So it's official. August 26th the fight of the century between Floyd "Money" Mayweather vs Conor "Notorious McGregor will take place in Las Vegas, Nv.
Who's going to win Sup Forums? The irishman or nigger? I predict that Conor is going to knock him out in the fourth round. If it goes the distance, then Mayweather will win. It will be interesting and fun to say the least
Ian Reed
Lincoln Hughes
You people dont know shit about either sport if you have mcgregor winning. Clueless
Ryder Harris
The paddy is going to get his shit rekt
Blake Nguyen
Already lost 50€ on the Connor Diaz fight when the shit talker lost surprisingly. Now I'd bet everything on Mayweather
Jason Watson
I class Irish as potato niggers so I'll put my money on Mayweather 4'th round last few seconds clean knockout buy uppercross
Jack Roberts
Think McGregor will win, he got power, size and speed fruthermore Floyd is 40 years old and has a history of problems with fighting southpaw fighters.
David Taylor
Mayweather on points decision
Isaiah Ward
How much do think floyd will pay so that conor can take a fall.
Brayden Bell
floyd always gets the points those judges a very well compensated