Are italians white?

are italians white?

argument started

was expecting an argie flag tbqhwyf

As white are the turds you shat this morning.

no we are brown peoples i.e POC


literally nobody cares in real life, we just consider ourselves italians and we're proud of it. and besides, nobody will ever make me believe that pure races can be shown to exist today. national pride has no need of the delirium of race
el amerindiANO senores


I once had sex with an italian woman and they are certainly not white. They have this rough black pubic hair and their vaginas are brown. They even SMELL different, like an African

I am black, mozart was italian

>SHITalian """"man""""
I cannot believe it x gawwwd

How is it possible in the year 2017 of our lord and saviour jesus christ find an unshaved girl?

ok honest answer without the memes.

Still depends in what do you consider white: nonetheless italians are a really varied ethnical group, you can find guys like Ignazio Abate or Claudio Marchisio to guys like Graziano Pellè and Simone Zaza.

The most frequent italian looking guy would be something like Bonucci or Luca Toni or Filippo Inzaghi, but again, there are a lot of different looks in italy

thanks for the lesson on italian footballers

t. juan morandi

Define "white"

*knock knock*

well at least Sup Forumsartans can get what I mean

How can Sup Forumsernational women even try to resist the charm and misterious elegance of an Italian Casanova?

This is the skin tone and also appearance of all SHITalians
Not even animals, NIGGERS!!!

I never understood this meme desu

Northern Italians are particularly those of Aosta

I could knock this batty boy out in one punch

just try it, anglo orc.

Bonjour Marie
*seduces the french lady in italian*

I'm race mixed and still 100% italian on paper

hahahaha guess where Italian girls go to get fucked? France and England


why are wh*te """people""" obsessed with us and our whiteness?

Being and appearing greasy doesn't really cut it with the ladies these days.

Why would a divine tyrant of love such as myself care for ordinary italian girls? I was chiseled out of marble by Michelangelo himself, the godlike shapes of this mortal body where made to conquer all of europe with bow and arrow, not dwindle among italian "women".

*tips fettucine*


>Sup Forums thinks this is black

*stroke my moustache*

Hello Benito

>italian """alpha""" males

genetically black, yes, not whiter than pic



>le cherrypicking pastaman

How can elven maidens even resist?

>le hading on le bugs poster XDDDDD


north is white, south isn't

original bugsposter here, this is not me

pls sign autograph

original bugsposter here, none of them is me

dutchman here, I am also the bugsposter

olandese qui, you're not me, and I'm not the bugsposter

irish imbecils

Who the pasta demon on the right?


Nobody is white.

They are white with the brown skin by accident.

Idk would you consider me to be white?

you're buttfugly thats for sure

Wow thanks.

s-sorry, now I feel bad

big ol' lips boi
what are you 1/8 african?


Some people are pretty damn white.

>that black eyes
the same eyes as the Argentine Italy hater

nice potato face though

stormfront says white people are: "Non-Jewish people of wholly European descent. No exceptions."
so yes italians are white

But we're much closer to Jews than Germans

Everybody who thinks they are white is partially arab/mongol/chink/spic 2bh.

I am a jew tho you stupid goy

why would colombian cares about stormfront?


argument ended

t. Pablo Escobattelli di Materazzi

I'd peel her potato alright.

>big boobs


I want white people out of my country


>he thinks those are big


>if you don't agree with my neaderthal caveman tastes, you're either a faggot or a pedo

>big boobs
fuck off non-italian fag

I am half Italian and half German and to full Germans I am basically a black guy here.

>he believes what stormfront says


>ugh ugh real men like big boobs, ugh ugh

a già sto parlando con un ritardato, chiedo venia

I'm the real bugsposter

>hurr durr le ritardo exdeeeeeeee

Italians are niggers. they used to be Nordic before they were colonized by Greeks. at least the Arabs imported some Slavic slaves and lightened them up a bit

mmmmhh, who are you?

the real bugsposter obviously


Boobs are very important to men. They're worth fighting over tbqh.

boobs are like daughters
boobs is life

i like Italo Calvino
I read books

No I consider you to be CHI

That's so retarded, why not just call us ethnically European then? It makes a gorillion times more sense since Jews can be whiter than some Europeans like Greeks or Spaniards.

That faggot posted a picture? pls post it
>this thing calls you subhuman

No I am southern Italian
You are though

because language doesn't evolve independent from its context
the circumstances made 'white people' colloquially mean 'european people'

but if you want to be really technical and autistic then you should note that they are not really white, but pink

Bugsposters will die tonight.
A slow death by Dr. Leaf

No fucking way
I've been to Italy 4 times and found the whole "italians look non-white" thing to be mostly a meme but you look one step beyond the swarthiest bastard I ever saw there. You literally look like a Mexican.


Most Mexicans look like Montezuma and are darker than actual Indians
Sorry polentoni it's true

I don't think you're lying or anything but post a pic of your passport

No we don't you ugly fuck.

north is white
south is brown