Baltics Thread

This thread is more targeted to Balts, but everibody else is ivated to join the discusion.

Wath do you guys think in ecanomic situation in Baltic states, and abbout military threaths from Russia?

Also shoud Baltic states make a federation with each other to make the more revelent in international stage, and have better ecanomy and stronger military(and more cordinated), and if yes then wich culture/langue shoud be dominant one?(also wich city woud be best new capital, and why?)

soory for my bad grammar, hope it is readable

> and abbout military threaths from Russia?
all lies


Big russian populations wich live in Baltic states ILEGALY after soviet unon colapse live here, and not only identify as russian patriots (not all but most of them) but also are wery agresive against Baltic patriots (it realy strains safty and are risk of civil war, especaly in 16. march and 9.may) and if somthin volitale woud happen in Baltic Russia woud most likly step in (Baltics have a lot of developed ports in baltic sea and woud help to likn up kalingrad with mainlaind Russia)

16 of March is the day when you left the SU?

16. of march is the day we remeber and put flovers on our momument of freedom for people who died figthing red army( cause due to previus ocupation from 1940-1941 in wich soviet killed many Latvians in name of colectiviztion), and as you know Nazi germans fougth against red army aswell, so they basicly were allies,and ethnic russians think that those people where nazies and just lose theyr shit at that day(mostly cause i presume theyr relatives fougth them)

Hm, I see

The thing is , a lot of russians in baltics say that Russia hate us and think of us as enamy number 1(we dont realy phoses any threat to them but okey)
I presume you live IN Russia, so wath do people there think of Baltic states?

Mm, yeah, the media kinda dislikes you, but average forks probably have an 'ok' opinion since they either don't know about these armed conflicts or have never met anyone from your countries (well, I guess that it's the same in other countries when a lot of people don't really know much about other countries)
Although Latvia (and Riga in particular) is more liked by tourists than the other two

well at least we have somthing going for us


btw, do you speak occupant
I was told that you can study it as a third language at school, is it true

Yes, in first 4 grades you leatn Latvian intesivly and english, and then as a 3rd Langue you can choose between russian and german langues

>a lot of russians in baltics say that Russia hate us and think of us as enamy number 1
You have my permission to gas them.

Personally I don't have any bad feelings towards Balts, why would I even. I know some of you guys don't like us because occupation and shiet but it is a job for our diplomacy to show people our government is not a crazy commie yet (oops). They make a bad imags of us. Until that "rayciss laws" mess in our media people mostly liked you or were indifferent. My parents told me Baltic republics were considered "Our Europe" and your celebrities were loved.

Im not that scared of russia desu lad, our country is a swamp so heavy vehicles get stopped by a puddle of piss, and country is for the most part a giant ambush. Meanwhile latvia isnt even trying so fuck them.

you have no chances

Probably last more than germs

shitmany has a big population
estonia is a big village

>Im not that scared of russia desu lad, our country is a swamp so heavy vehicles get stopped by a puddle of piss

Uhmm.. Eesti, no offense, but last century they've invented a machine capable of flight? They're called airplanes, and they can carry bombs, making land based invasions almost unnecessary.

>guys you have nothing to worry about, we only want peace

*annexes a chunk of their closest ally*

>guys you have nothing to worry about, we only want peace

using only air power worked well in libya?
and more militarized

using only air power won WW2 in Japan? c'mon man

>and more militarized
they have mass
one white slaps a chink and he dies
but 100 chinks kill the white

You think their high command is gonna send the entire russian armed forces here? do you understand logistics of that level?
Also when they are busy here people in russia might start shit


its not like as if they would need much for estonia

who knows what else they are hiding from the world

>implying we dont have fuck ton of AT weaponry

you have bike + a fly swat and want to destroy a tank with it

maybe you are confusing our armed forces with yours, we dont use brooms and sticks in combat

Why are you so salty bro? Yeah, Russian's gonna invade you. No, there's not much you Baltic guys can do about it. Instead of denial you should focus on controlling the damage if the worst comes to pass.

But think if it this way, at least you Estonians will be among friends! I'm sure the Mary and Khanty will be happy to welcome you back.

I wish we were so lucky as to be annexed by Russia. We could finally abandon this wretched land called Pannonia, and return to our ancestral home near the Ural mountains

Greece is EU, turkey is not
both in nato
Greek population is 7x lower but they have half of the equipment that turkey has


they still have to watch how the roaches fly over their heads and lost Cyprus

estonian propaganda must be good if you believe that you have a chance against that giant shithole

not salty desu, just bored
>estonian propaganda must be good if you believe that you have a chance
If at the end of your service all you do is fix the mud/dirt roads where all the tanks and apc got stuck, with a lot of heavily forested terrain infantry has a really good advantage, also knowing the terrain is breddy neato as well

shitler thought the same until he ate a bullet

What does hitler have to do do with this?
Most of them dont want to fight and will probably flee faster to the west than estonians

>not salty desu, just bored
Well, we could start lewdposting if you want :3

>Its the "Drunk Latvian from Sup Forums makes a thread" episode

>military threaths from Russia
Actually, i think a major part of Russians would disaprove that
>shoud Baltic states make a federation
That's actually a good idea, if you could overcome your disagreements

We didn't annex Belarus territories