Good things they did
India thread
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They made gravy spicy, Indians finally gave Brits the sauce we craved.
The greatest invention
They invented Buddhism or some shit, I don't know nigga
germanics were shitting on roman streets before the indians
I've thought you were referring to 0
I got your joke senpai
Is it true that sexual violence is a big problem in India or is this just a meme?
>the number 0
>Cataract surgery
>S. Ramanujan
>spinning wheel
Yeee I'm happy now :)
i dunno man
Its real, mostly because men and women are segregated so the men do not know how to approach women without being creepy.
>enjoy the alone sexual times
>but after my seed output
It's pretty obvious that's a troll. He speeds everything correctly but frames the sentences in the most stereotypical way
They have a good reason to be sexually frustrated and angry.
indians are disgusting worthless shitskins
t. Greek (Türk)
indians are worthless subhumans
Is porn ban?
And you are a smelly Turk
They are Greek.
I had to deal with lots of indians. They are fucking terrible. Always horny.
This so much.
indians smell
they are fucking disgusting
no they arent
thats the problem
>Always horny.
like fucking animals
Karma laws, nobody can lives without them. So they created the life
>whos Alexander the Great
Also prove it
a man who died centuries before jesus
Are there any good indian girls studying in Russia? Or they're all scary as fuck?
Lol said the brazilian
But for wiki rape stats by country an india ties canada per capita at 1.8..raw numbers its south africa n usa
Youre totally fuckin with them.
They average 5-6inch dependin on study.
That one where 60% were an inch or two shorter on the international 7.5inch condom means most were average.
Totally with hold data to ballbust with that headline
Arabic numerals were stolen from the Indians.
More like perfercted
Ok ahmed, go to sleep now.