and lots of water (regular, no soda). chew gum (will save your lips/teeth if you start gnashing). smoke weed later, if you are havin trouble getting down (indica). dont drink alcohol or energy drinks. and again, drink lots of water. have fun, talk to people, dance with girls, you will love it

make sure to stay hydrated and keep your body temp low, wait for the comedown to start drinking, and you should probably be alright, just make sure to track the amount of x/alcohol you consume

We're drinking at my house and its me and 4 other friends taking it. Theres 6-7 other friends coming that don't know we're popping. But the majority of them dont care. However we're not telling them. We're gonna drink here for a while then go to a club.

>have any tips

don't put anything in your butthole

Probably said before but:

>taking ecstasy. We're also gonna drink alcohol
>ecstasy. alcohol

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate... Try to not drink so much alcohol. Ecstasy dehydrates you by raising your internal body temperature, sometimes to dangerous levels... Alcohol does the same thing; a hangover is mostly just severe dehydration... And if you think because you don't get hangovers you're safe, you're an idiot...

Point is, though, avoid alcohol and other dehydrating drugs with ecstasy, or you're gonna end up in the hospital with a stomach full of charcoal.... Or worse...

I mean, yes you can have a few beers or something with X, but you don't DON'T wanna get drunk and be on X, cuz that's a real dangerous situation...

You ever looked into getting it off the deep web? I get mine from there, it's usually really pure MDMA if you find the right seller. Start with a quarter or half a pill and you should be fine dude.

Just take the xtc and nothing else except lots of water like said. It feels good enough without everything else.

Forgot to add:

Most importantly: Have fun, and don't be a d-hole.

Youre going to want to fuck your hot friend

Haha fuck man, I spent $50 on Captain Morgan. But I bought some softer drinks aswell. However my plan was to get really drunk but I guess its a bad idea huh.

Oh congratulations. Thanks for letting us all know, we'll nominate you for an award. Way to go, slugger.

drink tons of water my man

Anybody saying that Ecstasy plus alcohol equal death never tried ecstasy before. just have a couple drinks and get buzzed and pop your pills. don't overdo it with the water just drink when you're thirsty, which will be often.

has anyone taken codine and drank vodka? if so, what's it like?
(btw not OP)

Dude, NO other psychoactive substances or drugs mix with ecstasy, seriously, not even smoking and if it's good potent deep web shit, take a half pill, from experience, I'm gonna tell you a whole one will FUCK you up. drink a ton of water, and I mean a TON, make sure you have cold water accessible to splash on yourself as well, if you can keep yourself cool, you'll be fine,

Just like everyone said, drink water, try to take only half of the pill first and then the rest like 45 minutes/an hour later, and bring chewing gums cause you're gonna need to chew on something with your jaw.
Have fun

The dealer we usually get our shit from is solid but he was all out, he sells MDMA not X so one of my friends is getting it through some guy we know, that dude plans on taking it aswell but not with us. But ecstasy contains mdma + something else right? Coke/speed?

your sweating like crazy and wish to die
cut the vodka for a smale dose of a benzo

No. Ecstasy should not contain anything other than mdma, ecstasy is just the name for a pill with mdma, if it has anything else, it's cut.

Can be cut with anything, even with that poison you use to kill rats

i was thinking 2 shots and 90mg so would i be still fucked or what?

Its the same shit, just pills pressed in some amateur chemists basement and peddled to fucking retards

Allow me to add the fact that Alcohol is a dieuretic, meaning that while your liver is processing it, any available fluids are being bypassed and sent straight to your bladder. You won't be able to 'hydrate' while the Alcohol is still in your system being processed (2-3 hours per 1 shot/beer).

Don't fucking drink. You'll just lose some of the X feeling anyways.

Highly doubt someone would lace em with something deadly where I live. I live in a small town in Norway and there's like 0 serious crime. You would get caught immediately if something happend to anyone cus everyone knows. But the guy we are getting it through
is doing loads of stuff, speed/coke among others.

wrong. I popped 2 mollys and hosted a house party running the beer pong table all night. got blackout drunk and heard we played liquor pong and killed a vodka. woke up fine, no hangover even lol

Should be fine

Ignore all these faggots saying not to drink any alcohol. It would only be dangerous if you were getting completely shitfaced and drinking zero water

Basically what I was saying... A few with a tab or so is fine, but staying hydrated is paramount to success, and understanding alcohol is adding fuel to your fire is a good thing to keep in mind for a newbie...

Yeah I definitely wouldn't finish that bottle before hitting the tabs. But, I never did care for alcohol as a drug, and me and the Captain don't see eye to eye.

To be quite honest, if I was you I'd stick to water all day, not even drinking soda, maybe a decent light meal, something to just fill up your stomach until 10am-ish the next morning. Maybe smoke a bit of hooch here and there, but that's cuz it's just a bit of hooch and etc... But the main focus is the X... That stuff can be fun, and tabs can provide a bit of mix-n-match fun; some of the best I've met were MDMA/mescaline tabs... Those were a fun, fun night...

Oh, and plan to be up until noon the next morning. Also, smoke weed when you're coming down, or you might get a bit depressed. And get ready to feel your neurons melt!

>pic unrelated...