What was his fucking problem?

What was his fucking problem?

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He's Greek

European union - One day it is the fourth reich the next a communist superstate.

Social rejection and extreme delusions.



It's actually 51% now

lmao it just keeps dropping, they might break 50% by the end of the year

His? This is not american posters make threads everyday about whiteness?

It's 69%

52% actually

He wanted to be more greek

it's 53%

Americas under 18 population will become majority nonwhite in 2018

Only non-Hispanic whites count I'm afraid



Yeah, only 15% of America is hisppanic


reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee you are dead c*echia

>the most powerful country in the world will soon be ruled by mexicans

>t. 0%




Whiter than you actually

>babies of colour


The fuck is wrong with that middle part in Australia


>New Zealand

>literally sources that uses self reported data of spics that think they're white

so you shouldn't believe in any race census in the world because they are all self-reported

and lo, the 4channers have finally understood that race is a senseless concept

it's not senseless, but there should be mandatory genetics studies in the whole world instead of self-reported census bullshit

Yea, no shit. But some are more reliable than others since the US gov count all caucasians as white which includeds arabs, Italians and most spics. Plus hispanic is a spanish speaking person. Many spics probably don't even speak spanish.

Sources that doesn't use such a general term for a white person and that define it more exact are better.

>not white

t. Joe Spaghetti

>He had constant stomach cramps due to a vegetarian diet mainly consisting of beans, which had to be mashed up because of his rotting teeth. The beanz did their traditional thing (meanz flatulenz) too, of course; he may not have had any children (officially), or grandchildren, but he was a farter, and a gross farter, certainly not someone you’d want to be bunked up in a bunker with. Especially with the chronic halitosis as well. Mustard Gas Breath they (possibly) called him behind his back, because that was the only safe place to be.

>So Hitler got himself this personal physician, Theodor Morell, whose journals are being seen here on British television for the first time. Morell was dodgy; not just a greedy opportunist and a chancer, but a quack and charlatan. He believed the cause of his master’s mushy grey stool was bad bacteria, and the cure was good bacteria from the gut of a healthy person. Which was extracted from the faeces of healthy young German soldiers (the Turd Reich).

>Morrel had cured him and in doing so, gained the ear and the trust of the most powerful man in the world. He also applied leeches to the temples of the man he came to know as “Patient A”, and injected extract of bull semen to boost his testosterone levels (often before he was to see Eva at their Alpine residence, the Berghof, and perhaps before a major offensive such as the invasion of Poland). And he prescribed drugs. So many drugs. There were drugs to make Hitler go to sleep and other drugs to make him wake up again, downers and uppers, barbiturates and amphetamines, other artificial stimulants that act on the nervous system and induce seizures, glucose injections and morphine based painkillers for the stomach cramps. Heroin, basically. Crystal meth, too, which was actually used by millions of German soldiers, factory workers and housewives to help get them through the hardship of wartime Germany.

>t. Amerindian

t. Michael Juarez

t. Rocco Dominguez

Anglo census were never good in the first palce

Only German census directly track race according to ancestry and do not care about BS like self-reporting.

It's actually 0%

>babies of colour
As opposed to those transparent little shitters.
That is such a fucking dumb phrase.

There are only about nine people who live in the Northern Territory and a couple of them happen to be local aboriginals who have lived in the middle of woop woop for the past 40 thousand years, only wondering into town to buy beer and ciggies.

>tfw last generation to live in white europe

nice clogs

I agree that POC is a dumb term, but whites always considered darkies to be colored people in America and always refered to them as only colored people. To whites they were just...well white