
Poundbury edition

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I'll Pound your bury if you know what I mean ;)



I'm hearing that President Trump is flying from Mar-a-Lago to the White House and is being briefed on the developing situation in Cheadle onboard Air Force One.

Me as a girl

It doesn't handle beards very well


nothing wrong with MK

The government is trying to cover up what happened.


You're cute :3

got some of these in the post today lads and I didn't realise they had coffee in them
saying that, I think it's really fucking nice

can't imagine how horrible stalingrad must have been, christ

Heard they're going to quarantine a 50km radius

Needs Cheadle'ing.


the day i learn that cheadle exists is the day i learn that cheadle is gone. my thoughts are with the lost cheads


Not as bad as Cheadle.

need a pussy in front of me right now i swear to god, need to devour that thing
i'm literally the male equivalent of an ovulating woman right now
SEND PUSSY, they're gross as fuck but need it RIGHT NOW
SEND pussu


fuck this place
some rich entitled wankers idea of what britain should look like
he'll be dead soon no worries


Poundbury is a sterile, horrible place. Autism: The Town

mum always calls cats pussys

Really interesting discussion




Footage from Cheadle

It already looks good, a little sterile though yes

As the buildings get older, dirtier, weathered and the trees get bigger, it will look perfect


thinking about it, not a word im particularly fond of
certainly wouldnt say it out loud, oh no, certainly wouldnt be doing that

1. Lose weight

2. Hit the gym

3. Take a shower

4. Get a clue

it's all fake bro, false nostalgia
it's like vapourwave but for architecture

Why do american youths wear tshirts that are two sizes too big and clap between words?

You lost the genetic lottery

Seen yer da down the station

The Auld Press

best looking guy on Sup Forums

not really a lottery though is it

Hearing that a communist militia has declared the Socialist Republic of Cheadle and hoisted the Soviet flag, can anyone confirm?

the south west is the most powerful race

I was in Cheadle once. Actually no I wasn't. Probably will never be there either when I actually think about it. Not sure what what even compelled me to tell such a blatant and contextually egregious lie just now

HIGHLY doubt it

me as the dwarf

They'll be wiped out by the Don, just like the rest of them.

its a sexual emergency

Unironically a 5/10

bit weird how you can go to a remote town in cornwall or devon and you will always see at least 1 black person and 1 indian person

me in the photo

coming up

yes, but they're going to engage in a heavy battle with the CRC (Cheadle Radical Centrists) in the next few days in parliament

need a gf from the university of bath

me on the left

pics or it didnt happen

Fake news

Sterile because it's new
Just needs to be lived in a bit like a leather couch

wtf i love cheadle now!

uh yes? we dont live in a white supremacist country

based trump



But weird how I can go to your mums house and always see at least 1 black or Indian person

Can't believe what Saren did to those Syrian children. The Council must go after him and make him pay!


bit weird how I can go to your country and not see any white people

well, I guess it's better than harry potter allegory #54299

I live in a not even that remote town in Lancashire and I'm the darkest person in the square because my mum's parents are part Indian


More whites than yours

Had a tranny tell me (s)he loved me today.

hey zach

Vote for me as Spectre
I'm the best at spectering, you'll love it
We're going to go to those aliens and tell them to pay up, and they will, I guarantee it, because I'm a great negotiator, 100% paragon, the best.

embarrassed on your behalf

are you going to smash?

can't even quote the right post
what a retard

Probably not.

Not a huge fan of willies, and (s)he's too mentally fucked even for my tastes.


The Citadel Council is obsolete, folks. Won't even name the Volus currency manipulators. Sad!

not sure what this is. posting it anyway.


When Sovereign sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing geth. They're bringing rachni. They're reapers. And some, I assume, are good people.


'im playng a drinknig game to do with cheadle keep posting

I'm vetoing this 'shepherd is donald trump' gimmick RIGHT now.

which lucky lad will go home with this rare beauty



read that the creators update restart can take up to an hour so ive put it off for a couple of days

me driving the bus

Is that one of the Cheadle evacuation buses?

Heard only 3/100 made it out.

ah yes, the realdoll

IMO you can tell a lot about an area by the quality of the second hand/charity bookshops they have, particularly the philosophy/science/psychology sections

I have been to the Oxfam in Cheadle Village and it was substandard

Need a bf like Anzu

What's with the head though?

Brits speaking English is kind of like Germans speaking Arabic. Just how pathetic can people be?

I will bomb the shit out of the Reapers, folks. Believe me.

i feel like driving on that road would be way more tiring for the driver

It's like the bus version of this (((train)))

any good films lads?

That's why I speak Cornish as a first language mate

>t. American speaking English