So it's official...

I feel Conor has the knockout power, if he can connect well, he will win via TKO or knockout. Anything else and Floyd will win.

My mistake the article at the time had it at 46/0 but yeah hope Connor is methodical about the bout, but it wont be enough. He should pull his punches first few rounds and not exert himself. Mayweather is someone who has proven time and time again that he can take a punch, and he knows how to recover very very well. Conner needs to keep his opponent guessing. If connor wins it will either be in a surpise unseen move in the 5th round, I'd attribute it to luck or he'll eat it in the 8th. A cold knock out.

>rotisserie cuff

Oh lawd


Connor knows he wont be knocking out Mayweather, Floyd is indeed versatile and knows how to take a punch and recover from it better that Conner.

>If Floyd was a real champion he'd be going after GGG

Floyd is retired. He's only doing this because he's going to make an easy $100m.


floyd hasnt taken a punch in a long time, last time he did his knees buckled.

I predict this is going to be overhyped and garbage. Where do I put my bet?

>at 100%

I'm afraid we can only have one then.

found the nigger lover