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International #735
Why is half of this board those /brit/ /cum/ /balt/ threads...
I'm an icelander and drunk asf
2 questions-
WTF is their problem? Why are they so evil?
/balt/ /ausnz/
/balt/ | /ausnz/
Even if Americans on Sup Forums can be shit sometimes, at least they're not Sup Forums-tier Americans
/lang/ - Language Learning Thread
Why are Germans considered Germanic when they have more slavic and celtic in them?
/nachtschicht/, bei Tageslicht /deutsch/
/nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/ - SS Ausgabe
Amerifags, are you prepared for war?
To celebrate the long weekend I have made a template for Sup Forums!
Portuguese are traitors to Iberia
The Perfect Europe
Ywn have a qt American gf who says things like "Holy Moly" and "Gee wiz"
Why don't Argentina and Chile unite into one country? Mountains can't divide love!
/Polska/ - edycja wyprzedzania normikow w życiu
Its coming up
Why do Americans have such a terrible drug problem?
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
/v4/ + cigány = /v4/
Easter General
Calling all War Mongering Countries!!!
I'm a finn and drunk, ama and talk to me
Why do girls care about acid attacks?
Should Catalonia be an independent country?
Is Sweden the most cucked country on Earth?
Portugal Wtf?
ITT: post War Crimes of your country
How do you do, fellow Germanics?
Kurva anyátok
Colombia,can you explain this shit?
/cp/ CulturePals General
Why is the new generation so fucking tall
/fr/ - Le fil francophone et blanc:
Mexicans not allowed
*blocks floridians path*
Ching Chong Ding Dong Xing Xong
Amerifag here, thinking about moving to Europe. Where should I go?
Race guessing
Ask a swede anything
Your place may be comfy
Mfw stolen bantz assblasted all of Sup Forums
Who is /celt/ here ?
Post Sup Forums memepics like this
/lat/ hilo latino
/balt/ /ausnz/
What is /int listening to while browsing, this is what I am listening to
See a guy from the butthurt belt
I'm 1/2 French, 1/4 Polish, 1/4 Welsh 1/8 Italian and 1/8 English
Could i pass as a local in your cunt?
/Basel/ ehemals /deutsch/
/MENA/ + Tunisia
How have been your day Sup Forums?
Sverigetråden - Mysig långfredagsupplaga
This is a 27% Finnish face
Which language is objectively the worst?
Why don't Europeans drive big SUVs?
Your country (very Sup Forums related)
What do Latin Americans think of Spain?
Guess the country
this confuses and enrages the american
Which European cuntree has best porn ""actresses"" ?
/ita/ - il filo
/flag/tism - Flag Thread
Ask a Pole anything
The worlds most powerful non nuke bomb killed less people than a FUCKING truck
Is fast food popular in your country? What is the most popular fast food chain?
/polska/ aka /sarmatia/
User rich here. Just because today is good frida i will transfer 1000$ for the first double. Just put your name...
Why is finland so smart?
Italian descent
1. your country
A message to all whites in/int/:
University Advice
Why is the Swedish language so ugly?
Will you miss Korea? ;-;
One shot at life
American metro
How does it feel to be so cucked by us that you speak our language on a daily basis in order to survive while none of...
What's your view on the Israeli/Palestine conflict?
Were Cro-Magnons white?
*tips fedora*:
Be european
Sverigetråden - Fredagsfest
/fr/ - Le fil francophone et blanc:
The state of your country
Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
Federal subjects of Russia
Eurovision 2017 in Ukraine, Kiev
We need to save Brendan Fraser
Opinion of Russia in Europe
Irish people in real life:
What is the most objectively attractive ethnic group?
Kurva anyátok
/ita/ - il filo
/balt/ /ausnz/
"Hey Daddy, have you met my English boyfriend, Samuel?"
What year were Jews kicked out of your country?
Tfw mom could marry a tall guy
Are you prepared for sunday?
Humor vs humour
Why aren't you dating a Saudi Arabian girl?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Really makes you think
World War 3
Why does she look so weird and unnatural?
What do you think about the current state of your country?
Brown girls can't resist white guys
Try AUTHENIC nip ramen
Why do italian girls love germanic penis?
What went so wrong?
Commieblocks are not comf-
Your country
/ita/ - il filo
Sverigetråden - Ruotsiupplagan
Finno-Ugrics are the original inhabitants of Europe. I want the Indo-European invaders to leave our fair lands
Why do Northern European women love Mediterranean men?
Go outside
/carib/ ACT 25: Nuclear edition
National Mottos
I have 10,000 followers on Twitter
Tfw no Sup Forums bf
I love Spain
In Islam we also believe Jesus will return and defeat the anti christ. When will he return exactly...
All this land for one country
/Hohlerde/ - ehemals /deutsch/
This is how avergae swede looks
Would you trample on Jesus like the Japanese?
1.Your country
Why do Asians get sexually excited with their nipples?
To all those of Sup Forums who have been circumcised: why did you or your parents make such a choice...
/fr/ - Le fil francophone et blanc
Be me
/cp/ CulturePals general
Let's imagine a day without immigrants
Tfw you can't stop thinking about being japanese and living in japan
National food misconceptions
Finland is whit-
Pepe is better than Easter toad or the Finnish retard frog. You can't prove me wrong
So how does Sup Forums feel about Americans who identify by their ethnicity/ancestry (German, Irish, Italian, Reptilian...
I got a frog from my Kinder Surpise today. Is it a sign
Fucking stupid Americans
When will we nuke africa, china, india.. and finland?
Why is every country subject to banter or racism except Australia?
Learning english with russian friends
I am tired of my flag. I am tired of being called a shitposter constantly due to the actions of others...
Serious question
Why are the japanese so ugly?
What battle is the most famous and remembered in your country
What's with the peace symbol? I thought it was just a Japanese thing, but Arabs do it too?
Yfw you realize there will be tons of qt norkie refugees needing a home once we glass pyongyang
I fixed the Americas
So this is the power of the USA... WHOAH
Is there any Ainu loanwords in Japanese?
tfw you live 10 000 km away of civilisation
Anglo pride thread
Be Venezuela
forgot it was Easter and all the bottle-os are closed so now I can't drink
Are you ready for tomorrow?
Soon, you fucking niggers
Do you like Vietnam?
What happens here?
When did you realize you spent your youth, high school and college with videogames, filmes, internet and anime?
Guess the name and occupation of the poster above you
/desi/, /nederdraad/, /balt/, and /balk/ will defend this
Im off to bed now, wish me good dreams in your language :)
You wake up in Lunik IV
Hello i like india
What's heavy metal like in the Spanish speaking world?
Is this attractive in your country?
/rub/ Russia Ukraine Belarus
Kurva anyátok
Your semen-encrusted cunt
So tell me Sup Forums, what is Siberia really like? Comments and stories you'd like to share
Map of tourism slogans
/luso/ fio lusofuno
Why do spanish speaking countries always try to take british clay?
Hello Sup Forums. What is your opinion of Ireland? Have you any experiences with Ireland or the Irish?
Do you partake?
North Korea is po
Lets talk about Brazil
Wtf i hate American high schools now
Is the European Union worth it or should they end it?
So Americans tell me...
Tfw you'll never live in the Northeast with all the other fortunatefags
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
ITT: The best leaders of all time
Europeans spray water cannons up their ass because they're too lazy to wipe
Americas "Tourist Road" Idea
What's your point cunt
Best Korea Edition
ANOTHER day spent doing something PRODUCTIVE instead of shitposting on Sup Forums
How can you justify not being racist?
Do you love American food?
Which country has women who wear sandals all year long and have cute feet?
Why poles are so racist?
Our country is fucked
/nachtschicht/, ewiger Gegenspieler von /deutsch/
/nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
1. you're cunt
Ignoring the shitskins, What is Paris like for a tourist in general? Do Frenchies like Canadians...
Parents wanna go outside with me
/polska/ aka /anime/
ISIS never attacked your country
/éire/ + /eire/
/balt/ + /ausnz/
My dream is to live in NYC, how do I go about doing this?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
What kind of natural disasters happen where you live? I live in Los Angeles, so all we get are earthquakes
Um, Sup Forums would be a good subreddit if you bigots didn't use the word nigger so casually and preach racism...
/lat/ hilo latino aka animo
'''/lat/ - hilo latino''': Edición URSL ( Unión de Repúblicas Socialistas Latinoamericanas)
Early morning friendship thread
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Tfw being f*nn
India thread
Why do finns have the best memes Sup Forums?
Are asians white ? i'd say she can consider herself white, her skin literally is white
Is your country a suicide country?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
How to pronounce V in english?
Elliot said he was 5'9 but he looks so short in this pic, also, his sister doesnt wanna touch him
Why are all countries with green flags terrible? Seriously...
Choose a shaded country that you would want to see get carpet bombed by MOAB's
/ita/ - il filo
Your cunt
Why it is a shame to be a virgin on post-60's societies? and why americans can't stop forcing this meme on their medias?
Is Russian a worthwhile language to learn? Also, any Ivans want to help me practice conversation?
Le idaly iz arap xDDD
Why don't we just do the world a favor and nuke Russia already?
What is this called?
Sverigetråden - 2dhåupplagan
ITT: South Americans pay thanks to the US for protecting them from evil European imperialism with the Monroe Doctrine
/fr/ - Le francofil
ITT: Post specifics of a language that really grind your gears
There's a project to change the argentine flag
Baltics Thread
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
Why is denying the holocaust a crime in most European countries?
Sup Forums, do you love your sister?
ITT:We sing american anthem using only ONE word per post
Post your town/city
If Communism never worked, why do Russians miss the Soviet days
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Perfect countries don't exi-
/deutsch/ High Hopes- Ausgabe
Give me one reason why i shoudn't hate disgusting snow niggers
Why are spanish people so subhuman?
Do you agree that Armenian women are the sexiest?
White girl here with a thing for Asians. Not many of them where I live though. What's the best country to get Rice'd?
How do we stop the fennoswede menace?
You wake up in your cunt in the year 1066...
Friendly reminder that if you're not R1b, you're subhumans
Your country (very Sup Forums related)
*Pssst hey yank. Yeah you. I heard you were looking for some goods for easter. I can hook you up real nice
Britsh "what the fuck the trend that British food is nasty"
Sverigetråden — en jude på skärtorsdagen-upplagan
He doesn't speak at least three languages
/ita/ - il filo
ITT American memes you don't get
Post your fucking cars Sup Forums
What will you be doing this Sunday, Sup Forums?
Levels of formality in languages
Today, the US dropped the largest non-nuclear bomb in the world in Afghanistan, the MOAB
If your country isn't blue in this map it's essentially a gigantic shithole
He drinks """beer""" from plastic bottles
America drops mother of all bombs on your cunt's capital city
Americans do celebrate easter. We go on egg hunts with candy inside, and sometimes get gifts in egg baskets
/polska/ aka /PRL/
Does an atypical black male have a chance anywhere? I would like to have a significant other, but i am quite the wierdo...
Ukraine likes granny porn
When will we sell these shitty rocks to the Russians?
Romanians cut open our trash cans and bags at night and collect plastic bottles...
American guacamole, less than 2% of avocados
From this day forward, you may only eat the traditional food from the country of the poster below you
Talk anything about Switzerland here
How many eggs can you buy with the monthly minimum wage in you are a cunt?
Time to make lunch anons
Would i pass as a local girl in your country ?
Just caught this little fucker eating my chikens and i killed him AMA
Since it seems WWIII is going to happen soon which side will your cunt choose...
Tfw no Sup Forums gf
Why do the Japanese say "nipah~~ <3" when they see something cute?
/balt/ /ausnz/
/deutsch/ Apu Ausgabe
Slavic men are ug-
Iran or Israel? Choose wisely
Latin american gf of Slavic gf
What country is poor, but safety for live and pretty?
I am greek
Swedish, German, English, Scottish and Irish
- ITT a norwegian will teach you italians how to make real spaghetti!
Kurva anyátok
I'm /brit/ ba da bee da ba baa
Goyim = gaijin
How are Scandinavians partially Slavic?
1. You're country
Flag creation thread
1. Your cunt
Rights of the Sup Forumsstan Citizen
What do you think about this?
Unpopular opininions thread
I do not understand the meme that Americans are idiots
Sup Forums home game
US led Coaltiton Air-Strikes in Der Ez-Zor have hit the chemical weapons storage of Islamic State...
What is the most beautiful city in your country?
Tfw I'm white twink top and love black/mulatto muscle bottom fags
/fr/ - Le fil francophone et blanc:
The day is drawing ever closer
You have 10 seconds to be as turkish as possible
Whats the purpose of life when you are a manlet?
Do the Westerners think Asian countries are poor?
ITT: We write a constitution of a brand new country ran by Sup Forums
8 british Lecester hoolygans chimped out in Madrid and got arrested
Ur ethnicity
Are there any Germans here who know about Waldorf schools/ have been to a Waldorf school?
/polska/ aka /PRL/
Your country
What do you people study?
Why do German and Austrian women love Arab cock so much?
Which one do you support????????????
Sverigetråden - En söt!
Sverigetråden - Chokladupplagan
Post a satellite picture of your hometown/city and other anons guess what it is
This is what /his/ or maybe whole Sup Forums thinks about my country:
Yuor cunt
/I am Greek/ general
What.... actually is the purpose of borders?
Why japanese video games are so much better than anything west has ever produced?
The american justice system works like this
Are Americans white?
Risk Thread
African girls are sexy but they tend to be really really noisy
Is Lagos the ultimate cyberpunk city, Sup Forums?
Why is feminine homosexuality tolerated but not masculine homosexuality ?
Post cuter finnish girl than pic related
Homo thread?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
What's the most toxic board combination of Sup Forums?
Can you actually learn a language with Duolingo?
Have you already bought your Easter mämmi?
Do you love Japan?
Greece is shit
How do we defeat white nationalism?
What kind of girls does your country have?
Faces of Sup Forums thread
/eire/ - give up yer aul sins edition
Sum up your country in one picture
Real Sup Forums hours
Your country
/ita/ - il filo
Living in a slut country
Do you like Italy?
That's what you're missing if you don't come here
Have you betrayed your race?
Europe deserves to be destroyed
Do you think australians is better people because we name all ours cities after original owner? unlike usa
What is your national bird? do you like it?
Can parents really kick sons out?
How much does beer cost in your country...
/cum/ - Canada United States Mexico
/ex-yu/-Za ljubav spremni
She left me bros. she left me
I have created a map of all countries that need to genocided
Kurva anyátok
Tfw no feminine, shy, black haired, green eyed Italian bf
Eurpeans! Kill niggers and other non whites
Tfw no bf
Hey Mexicans of Sup Forums could I pull off being Mexican or at least chicano...
White male privilege is so unfair
What kind of landscapes do you like?
The day of revolut- err I mean resurrection?
U can only reply if you r safe :D
Why don't you have a latina qt girlfriend user?
Proof you're not American
"You're from WHERE, user? Funny... you don't LOOK like someone from there."
This is a turkish girl
What's Japan like? Are the people nice...
What languages do you think are sexy, Sup Forums? Does your country agree?
Poles are asleep, post your real opinion on them
How do Hispanics/Latinos view Filipinos? Any kinship there or nah?
Hilo latino /lat/
If you make $70,000 a year and your spouse makes $70,000 a year...
No matter how bad things get, remember, at least you don't live in Argentina
Daily Japanese Thread DJT #1840
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Black is beautiful
How come Australian ghettos have nothing on American ghettos?
What the FUCK occurs here?
Am I white?
What went wrong?
Lets all give a big round of applause to australia for irrevocably destroying one of earths more beautiful natural...
Canadians, why are you against seperation of Quebec if you hate us so much?
A final meal?
Why do stupid white women do this? Why is being a shit-skinned mongrol automatically make you a pussy-magnet?
You are forced to live in the unshaded area of the world. Which country would you live in
Why do American minorities like to give their kids Slavic names?
Early friendship thread
Tell me a country and I will tell you why is a piece of shit
/cum/ - Canada, USA USA USA, Mexico
No one can stop American from obtaining burger
What's wrong with your country?
1. Flag
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Why do Finns and Argies get so triggered when you say they aren't white?
One World... Under France
Gibraltar is ours’: English football fans clash with riot police in Madrid
Why do the Americans keenly observe the Jews celebrating Passover...
How bad it is to start a second degree? (free tuition)
Countries that you don't care about
What is the most offensive thing you could say to an Italian?
This guy slaps your gf's ass, what would you do?
I'm greek
/fr/ - fil de la francophonie (cousue de fil blanc)
Why do the Japanese say "nippo nippo~ :3" when they see something cute?
/cum/ - Canada, United States (and) Mexico
Post that American states can be very different from each other...
Explain this bullshit. Because I'm very pissed
How does Turkish sound to non-Turkish speakers? (pic isn't related)
Tfw the more I read about blacks and the more I post defending them online, the more discrimination I get
Slavic men are ug-
How white are you, Sup Forums?
On Sunday, they die
Why do american teenagers look so much older than their european counterparts?
Why do they Shart in the Mart?
I fucking hate easter more than anything in this life
This land is mine. God gave this land to me
In 750 AD the Mayan population was estimated at 13 million
Anti-cherrypicking thread
Why do Americans hate Mexicans so much? I heard they work hard!
In this ITT we try to trigger Italians
Kurva anyátok
I hope you're not an effeminate faggot who doesn't have a buzzcut
At least you live in Europe
Do you like the Netherlands?
/deutsch/ KC-Ausgabe
1. your country? (<-see this? it's Sup Forums related)
/vocaroo/ thread - Hump Daaaaaayyyyy edition
Do you like the British isles?
Tfw all your neighbours have claims on your land
Sverigetråden - Påskupplagan
/ita/ - Il Filo
Post your best flag
Post actual things people cook in your cunt...
/lang/ - Language Learning thread
Guess the meaning
/balt/ /ausnz/
How come ~50% of posters with this flag aren't even german?
Is ice cream popular in your country?
God tier countries throughout history
The best empire in history
/deutsch/ - Völkische Ausgabe
Would you racemix with a Colombian girl?
Anyone else genuinely hate them because of the "I am Greek" poster?
Mfw the west thinks it can defeat my regime
God, i hate oklahoma so much
Positive contributions to humanity made by Ireland
How do people in blue areas even get on with their lives?
How racist are people in Norway?
This is a city in Norway
I WANT AN Sup Forums GF
Do imperialaboos exist? Are there people in not-America that swear by inches and feet? Just curious
Why do Poles say "pola~~ <3" when they see something cute?
Your country (very Sup Forums related)
/ISR/ /ישר/
Yuros are welcome here when shit hits the fan
His country doesn't recognise the Armenian genocide
Sverigetråden - Kvällsupplagan
China apparently not backing North Korea
Is snow based? I'm planning a trip to Argentina maybe also Chile
Chinese Words Vs American Words
Calling all 3rd worlders
ITT: Things that make you laugh!
English's primitiveness
How do we save Britain from its culture of sex abuse?
What country makes the best gfs in your opinion Sup Forums?
Why do Russians pretend they are not European?
Why are Muricans obsessed with putting stickers all over their cars?
Be French
Why are we the only white country that has balls?
Stop resisting white boys, you belong to us!
I like Poland, Why doesn't Poland like us?
/ita/ - il filo e vaffanculo f*****o
Am I crazy for wanting a house like this? Concrete blocks are so cheap here...
Why is Sup Forums so gay? Does international discussion make people gay?
Do you prefer Southern Europe or Northern Europe?
Why do French say "fra fra~~<3" when they see something qute?
He can count all the vowels in his ''''''language'''''' on his fingers
Your country is going to start being colonized, but you get to choose which group colonizes you. Who do you choose?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...