So it's official. August 26th the fight of the century between Floyd "Money" Mayweather vs Conor "Notorious McGregor will take place in Las Vegas, Nv.
Who's going to win Sup Forums? The irishman or nigger? I predict that Conor is going to knock him out in the fourth round. If it goes the distance, then Mayweather will win. It will be interesting and fun to say the least
Ian Reed
Lincoln Hughes
You people dont know shit about either sport if you have mcgregor winning. Clueless
Ryder Harris
The paddy is going to get his shit rekt
Blake Nguyen
Already lost 50€ on the Connor Diaz fight when the shit talker lost surprisingly. Now I'd bet everything on Mayweather
Jason Watson
I class Irish as potato niggers so I'll put my money on Mayweather 4'th round last few seconds clean knockout buy uppercross
Jack Roberts
Think McGregor will win, he got power, size and speed fruthermore Floyd is 40 years old and has a history of problems with fighting southpaw fighters.
David Taylor
Mayweather on points decision
Isaiah Ward
How much do think floyd will pay so that conor can take a fall.
Brayden Bell
floyd always gets the points those judges a very well compensated
Owen Jones
If money may becomes to hard to hit i think conor is gonna get pissed lose control and go for a take down.
Lucas Ward
dead thread already guess no ones cares about this bullshit money grabbing "fight"
Grayson Gutierrez
i've never watched boxing in my life so i think mcgregor can win
Levi Sullivan
Floyd will rape him everyone knows it. But it's literally the only environment Floyd could beat Connor, in a boxing ring with boxing rules. Anywhere else on earth Connor murders him.
Colton Long
McGregor isnt fighting at his natural weight... Yes he's built mass, then lost it to fight Alvarez. Mayweather has been fighting at welterweight for years, be alot more natural for him. So size won't come into it a great amount. However stamina will, McGregor, yes he is a machine, but he's shown before he gets carried away and gasses quickly. Mayweather in my head will play with that. Looking at it on paper yeah it could be a good fight... Reality is McGregor wouldn't cut it against many of the top 20 boxers in his weight class. Against one of the best boxing brains there has been, stands very little chance.
Connor Sullivan
This is what trips get you. Boxing can be amazing and can also be boring as fuck it all depends on the heart and the power of the boxers fighting.
Hudson Barnes
Mayweather will win. The only question is how, and how fast. That said, it would be stupid to bet on anyone other than McGregor. Why you ask? Look at the odds. Right now a $50 bet on McGregor would pay off $500. The same $50 on Mayweather will pay $50.50.
Dylan White
Aiden Hill
history of struggling never loses
pick one
Kevin Murphy
are those seriously the odds gambling and sportsbetting is such a joke at times.
Mason Morris
No fucking way he knocks out McGregor. Not saying Mayweather will lose. But if he wins it will be by points.
Gabriel Baker
The day after we're going to be reading stories about how McGregor died in the hospital. Mayweather is doing this just because he wants to kill someone and get paid a king's ransom for it, but needs it to be legally sanctioned. McGregor's doing it because he thinks he won't die or won't be cashing in his payday in a wheelchair. For once, the nig-nog is smarter than mighty whitey.
Liam Richardson
Is it a MMA or a Boxing match? If it's boxing McGregor is fucked.
Henry Scott
That's a real possibility
Lincoln Howard
Yes, right now Mayweather is 100:1. Still better than it was 6 months ago before a fight was actually signed. At one point Mayweather was 2200:1
Robert Jenkins
What's it like living under a rock?
It's boxing. Floyd is actually smart and knows better than to do anything other than straight boxing.
Logan Williams
I do agree with you on most of ypur points and Floyd is a very smart fighter and will be prob be looking fora oppertunity when Mcgrecor is tierd and could very well knock him out. However I think if Floyd might easily become overwhealmed by Mcgregor or slipup and might get hit bad and i doubt his ability to recover.
Luis Collins
This, Mayweather doesnt knock people out. He dances, hides behind his shoulder, and pokes for points. His entire game is built around the rules of boxing to ensure the safest wins possible
Adrian Campbell
>Floyd >slip up I don't think so, Tim.
Michael Cooper
hahah yeah your right
Benjamin Kelly
The GOAT or the guy who has never had a professional boxing bout. Tough choice.
Kayden Kelly
I'll place my money on Mcgregor just for the odds. But Mayweather has this. 40+ year old boxers beating less experience boxers isn't rare in boxing. Mcgregor wont be able to go a full 12 rounds with Mayweather. It takes a lot longer to get a fighter fully train to go 12 rounds. Even amateur boxers have a hard time going for 8/10 rounds to a full 12 round bout.
Christopher Peterson
>i doubt his ability to recover.
This is also very true. Mayweather has touched ass to canvas 1 time in his career.
Luis Hernandez
These threads will be cancer until Aug 26 and just more proof how fucking retarded you people are.
Grayson Diaz
odds are calculated on how the masses bet so the casinos don't lose to much money. if peopl eonly bet for mayweather odds increase for the irish to make sure people start betting the other way, so the casino doesnt lost millions because of an upset. so if you trust that people know what they are doing you can believe those odds.
Wyatt Ramirez
Muhammad Ali was the GOAT, and any boxer could kick his ass today. Dont ever forget Mayweather is 40 now. He is 15 years past his prime and nearing that age where like Foreman, is fighting safe fights to keep his record going
Jayden Roberts
Well yea hes dead
Michael Barnes
Fighting a dead guy, anyone has a chance.
Wyatt Jones
Yeah is last lear fight was like two years ago against a guy who had his rotisserie cuff torn three weeks before the fight.
Gavin Roberts
>being this fucking clueless
If you think Ali couldn't take down Klitschko, Fury, or Joshua, then you know nothing about boxing. I bet you think Sugar Ray Robinson would get smashed today too. fucking kek
Floyd will annihilate conor. The ranked 100th boxer in his weight class would annihilate Conor. Put down the crack pipe son
Carter Bennett
> The ranked 100th boxer in his weight class would annihilate Cono now that's abit hyperbolic
Cooper Collins
No. It's not. At all.
Grayson Torres
Mayweather could annihilate McGregor on points if they were in a boxing match, but they're not in a boxing match. McGregor's power and takedown speed will win the day.
McGregor is hubristic, not stupid. He would not sooner stand there and box with Mayweather than he would diaper up and chest-bump with a sumo wrestler. If he gets Mayweather on the ground he can employ locks and maneuvers Mayweather has never seen, let alone dealt with.
Michael Hernandez
>they're not in a boxing match.
They are tho
Caleb Lewis
Ethan Robinson
Of course Floyd if it's boxing. But I'm still hoping for McGregor because he is an insane actual fighter and MMA needs more recognition.
Austin Ortiz
Basically the only thing this fight will do is allow you to see which ones among your friends and colleagues actually watch the sports respectively, and which ones are fucking retarded.
I'm gonna hype up Conor, give all the facts to why he'll win, then two weeks prior bet on Mayweather and say 'I dunno, just a hunch' to all of them. Get myself 3-1 odds at the worst with some of these dumb fucks.
Use this to make some cash boys.
Alexander Sanders
Wut nigga?
Gabriel Murphy
Yeah, except they're BOXING...
Just to add my .02 McGregor has absolutely no chance. Don't even see why anyone would watch this.
Noah Wood
If you think those will be the odds, I can assure the world that you've never bet on anything before.
Parker Harris
To make money off stupid people, which is what we should all do. Go out there and take dem bets bois
Joseph Martinez
I didn't say those would be the odds, but the stupidity of others thinking Conor will win will allow me to get those odds. Guys last minute wont give a fuck, they'll just toss the money down unless they bet online which lots still don't.
Conor will prob close at +800 and Mayweather -1200
Austin Thomas
You're not interested in watching a man get murdered on live TV? As a sporting event?
Caleb Nelson
Anybody where we can watch it for free online? I heard it was going to be between 100-150 dollars to rent the ppv
Angel Rogers
Just go out somewhere. Evrry establishment will have it on
Blake Martin
First row sports or vipbox as last resort. Too many popups
Gavin Phillips
It will buffer like fucken crazy if you find it online
Noah Sullivan
Nah, Batmanstream is nice as fuck. A lot of links, a lot of HD ones. Been watching everything on there the last year since firstrow and vipbox have been shaky
Jordan Lee
>Gregory's weakchineth will braketh
Sebastian Roberts
But I can't leave my mom's basement.
Landon Hernandez
Thanks bro!
Ryan Cooper
>Homoeroticism >sage
Brandon Price
if connor cant even find the pressure point to put diaz the dog to sleep what can he do against the brain assassin mayweather
Ethan Allen
It's gonna be brilliant. Mayweather is gonna beat the holy fuck out of that little Irish prick.
Parker Edwards
I'm hoping Conor's instincts kicks in and he kicks that fucking nigger right in the head. It would be epic as fuck. Sure he would be disqualified, but Jesus, could you imagine?
Bentley Rodriguez
Gloves??? Hello
Even if Conor manages to get a great punch in it won't do the damage he would do in an MMA match given the gloves. Not that it wouldn't hurt but Floyd can take that and laugh it off. If it were bare knuckle then maybe Conor would have a chance with a lucky blow to the head. This is a complete and utter suckers bet UNLESS Floyd is playing us all for suckers and takes a dive to set up a rematch to get an even bigger payday. I don't think he would sully his legacy with a loss for what could be another 300-400 million, but who knows?
Alexander Green
^^^This. An above average UFC fighter (and that's all he is, don't kid yourselves) vs probably THE best boxer in his weight class ever at HIS own sport?
Conner won't even see most of his punches, he's gonna lose embarrassingly.
Henry Sullivan
Here's the thing. This whole thing is about brands. Mcgregor will win even if he loses. He only got his boxing commission for this fight. Nothing is stopping him from scooping Floyd if he gets behind in points. What's the worst that can happen? They revoke his boxing commission and Floyd sues? The brand is still in tact and mcgregor still wins even tho he lost.
Christopher Torres
i will never understand him He spent so much time building a persona and learning how to market himself
And now is agreeing to fight at a disadvantage, again First with Nate diaz now with floyd.. makes no sense
Anthony Hernandez
At this stage, Mayweather does not go into a fight that he cannot guarantee winning.
Caleb Hernandez
Why is conditioning an issue? Genuinely curious. Mma has longer rounds. The only time I would think Connor might get gassed is in the layer rounds.
Eli Turner
Floyd is gonna win obviously you fucking faggots
Jaxson Foster
Sorry to say, but read an article that mentioned one of McGregors sparing buddies in October of 2016 said he was out of shape hadnt had a proper bout himself in well over a year went 1v1 with a Connor who was out of shape himself (the champ mind you) and landed staggering hits against the Irishman. Mayweather is currently a legend in the ring with a 46/0 streak. Connor is fucked.
Lincoln Scott
Where is a decent website to place a bet?
Lincoln Cruz
>You people dont know shit about either sport if you have mcgregor winning maywether-retired 40yo mcgregor-active champ 29yo you have no idea about stamina do you mcgregor is a boxer too you know, imo mma is more stamina intensive than boxing
Chase Gray
>mcgregor is a boxer too you know Is he a 49-0 champion?
Hunter Sanders
Camden Lewis
>a boxer vs >the best boxer
ok faggot
Charles Foster
Pacquiao is a real champion. Floyd is just undefeated. If Floyd was a real champion he'd be going after GGG, but he knows that's a death sentence.
Ayden Smith
I feel Conor will have the edge in the first 6 rounds, because he is used to longer rounds than Mayweather. If he's going to knock money out, he's going to have to do it early. If it goes pass the 6th, I'll give Floyd the edge. People keep saying that Conor has never stepped into the ring with a professional boxer, well Floyd has never stepped into the ring with a professional MMA fighter. Conor is a striker, which is very similar to boxing. Of course he'll not be able to add in kicks, but he moves differently than a boxer too. Also he can change his stance anytime to get an advantage, which is another thing Floyd has yet to see. Remember he has never lost, and every dog has his day.
Grayson Allen
I feel Conor has the knockout power, if he can connect well, he will win via TKO or knockout. Anything else and Floyd will win.
Christopher Bell
My mistake the article at the time had it at 46/0 but yeah hope Connor is methodical about the bout, but it wont be enough. He should pull his punches first few rounds and not exert himself. Mayweather is someone who has proven time and time again that he can take a punch, and he knows how to recover very very well. Conner needs to keep his opponent guessing. If connor wins it will either be in a surpise unseen move in the 5th round, I'd attribute it to luck or he'll eat it in the 8th. A cold knock out.
Angel Harris
>rotisserie cuff
Oh lawd
Logan Edwards
Cameron Collins
Connor knows he wont be knocking out Mayweather, Floyd is indeed versatile and knows how to take a punch and recover from it better that Conner.
Grayson Collins
>If Floyd was a real champion he'd be going after GGG
Floyd is retired. He's only doing this because he's going to make an easy $100m.
Oliver Ortiz
floyd hasnt taken a punch in a long time, last time he did his knees buckled.
Jaxon Allen
I predict this is going to be overhyped and garbage. Where do I put my bet?
Connor Garcia
>retired >at 100%
I'm afraid we can only have one then.
Gabriel Martinez
found the nigger lover
Adam Fisher
Well now we can all finally learn who's a better boxer - A world class professional boxing champion with a 49-0 record, or some other guy.
Jose Ross
its going to be staged, everyone wants a floyd knockout. So they will hype this shit and it will be staged out so Floyd wins and they both get a nice big payday. This is garbage. Same shit like the floyd/pacquiao fight, utter shit and staged. pacquiao didnt fight like he normally does he toned it down floyd won surprise. The only way to stop this bullshit in boxing is to stop watching non sense staged fights like this. Floyd is only about paydays and this is just another one. Floyd has probably already paid mcgregor millions to throw the fight, even if floyd doesnt make anything off this fight because he pays everyone off, he still holds a record and his image as a knockout champ. See thru the bullshit.
Anthony Smith
Pacquiao couldn't unload like he usually does because of his shoulder. And Floyd knew it. You could see him hanging on his shoulder all night.
Henry Robinson
this. right here.
James Reed
>rotisserie cuff
I wish I thought that was soft trolling.
Bentley Moore
Floyd only chooses people he knocks he will win against. this fight is no different the only thing is his his last fight pacquiao and was just a payday because pay per view were going to stop hosting his shit because nobody was buying it because his fights are fucking boring, so now they use mcgregor a UFC fighter to help make more money buy getting boxing fans and UFC fans to all join in and pay for this shit, its just a marketing stunt and it will work to make everyone millions more. Although floyd will pay this guy to throw the fight so floyd wins. ITS FUCKING STAGED BULLSHIT
Brandon Sanchez
Mayweather is not a KO champ and has never been known as one. his skill as a boxer comes from his incredible speed, his ability to take a punch like a motherfucker, and his extreme defensive style.
Mayweather has about a 50% KO rate. Compare that to 75% for Mike Tyson and 84% for George Foreman.
Robert Jenkins
you really believe that? He was told to say that. So it didnt fuck pacquiao rep.
Caleb Walker
this will be first time or floyd is fighting someone like mcgregor. why ?? cause floyd was always the alpha of the 2 fighters. he knew how to get into their head and then just stood in the defensive and wait for them to box him. now is the first time floys is fighting someone like conor who has confidence like no one before him, fans to back it up, an amazing mind, he s calm and controlled, he has the trash talk to fuck up with floyd s head. i bet conor will fuck him up in the press conference. plus all the shame on floyd if he loses to an mma fighter. so as i said, all the fighters he fought before where stressed pissed off betas who came to box. conor comes to fight it will be a different approach
also is value to bet on conor odds if u bet 100 $ on floyd u win 110$ if u bet 100 $ on conor u win 550$
Benjamin Moore
I should have said undisputed champ. instead of knockout king