How to pronounce V in english?

How to pronounce V in english?

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hahahahahaah spanish-speaking idiots btfo

in spanish, v sounds like b.

like ë̵̢̡̧̛̛̛̛̛̛̛̛̺̹̳͇̭̩̪͓̮̳͎͕̩͕̰̝̩̩̦̦̘͖̪͇̮͔͚̩͙̒́͊̊̀͛̌̓͗́̈́̀̀̈́͒̍͒̋̾́̌̉̂̀̿̅̀͋̐̅͌̀̐̐̎͒̅͊̿̆͛̿̈́̊̅̄̅̌̃̋͐̈́̒̋̇̅̽̀̎̒́͊̔̀̐̒̍̏̂͛́̄̽͌̀̈̽̊͊́͐̓͌̅̔̌̾͛̎̆̋̕̚̕̕̕̚͘͜͜͜͝͠͝͝͠͝͝͠͝ͅ

Pon los dientes de arriba en el labio inferior.

oh, sorry I''m sleepy, I read "how to pronounce V in your language"


Halfway between [b] and [f].

Ohhh i get it now!

hmmm i always thought it was halfway between [b] and [y] instead

Go to sleep fren

Like f

Your gonna sound retarded anyway So just use f.

Like an f but you make a buzzing sound, kind of like bees.

What kind of stupid question is that?

O português é a lingua superior!

i love ireland now

ja wie?!

Thx thx

It's exactly like /f/ but with your vocal chords activated. Consider the difference between /k/ and Sup Forums and between /t/ and /d/. It's _kinda_ the same thing, but with sibilants rather than stops.

okay, serious answer now:
pronounce it Sup Forums
voiced labiodental fricative

upper teeth with bottom lip

Yes i understand now, tell mods to delet my thread