A final meal?

A final meal?

You went a little bit too far. It's distasteful and offensive to be honest. Pls delet

VERY good post. Pls leave it up.


topkek saved

Easter the Toad is the incarnation of Jesus the Nazarene. He is sacred and he will preach the gospel to the ungodly like Americans.

If Easter the Toad manages to rekt uncivilized american fundamentalism expressed in the forms of speaking in tongues, mormonism, tv preachers and such, I'll personally make sure that the Jesuits push his canonization forward within the Vatican

A thread of sticky nature, perhaps?

A desecration of sorts?

I wish I had kinder eggs.

Give us one reason to celebrate Easter

Perpetual punishment, maybe?

I'll never understand how this meme took off really, anyone got an original post? or something?

Just like all Australian memes, by one proxyfag posting the same thread a dozen times every day for months.

One american said that he still has to work on easter

I believe it

this board is autistic

how can fins be so eloquent when speaking English?

most finns I've met have had mental disabilities/retardation

Howdy Pardner! Would you like a delicious, wholesome kinder surprise?

christianity is an atheistic religion
such that the placement of jesus' sacrifice as the centrality means god become the void in which nothing need to be
ie the celebration is not in something other than jesus that was sacrificed and in this sense the second coming is already here as a community of believers

nah I'll have the superior wonderball instead


a diagnosis of altered mental states?


I'm jealous of Finns. I wish I can speak perfect English like them. They even speak better than anglos.

An eternal hatred?

festive festivities / christ the redeemer ?