So it's official...

Well now we can all finally learn who's a better boxer - A world class professional boxing champion with a 49-0 record, or some other guy.

its going to be staged, everyone wants a floyd knockout. So they will hype this shit and it will be staged out so Floyd wins and they both get a nice big payday. This is garbage. Same shit like the floyd/pacquiao fight, utter shit and staged. pacquiao didnt fight like he normally does he toned it down floyd won surprise. The only way to stop this bullshit in boxing is to stop watching non sense staged fights like this. Floyd is only about paydays and this is just another one. Floyd has probably already paid mcgregor millions to throw the fight, even if floyd doesnt make anything off this fight because he pays everyone off, he still holds a record and his image as a knockout champ. See thru the bullshit.

Pacquiao couldn't unload like he usually does because of his shoulder. And Floyd knew it. You could see him hanging on his shoulder all night.

this. right here.

>rotisserie cuff

I wish I thought that was soft trolling.

Floyd only chooses people he knocks he will win against. this fight is no different the only thing is his his last fight pacquiao and was just a payday because pay per view were going to stop hosting his shit because nobody was buying it because his fights are fucking boring, so now they use mcgregor a UFC fighter to help make more money buy getting boxing fans and UFC fans to all join in and pay for this shit, its just a marketing stunt and it will work to make everyone millions more. Although floyd will pay this guy to throw the fight so floyd wins. ITS FUCKING STAGED BULLSHIT

Mayweather is not a KO champ and has never been known as one. his skill as a boxer comes from his incredible speed, his ability to take a punch like a motherfucker, and his extreme defensive style.

Mayweather has about a 50% KO rate. Compare that to 75% for Mike Tyson and 84% for George Foreman.

you really believe that? He was told to say that. So it didnt fuck pacquiao rep.

this will be first time or floyd is fighting someone like mcgregor. why ??
cause floyd was always the alpha of the 2 fighters. he knew how to get into their head and then just stood in the defensive and wait for them to box him. now is the first time floys is fighting someone like conor who has confidence like no one before him, fans to back it up, an amazing mind, he s calm and controlled, he has the trash talk to fuck up with floyd s head.
i bet conor will fuck him up in the press conference.
plus all the shame on floyd if he loses to an mma fighter.
so as i said, all the fighters he fought before where stressed pissed off betas who came to box.
conor comes to fight
it will be a different approach

also is value to bet on conor
odds if u bet 100 $ on floyd u win 110$
if u bet 100 $ on conor u win 550$

I should have said undisputed champ. instead of knockout king