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We should've won WW1 Edition

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alright lads

Are you okay,France-chan?

Funny how in political science even in France we spell Realpolitik this way.
It's a bit of a meme when you do monkey business, reference to Bismarck : Realpolitik, copain.
I'm sure though that most french people wouldn't know how to spell it wand what it refers to.

I wouldn't say I'm ok youtube.com/watch?v=7Oxqf_15k0w&list=PLbRf7bcUkIC10jaHe7yNkh4fx-eAeTRQY&index=12

>He doesn't know that im OP and he didn't even have to additionally (You) me

Why are you not okay though?


fucking hell, a 20th century shaped by the British Empire and the Second Reich would have saved the West.

Britain is on the verge of a democratic civil war.

utter STATE of americnas

would like a french gf (or bf)

>britain didn't ally with Germany to batter the French in WWI

worst feel

Sad but im not allowed tell anyone why

might have a wank


Herr OP,
Well, oldfag reporting, who, thanks to Hollande, thought he had a chance to learn coding, but it doesn't work out. Didn't find an internship (because I wasn't in a decent school, I didn't want to learn Illustrator and shit). Caught in an absurd double-bind internship, need to drink hard tonight.

they would've destroyed the empire in a similar way to the yanks mate

>being this deluded

Chad fucks everyone when he's drunk

Quebecois Girls >>>>>>>> """French Girls"""""

Can't post the smegma shit the video got deleted but the guy's name is Jacob Dylan Walton from Kitchener Ontario. He blocked me after i made him cry, but you can find him

what i meant was that we should've sided with the Germans in the first place

Don't care

cuck stamp


dont post peoples real names please


>no hitler
>no ww2
>no iron curtain
>a right-wing traditionell europe with stron monarchies

>csq pas de Marion-gf pour caresser et aimer

Go outside lad, why would Chad fuck some munter over Stacy?

Well, Monsieur,that sucks. Hope you find something better at some point.

Je suis un Pozzhahnrei. Vous voulez savoir ce qui est?

Alternative history is that the French get super butthurt at losing and then they have a French Hitler who invades Europe and kills all the Jews but gets cocky and tries to invade Russia and loses.

stop :(

making me too depressed thinking about the present that could have been

>tfw Russiabros and Germanbros don't have based royal families any more

You can't have everything I guess.

Also I had already failed self-teaching myself.
I wonder what I'm worse at, self-teaching, or having damn classes with retarded people (and the teacher "doesn't want to let anyone down", so in the end everyone has a shit level)

Danke mein gut Herr.

The first world war was a battle of ideology, of the German spirit (which was already on the decline after unification and industrialization) and the anglo-french (lack of) spirit. It couldn't have gone any other way.

Ein version of Sacher-Masochism?

you would never guess how "iron" is pronounced in germany. even in public media and synced films its pronounced wrong.

or in Germany's case, you can have nothing


Not true. Bully!

nah that's france.
>commies and fascists topping the polls
literally LARPing 1930s germany

Do you mean "aion" in english ?
Or do you mean the translation for "iron" in german ?

butthurt when your enemy got totally wrecked 4/5 years later?
when in the end your allies choose to remain allies and include you in the winner group? (UN security council...)

not that butthurt TTYTT
we won both WW, more or less.

only problem is we have a massive lumpen proletariat, but that isn't really specific to us.

Germany needs a Celtic region

How do the French deal with the fact, that they only got named a "winner" to shut them up?

It was an alternative history lad

why can't we just like each other

>Do you mean "aion" in english ?
its pronounced with hard R

Constant dick measuring contest.


(1 minute 50 seconds) some feels for you, Hans.

There are some people in northern England that pronounce it like "eye-ron"


yeah but the french wouldn't stand a chance against russia, germany and gb. the war would be over in max. 1-2 years. the german-prussian state always was quite militaristic, fance has a huge coastline and can't start their own version of barbarossa , because of all the central european countries in the way.
millions of european and jewish deaths could have been avoided

there's too many people in europe

too many people in the world in general


how to get French gf?

Any you lads want REAL feels? Enjoy the decline of Britain as a geopolitical, cultural, economic and military power summed up in 15 minutes of archive footage


i don't see an "i" in /fug/, seamus

dont be british

say you're english, that'll do it

watched that like eight times by now, lad. the feels are addictive.

Showed it to my gf as well and she thought it was very sad

French diplomat's daughter user

We meet again

i'm not english

*traverse ton champ*

sayin you're scottish will work better

you don't have to be english to say you're english

wyt ti'n siarad cymraeg met?

dumb frogposter doesnt into english

It really is a great bit of work, that one random anime pic showing up out of nowhere pisses me off though.

that's very english
>les pires faux-cul du monde les english putain
>nos cousins adorés quand-même...

*blocks your path*

*makes a really uncomfortable post*
hahaha, whoops! hah, sorry about that!

yeah, i fucking hate that too. and the molyneux extract. totally ruins the subtlety of the redpill


*finds another path*

ah oui

C'est le nouveau /fr/ ?

*teleports behind you*

Best place to spend youth, getting training/education/experience
Best place to start a family, start a career, live amongst a community
Best place to retire and enjoy the rest of your days in leisure

for UK and France though, countryside is better. In Germany, I think urban city life is probably better

didn't mind the molyneux part to be honest desu

What if you find Germans intolerable

this, this is true

Pretty much.

Hahah, you guys are stuck in History, right...
Hey, it's ok, it's all over now...
Present is right now, and future awaits you!

Come on, germanfag, take a breath and live on.

*stabs you in the back*

>Germans intolerable
pretty sure what you think is not true.

I upset a couple of Germans last time i was there. I also upset some Germans in Belgium too.

but he was joking

>Best place to spend youth, getting training/education/experience
Why would you want to spend your youth being indoctrinated into a cult of collective guilt?


do Germans have a good sense of humour or are they actually autistic?

You as an american would know everything about Germany, right?

German universities are free and there are loads of jobs throughout Germany. in most countries, you look for jobs, but in Germany, the jobs look for you. It's probably one of the most efficient places around to get training for whatever you want to do with the rest of your life.

You're such a french thinking people have humour because you have.
They don't.
Germans don't have a sense of humour.


Why are these 3 countries the most powerful in europe? Opinions?

Now they don't have the least sense of humour.
As for humour
Britain >>>>>>> France >> Germany

>do Germans have a good sense of humour
in average, maybe not. but a lot do have it.
>loads of jobs throughout Germany

>In Germany,the jobs look for you.
False. The rest is true though. In terms of education,training,etc., one of the best places to be in Europe.

seriously, he was just joking, read the previous posts

whatever happened to the three puffs and a piano