How do we solve the Balkan questions Sup Forums?

How do we solve the Balkan questions Sup Forums?
Template for your painting pleasure.

Hard mode: you can't erase anything from the map.

tiho we

Allow Greece to rule all and revive its civilization.

discover an efficient albanian to fuel cycle

Unify it all except Greece and kill all the Serbs.

Nuke it all.


look at this to not forget reality

Most of these people are Greeks that have had a foreign language and culture imposed on them. It would be better to just make everything a part of Greece.

Convert them all to Catholicism and make then fight the Turk.

Bring back the European empires and let them carve it up into neat lines


i would actually agree on that

most of Kosovo and Polog joining Albania. rest as it is


catholics are false christians

thats because you're a cuck who deserves nothing but the knife

t. greek.

Many people like Greeks because they are better humans.

>pic related

or this

Share denbts!

no that's because my country is shit and i would get free access to the sea

bulgaria should exist becasue:

albania should not exist


Why am i supposed to know what the hell of this shit means?reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>the grecoservian basketball national team

This is the exact picture that I had in mind, but Kosovo is left out. It's kind of hard to understand for foreigners how much Kosovo means to us, but we're at a such a point where Kosovo is as good as lost, we could probably strike a deal with the Albos:
>get control over Serb majority areas
>put enclaves on our churches and such
>give Albos the rest of it and possibly the Presevo valley

нe'a мoe, нe'a твoe, 'cичкo e бepoe

this. though Macos will probably prefer to be independent

I do like the extra islands though

>capital of Bulgarian empire
>goes to 80iqstan

If you're hoping to trigger us, by placing Hungary among the Balkan, then you clearly don't know us.

delet this.

Balkanian lands belong to Russia


You have enough subhumans in the North Caucasus. Why do you want more?

lmfao youre demented if you think albos are ever gonna hold so much land in macedonia if we take it


Lets be realistic

The only way to achieve piece in the Balkans is with bigger Croatia, Serbia and Albania (and Bulgaria) by annexing meme nations created with divide et impera politics throuout history

Albanians are scum like every other Balkaniggers, but they exist and are a political factor there.

compromise is the key

I dont know whats the exact ethnic map of Macedonia. My point was to give Albanians the Albanian majority parts and "Macedonian" to Bulgarians

Yeah, Kosovo should be split by ethnicity as well.. with forever burrying war hatchets

So when you rent a place, if it is furnished you usually are able to install new stuff right?

I am not going to a place without a dryer

>albanian majority

The only way to achieve piece in Haemus is to let the balkan scum die out and repopulate it with Greeks.

I want some warm water
(And subhumans can be exterminated)

back to Austria

Here for fucks sake you fucking autist.
Are you happy now?

But you do not deserve warm water.

germs never learn

The best and most fair compromise I could think of.

albania should not exist

To be honest, at this point, it'd be best.

it wouldnt
germans are subhumans



Bring back AHE and give half of Anatolia to Greece for good measure

t. greek
why do you live in Germany if they are subhumans and greeks are a superior race?

I've always wondered this, desu

dubs confirm

I'm ok with this.

I'd be ok with this too.

now you fucking autist
why would mudslime own a single piece of bulgarian land

here is a more acceptable map

fuck serbia

this is my country

Why such a dick hehe

Looks nice, Romania is gagging on a dick-shaped Hungary.

I am not ok with this you slavic subhuman.

10 years in EU
still poorer than Turkey
let alone Western Turkey

look at this

>But you do not deserve warm water.
Why not? I desperately want some.

Where is your spirit of a conqueror? You fucked the whole world back in those days

wasn't your country Greece?

If Germany is your cunt why are you greek? You are just another filthy german subhuman

Because slavs are white trash and should not exist.

A world with more Greeks and less Argentines would be a better one.

>20+ years old

the best solution
kill off the anatolian dogs

germans are subhumans


Is there any way to give this man another moreta without going through zergland? A corridor through Epirus perhaps?

Do not forget that bulgaria was and will always b shit.

A fucking retarded piece of shit, you did not answer my question. Problems with English?

sea of marmara

this is my country

iki mach dich wieder zum Affen....

prove me wrong


You still did not answer me. I will ask once again.
If Germany is your cunt why are you greek?

ez pz

If your country is glorious Greece then why do you shitpost from retarded Germany?

I deleted my post because I wrote Greece wrong.

why shitpost?
i post only the truth

fuck you all

bulgaria is filth


desu the only real way to fix ex-yu and even balk is to let them do ethnic cleansing. Not stopping it and create cold war tier conflicts

what if "we" let serbia clean kosovo desu or bosnia

If your country is glorious Greece then why do you post from retarded Germany?

I post from Greece.

only good map ITT

Look at your flag

Here you are, fixed the Balkans.

Because countries should be united based on language, right? Otherwise you're a non-country, right?

isnt it?

albania should not exist

He's making fun, no need to reply his comments.

albanians are subhumans

wew, rudefag.

t. noneedtoreply


albanians are subhumans
only albanians dont hate albanians


you're a t*rk

bulgaria is a useless shithole

albanians are subhumans

You already know his answer tho


back to lazistan, turkroach

turkic subhumans
back to the steppes subhuman