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International #737
Name something good that came from this country
I LOVE Albania!
Sverigetråden - Grekiska Upplagan
What is Sup Forums wearing?
/fug/ France+Ulster+Germany
Post your rightful clay
International jokes thread
Your cunt
Kurva anyátok
Log on Sup Forums
How old were you when you started making your own food?
What is this called in your language?
ITT: Name something good that came from a country that has historically always been shitty and evil...
/fr/ - le froncofil
Tfw no mediterranean bf to fuck me senseless every night
Be American
ITT: faces of Sup Forums
Americans are fat and dumb LOL
Swedish commonwealth
Why are Americans so racially seperate
Rank the Spic countries
What's stopping you from having a chocolate gf ?
Wake up!
A question for Muricans
In fifty years every single American will look like this
/fug/ - /fr/+/brit/+/deutsch/ Episode 2
/balt/ ( . Y . ) /ausnz/
ITT: languages that sound like shit to your ears
What do Chinese people think of India?
/hell/ Hellas General thread
Thank you mafia and fascist/anarchist terrorists!
Teddy Roosevelt vs Lawrence of Arabia
Are slanted eyes ugly? is eyelid surgery wrong?
A 18 years old women was raped in a graveyard in Kairouan tunisia while here 4 years old child is watching kek
Are gorillas white?
Why did I have to be born a Swede?
Would you live in Bergen, Norway if you get a qt wife, 7 billion dollars and a large house?
What are the names of these characters in your country?
Culture pals /cp/
Israel to make separate classes for the Ultra Orthodox
Would you a cute thai ladyboy?
/fug/ - /fr/+/brit/+/deutsch/
How would your country men react to this?
Kurva anyátok
Why don't you have a gun, Sup Forums?
born in Russia
Average Swede
/balk/ - Balkan Thread
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Full English? More like Full retard
Why are rural and suburban retards allowed to vote?
But Spain count as Europe?
Would you date a Japanese girl?
Why do Americans like watching their wives have sex with black men?
Is your country ready to abandon the geneva convention to stop immigrants from entering your your cunt?
Please DON'T come to Australia
So what's the most ''african'' country in the African continent there is?
289 countries and i had to be born in india
What, hypothetically, would the US stance be if Canada attacked Denmark?
An Australian national hero, Patrick the wizard wombat has died age 32
Why are Australians such cunts?
Death to america
Do you love Japan?
Please cum to Germany
Flames of Nationalism
When did you realize that life was a scam?
Tfw this shithole is a UNESCO world heritage site
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Kurva anyátok
Newfag here, how did Sup Forums react to the Sandy Hook Shooting when it first happened?
You can choose between being a billionaire nowadays or a war hero in the Ancient Western World, which one do you choose?
Post your autistic fantasy
Tell me about the Chinese people who live in Vancouver and Sydney
Why doesn't the Northeast have high speed rails like Japan, China, and Europe?
How do you say "yeah okay that's enough thanks" in your wonderful language?
Why are you so mean? We have feelings too
Most hated race/nationality
Greeks drink more milk than Germany
He imagines a voice narrating his life in the third person
ITT: sayings from your country
He never learned about the American crusades that took place in during the 1200s
This kills the European
How do we make America native again?
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
What does Sup Forums think of Asian Americans?
What makes them grow so big in the 21th Century?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Hilo de concha floja
How does int feel about the current cultural genecide happening in western Europe?
Tfw hapa
Americans want to KILL this
What does Sup Forums think of Eurasians?
/nachtschicht/ KOMFORTABLE AUSGABE 2 - Maltes und Sörens müssen noch immer draussen bleiben
Your cunt
What do monarchs actually do? I understand that the Queen of England waves at parades, gives speeches...
An international roast of the United States of America
Why is every latin American man on my grindr a manlet...
/fr/ - le fil de la francofolie /de/ /brit/ invités
Slavic Girl Approves
I was in cult. The Church me abused. The church me shamed. The church me shamed long time...
Argentinian soccer fans MURDER a man because they thought he was secretly a supporter of the opposite team
Official European power rankings of the past 500 years
Genuine question for people in extremely hot countries
What do poor alcoholics drink in your country?
/nachtschicht/ KOMFORTABLE AUSGABE - Maltes und Sörens müssen draussen bleiben
/fug/ - /fr/+/brit/+/deutsch/
/dixie/ — Southern US & Friends
Japan, Taiwan, China, South Korea
>>>Sup Forums is over there fagboy
Why do Albanian people have such a bad reputation?
Would you like to know the natural scent of a french woman?
What do you call this in your language?
Why is America so much better than everyone else at making great tv shows and movies...
Germans are just Polish/French rapebabies
Why are white women so hairy ?
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
/hell/ - Hellas General Ελλάς
/ita/ - il filo
/nachtschicht/ bald wieder /deutsch/
Why does Japan get a whole board for themselves?
What do you call plumber's crack in your language?
/balt/ /ausnz/
Norway is the only country in Europe who has been consistently and outspokenly allied with the anglos in the last 400...
/sag/ - South Asia General
Question to Latin Americans
Is Neymar's son white?
Why don't Italians eat mashed potatoes? It's without a doubt the best way to consume a potato
Culture Pals /cp/
Why does European Dark chocolate taste different than US dark chocolate?
My cousin is hot
Are you going to go try the Starbucks™ Unicorn Frappucino®?
Which of these areas would you rather live assuming you were required be there for at least two years of your life?
Is it true that spanish speaking people with no formal knowledge of the language can understand italian and the other...
Carrying confederate flag
Poles attitude to other nationalities
Communism > Democracy
Hilo latino
Will U.S. accept Turkish refugees fleeing from the Erdogan regime? I think we should, I feel so bad for them
What's the greatest piece of literature your country has ever produced?
Overall temprature increases
Why do Poles say "pola~~ <3" when they see something cute?
Accent is exactly the same
Which culture is better? China or Japan?
This is considered "camping" in europe
/deutsch/ Dat Adam
/fr/ - le fil de Philippe le Bel
/luso/ - Fio lusófono da língua lusófona
Russian blogger got beaten by her mom on her own stream
1. Your cunt
Get out of Norway REEEEEE
UK vs US
Is finland an eldorado for NEET ?
Your cunt
Expat Thread
Americans cut the skin off babies penises
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Romans said that Gauls were more civilizable than Germanic barbarians...
Daily Japanese Thread DJT #1843
If your ancestors weren't vikings then you're not white, being a rapebaby doesn't count
Summary chart of korean candidates
How do we solve the Balkan questions Sup Forums?
Why did America have no problem bullying Mexico, when it was so much larger and more resource rich than Canada?
1. Cunt
/hohlerde/ - ehemals /deutsch/
This is the best country in Europe
/éire/ /eire/
Any Sand people here?
Google just released a new Google Earth, it looks pretty cool
Oasis is the greatest band ever
Single Anglo nation/empire
How Bri'ish are you?
/fug/ - /fr/+/brit/+/deutsch/
Why are foreigners so shit at Sauna-etiquette?
What should be the international age of consent?
Y tho
Italian "men"
Hip bone is wider than shoulder bone
How do other europeans feel about the fact that when 'white people' are talked about...
Kurva anyátok
/vocaroo/ thread
What happens in the southern part?
English is a Greek dialect
/fr/ - le fil /fr/ - le fil /fr/ - le fil /fr/
Is it safe to assume that Labour with Corbyn is absolutely finished...
This is the actual portuguese prime minister
Asian girls
What an pathetic loser. Killing a harmless old man
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
ITT: Poeple on Sup Forums that need to be permabanned
What do black people look like in your country?
""""his"""" people don't have lots of body hair
Okay I admit it... French cheese is better than British cheese okay? Now fuck off
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Taco's anyone?
Tfw women only lust me for my body
Japan: The Lost Tribe of Israel
An Italian replies to you
Am I white?
Your state is now a part of america and not your original country. What do you do?
Wake up
/hell/ /νήμα γραιkών/ /gr/ /μαλάkες/
Sverigetråden - BARA upplagan
Which country should REALLY rule the world?
Why do Asian women love bwc so much?
White girl here with a thing for azns(mongoloid). Not many of them where I live though...
Why the F*CK did chinks thought this is a good idea...?
Which country do you REALLY want to go to Sup Forums?
Daily Japanese Thread DJT #1843
During World War II, Nazi Germany engaged in a policy of deliberate maltreatment of Soviet prisoners of war (POWs)...
Why are Anglo genes so weak? Their mixes look nothing like them
One of these British beauties is now your gf
/deutsch/ - gute laune ausgabe
Would you race mix with an Anglo?
What are you having for lunch, Sup Forums?
Ssh don't mind me, I'm skipping work to take a siesta
What language do people speak in your dreams? do you dream in english or your native language...
The only white guy in pakistan
Post yfw you see a white man (male) in your country
Post your country's police special forces
Press F
Just got fourteen eurodollars. What should I do
What's worse?
/fr/ - Le francofil
Why is she no longer president?
How comfy is your country for NEETs?
What do if France becomes a far right country?
Jap girls get fat
/rus/ + /bel/ + /ukr/ general
Fat aussies
If North Korea nuked the United States of America, what would be the first thought coming to your mind?
Does your country has a shitty work culture?
Friendly reminder that all of this is rightfull swedish clay
Countries have no presence
How come Americans are so patriotic when they have no culture? Is it mental retardation?
Tfw being f*nn
His country is monolingual
How to get Asian cute wife. I want blasian babies, and I thought Asians hate blacks
Someone starts speaking Finnish
My roommate is fucking some muslim girl
Kurva anyátok
USA lost to Vietnam
Why is the US so obsessed with carrying out provocative actions against China like this...
Are sikh's bro tier?
Post ASEAN women
Whats wrong with Sweden, and since when they downhill?
Greatest ally
How is this woman regarded by Mexicans?
/lang/ - Language Learning thread
ITT we all talk shit about Australia
Which country have the biggest population of weebs?
I just saw a video about cannibalism in Venezuelan prisons where someone is forced to eat the ear of another prisoner...
/cum/ - cum
Southern/Eastern Europeans, how do you see us Western Europeans?
/Dixie/- Southern US and friends
Tfw i could easily beat the shit out of anyone who posts on Sup Forums
Native American Reconquista
Tfw Japan, Korea, and China will never team up to destroy the white man
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Why do Americans dress so poorly?
What is the word for joy in your language?
English language
Tfw the last prussian army died in 1989
/sag/ - The general formerly known as /desi/
Being white in 2017
How are cargo shorts viewed in your country? What kind of people wear them?
Is the west coast better than the east coast?
What happens here
This is inevitable in 30-40 years
/luso/ - Fio lusófono
Sometimes I feel like just fucking off to Asia and seeing where life takes me
Would you support Native Americans taking back all of North America if it meant Europe could be full white again?
What's up with all these Chileans immigrating to Brazil recently...
80% of Hungarian posters on Sup Forums do NOT speak english
Are there any countries that can post on Sup Forums without being made fun of?
Post your town city flag
When will Japan accept more immigrants to help raise their birth rate?
Why did americans create a country in the worst possible spot?
How old is this board on average
You have 10 seconds to act as canadian as possible or this bird will is going to stab you
Do you like Argentina? have you ever meet an Argentine irl?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/nachtschicht/ Wie wird man glücklich? - Ausgabe
What's this maneuver called in your country?
What ethnicity are you Sup Forums?
/sino/ - 中文
Daily reminder if you can't grow a decent beard you aren't a real man
Sverigetråden - Dåjinnupplagan
/cum/ Canada United States Mexico
/lat/ hilo latino
What a filthy fucking language, i want to see it purged from this planet
Have you ever called a black person a nigger to their face?
Your cunt's national food, GO
/ita/ - il filo
/hell/ - Hellas General Ελλάς
ITT: We fake a language we don't speak as best we can
/MENA/= /ME+/NA/= white
Say something nice about Poland!
Why do we like Israel?
Le italy is a third world country
If you could trade away your current life for the American dream, would you?
/fr/ - Le fil francophone et blanc:
What is the comfiest country? What's the comfiest part of the comfiest country?
Say something nice about Canada
Ywn live in Minnesota
If you could be born in a different country what would it be?
Your homecountry
Your country
What is this called in you're cunt?
Redpill me on US cities
What's the future of the EU?
1. your country
How do you say
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Culture Pals /cp/ General
Does not care what other countries think of their ruling style
How do you call this in your country?
Sol og vårstemning-utgaven
1) You're a cunt
/face/ of Sup Forums
ITT: we imagine what Sup Forums would be like on July 28th, 1914
How is Franco remembered in Spain today?
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
Are they the only Spanish speaking Arabs in the world?
Whats your daily life like Sup Forums?
Most boards, have a demonym, like /fit/izens, /k/ommandos, robots, etc
Tfw an evil portuguese dictator destroyed our original language
Another day wasted on Sup Forums instead of doing something productive
/hell/ - Hellas General Ελλάς
/*teuta/*tere- ehemals /deutsch/faden
/ita/ - il filo
Tell me what bothers you, user
/fr/ - Le fil francophone et blanc:
Best couple in the EU
Post flag memes
Are there any countries that don't consider a weak chin to be a death sentence in terms of getting a gf?
Easter Weekend Shootings
According to online tests, I have a 120 IQ. Is that enough or am I dumb?
Collapse of Turkey
ITT: We post our real names
How would this region have turned out without the stabilizing influence of the USA?
This is so gay to disscussing about countries you have never visited
Which 'stan is the best and why?
Where would you drop them
Why do Eurofags get so butthurt at the fact that only 30% of Americans have passports?
/urban/ + /architecture/
Norway cutie contest 2017, now with more pics
Turkish Flag in 5 years
Daily reminder France won WW2, while "muh strong Nazi Germany" didn't
This is Evans city, Pennsylvania. It has a population of 1800 people. It baffles me
How much does a beautician make in Norway? Is it enough to live on your own...
/deutsch/ Der ewige BavariANUS-Hahnrei in seiner elendigen Verzweiflung
Chink equivalent of european countries
Americans from HBO mock our candidats for the presidential
/éire/ + /eire/
Tfw you weren't born into a Ashkenazi billionaire family with 145 IQ
A russian, an american, and a canadian walk into a bar
What was his fucking problem?
Sverigetråden - Kvällsupplagan
In your opinion
Girls who refuse to date short guys should have acid on her faces
What is your country's closest equivalent to King Arthur?
Be american
What's serbia like?
Bravo Poland!
Kurva anyátok
Is there a more beautiful city than Florence?
I live in Uyghur Autonomous Xinjiang, AMA
Is patriotism taboo in your country?
Sup Forums girls
Can we finally stop with the "le Turkey is secular and European" meme?
Be REALLY rude to the country above you. (without using stereotypes)
Swedes are insufferable faggots
Have you ever seen a Jewish ginger in your life?
/fr/ - Edition Maréchal Davout
Have you ever seen a trap/transexual in real life ? I have never, ever seen one. and live in paris
Girls of Sup Forums
Is Erdogod Greek?
Have you ever heard about this country?
I kind of wish I lived in an irrelevant country like Luxembourg or Uruguay or Singapore
Are italians white?
Italians, you have some explaining to do
Is she an average Anglo girl?
/balt/ /ausnz/
What's the best Sup Forums meme?
Culture Pals /cp/ gen6
If you're country isn't black on the map, that means that you're not white
So what do we all think of the United States of America a.k.a the greatest country on earth
Good int hours (american) are ending. Bad int hours (euro) are starting
Your country
How do people in your country fool tourists? Picrelated is in the gum, a store right next to red square...
/carib/ ACT 28
Why are japanese girls so lewd
Finnish Vikings
Name one (1) good reason Why Turkey shouldn't be a part of the EU
In which culture is it most acceptable for men to cry?
*knock! knock!*
Are Mongolians white?
Post interesting maps, this map shows how many people in Britain identify with their nation as opposed to Britain...
Can i pass as a local in your country?
USA is the best country on earth
Sverigetråden - Antonupplagan
Russian nonwhite subhumans
What does Sup Forums think of Americas new rocket?
In Korea the Feminists directly mock Korean men's dick size on their very logos
Turkish Referendum
Try to say something in the language of the poster above you
China's economy lifts global outlook
Fucking turk idiots. Anzu doesn't deserve that shit nation
Post funny letters from your alphabets
Can we get an Ikibey thread going on?
Turkey becomes a dictatorship
Who does your country piss off?
It's all your fault, Sup Forums!
Be Palestinian
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...