Tomorrow you wake up next to your seven wives. What you do?

Tomorrow you wake up next to your seven wives. What you do?

enough suffering for the next seven reincarnations

>seven wives

Put a baby in all seven, spread it out a month apart so I could repeat the process many times over just because I like pregnant pussy plus at least a few of the children are bound to grow up and have a career that would bring them some type of money so that I can pull the "I made you" card and have them support me.

Fart quietly

Kill myself

Kill this user

Fuck all seven, then relax as all seven fix me breakfast

Pray to allah

Depends. Am I rich? Do they love me?

Have them lay down naked oil them up then slip across them.

Ask for a club sandwich

Terrible idea, you can't assign that many women to one task. They will become passive aggressive and gang up on one of them. 3 or less per task user

1.Am I rich?

2.Do they love me?
See #1

Slip n slide style.

My nigga

They will learn to work together under the threat of a fucking whip.

Well, that rules out my 'Thunderdome' idea.

Okay so I just get up, give them their chore list, and leave. Probably get fucked up with friends

Get out of the house before they wake up.

God help me if they wake up.

One of them blows me, while another licks my balls, a third licks my asshole, one on each nipple licking and biting, one is cooking my breakfast and the last and my least favorite is waiting for all of the above to be over, waiting in the bathroom and after my morning shit she will clean my ass with her hands and mouth.


Thats a wishful thinking.

Try to remember how i got talked into joining ISIS and then try to remember what i blew the fuck up

I wonder where the other 65 are.

Yes and all have their period.

I'll run to the nearest bookshelf to check if I am muslim or mormon