Name one (1) good reason Why Turkey shouldn't be a part of the EU

Name one (1) good reason Why Turkey shouldn't be a part of the EU

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turks are subhumans

Not white.

Yes they are

turks are not white

Its not a european country.

Neither are Finns


Britain wanted them to join and everything the anglo trojan horse wants must be a bad idea.

Also Mutti says they shouldn't, and what Mutti says goes.


it isn't in Europe, as a first

half of them will move to a eu country soon anyway once shit starts going south


It's not a real democracy.

germany is in EU

I can't

Its Greece 2.0


it isn't

it is turkey

what country is that? :-DDDDDD

I know the crypto-turk is gonna whine so let me just say upfront that I rather spend a additional several millions on bailing out greece than a single cent more into turkey. Those roaches already get too much money from us.

post tits xx

>no native americans in north canada
>all those jews near the horn of africa
ah yes, amazing map

heyyy x

germans are parasites

The fact that they just voted in a supreme leader who has already broken people's human rights multiple times and will definitely do more of it, and worse.

that kind of regime is the only one muslims can understand and live under
that's the regime they seek

Turkey is too corrupt and authoritarian, even when compared to EU.