Why the fuck do girls use stupid excuses, or worse start ignoring you, when they don't want to meet you anymore?

Why the fuck do girls use stupid excuses, or worse start ignoring you, when they don't want to meet you anymore?

I'm not terribly bad with girls, I tend to get a tinder date or two every month and I don't have that bad of a track record as most of them end up with at least us fucking once and then finding out we don't click. With that said you can't be succesful with every girl you meet, and that's ok.

I was arranging for a date tomorrow and suddenly she says "I don't have the time to see you tomorrow, sorry :/", which 9 out of 10 times is just a shitty excuse when they don't want to see you.

I've seen this shit several times and it pisses me off as when I get cold feet or change my mind about a date I'm always honest about it and I thank for her time. Why are girls so afraid about being honest? It's like they are afraid I'm gonna find out where they live and rape them.

This. I hate when females cancel out and arent woman enough to just say no or pull some half ass excuse. Then again, those arent women, those are girls no matter how old

Because the other option is they be honest and have guys crying on the webs about how they were "strung along" by "whores", regardless of circumstance. It's a damned-if-you-do-damned-if-you-don't, so most try to let guys down easy but don't know how to do it elegantly.


It's not necessarily a girl specific thing, tho of course I'm not saying she isn't a cunt.
There are a few reasons, the most likely is that it's so easy to ghost someone after talking on tinder or any other dating app/site. A lot of people will have a few they are talking to at any given time through email or whatever and often just abandoning someone seems simpler than explaining away the cold feet or .

Think of it from her or anyone else's perspective: They don't know you, you're basically disposable to them. It's shitty but it's just how that shit works sometimes.

If you're noticing it a lot, it could be something about you. This isn't meant to talk shit as I think it's more likely the reasons above. But you could be giving the impression that you're the "type" to make it a hassle for them to re-schedule. See above, the "easier just to delete contact than muddle through a convo about why they can't hook up". This often happens to the nice-guy type, but again I'm not necessarily saying that's you or meaning to make assumptions.

Another option is like what someone else said, and I think it relates to the first: They feel boxed in and are screwed either way if they change their mind. I suspect that doesn't come into play that often on tinder but I could be wrong, it definitely would be a thing on facebook or a dating site. One minute they are talking to someone they think is cool and something comes up so they can't meet, the next the dude is elliot rodgering her in-box.

Guys do this too but I'm not trying to make excuses.
All of that garbage aside, it's great that you're honest (which is uncommon for tinder) and being polite is a good thing. Good luck, op.

because they'd "feel bad" if they were honest user

This isn't a female thing, I used to do this to girls all the time. It's called getting blown off, learn to deal with it. It's really not difficult.


they will do anything to avoid confrontation or feeling like a bitch

I figured that I would have to clarify that it can be a guy thing too, I didn't mean to imply that I was particularly offended by this. I get why it exists

Pretty much.

Well, I'm by no means the guy who scores 20 women a month, but I'm not Niceguyâ„¢ either.

I wouldn't say it happens a lot. It used to happen more in the past when I was younger but I've seen less of it now that I'm 28. I usually get a date at the very least.

It's not meant to be a "All girls are bitches!"-type of rant, I just think it's a bit sad that they can't be honest about it, even if I do see it from your pov as well.

I think you should be honest about it if you've at least talked about seeing each other. I can understand ghosting when you haven't even made any plans and the conversation just goes on and on and on.

Just remember /b you can't make others be honest with you, but you can be honest with people you reject because you understand how it feels to get rejected half-assedly

Really satan? You don't know this?

Because they don't really want to reject you, but they sure as fuck don't want to see you again.

Because rejecting someone is seen as "mean", and they don't want to be mean. It's a white lie excuse.

Like if you scored with a fat chick and you REALLY didn't like it. She calls you up the next day. Do you tell her you never want to see her again because she's a fat fuck? You could, but that's pretty fucking heartless.

Tbh that is exactly what they are afraid of. Girls grow up constantly being told to be careful and it's not a surprise it affects them now. I have a friend who always checks the back seat cause it happened to her sister for turning some guy down. You may not be crazy but some don't like to take the chance.

>"I don't have the time to see you tomorrow, sorry :/"

somebody better looking than you or better as a whole came along but she cannot tell you because she is polite.

this is normal. women always try to go for the best man.

Maybe you are so fucking ugly that every woman you meet reject you

Not the case as I score more than I don't.

need sm sauce on that pasta

Derailing this thread for a bit. How much is a moderate amount to spend on cocaine for a month.

Because they don't know you. Who gives a fuck? You are completely disposable and basically just a random image to them.

Also women get bombarded by matches or what have you on dating sites so they can pick and choose pretty easily.

Long story short you aren't good enough for them and they realized it.

Who is OP


>Because they don't know you. Who gives a fuck? You are completely disposable and basically just a random image to them.
>Also women get bombarded by matches or what have you on dating sites so they can pick and choose pretty easily.

This much is actually true. Online dating is a shitty, rigged game that screws everyone in different ways but ultimately favors women. And Tinder treats everyone like a piece of meat, which isn't good if you're riding on your personality alone. You're better off picking up a hobby and meeting people that way.

This is a solid reply, OP. And I just want to say it's not a Tinder specific thing either. As someone who's both snubbed and been snubbed on Facebook, people will never put themselves down as "Can't go" for an event. They always ignore it or put themselves down as "maybe", which 80-90% of the time means no. I'm not unconvinced that some people even put themselves down as going without ever meaning to go.

This. The thing with Tinder is it's very easy to cut contact too, so you don't have to worry about them freaking out as long as they don't know how to find you.

Lack of personal responsibility on average mixed with the fact that dating is a woman's market. They're the ones getting spammed with messages, men usually seem to just message anyone they can and see what catches. They don't feel an obligation to be polite or honest with each and every one.

Hence why men must always look for the best women. Don't waste time on one person. It almost never pays off.

I wonder if they have as much horny moments as men do, at least for me when I havent jerked off for example, I log on fb and have an urge to talk to the girls I have in there, then once I jerk off the next day I literally have zero desire to talk to them again, so I just ignore them...

So idk maybe they were just talking to multiple guys and then they got bored of you, I mean its fucking tinder, when I get bored of a girl I just ignore them, is not like they can track me or anything... So they probably just talked to someone better, stopped being horny, or realized they didnt like you as much to go out, and since you have never even met, you dont deserve an explanation

>dating is a woman's market
You're a lot better off doing that shit irl, if you ask me. I've never had any luck online, but irl I've actually ignored a few girls that seemed to be interested in me.

Kristen Scott

I mean, of course. Always is more personal offline. Problem being, you're on Sup Forums. How many people here do you expect to NOT be shut-ins?

>judges social media platform where literally the first and mainly thing you see is pictures of eachother for not giving an upper hand to guys with "nice personality"

lol are you a faggot? NOBODY, excluding autists and m'lady guys, go into social media and hope their personality will get them to meet people, do you expect a profile pic to reflect the personality of users?

online dating is shitty only if you are a retard who is not aware looks obviously come into place first online, that is why it is harder to pick up girls online if you are below average

gods work

Guys are the same way. If I don't want to see a girl anymore, i ignore her

She's on blacked

it's a human thing, you wouldn't understand.

men do it too, when you got some whiney annoying clinger but your afraid she might an hero so you just back away slowly and just when your out of reach you run the fuck away.

OP you are the whiney annoying clinger.
don't an hero
or do
no one will give a shit anyway


She was younger when she did blacked. Like 2 years before ops pics

it's not weird that you know her career path and regular schedule.

People should just be heartless then...

Maybe you're actually a massive faggot and you've deluded yourself that you're straight.
