Full English? More like Full retard

Full English? More like Full retard


greasy bakedbeaners on suicide watch

looks delicious. you must be a pussy if you can't enjoy a breakfast like that

needs more frog legs and algerian semen
t. pierre

Es-car-go? More like go wave a white flag!

delet this


Ahah loooooool

done, I know some kiwis irl and I don't know why I'm even defending a fucking frog

wtf I love spain now (still)

because we're neighbors

that's not a reason to defend anyone, especially France...

looks great

French and british have nice cuisine but german is still best!

very high quality post

You cancerous commie bitch hope your cunt turn even more into south america

kys FEB is the best

Better than turning into a caliphate, Mamadou

But you already are a caliphate you dumb sudallahca

That's why we eat so much pork, Mamadou. Jesus, muslims are stupid fucks. Now go truck some frogs in the name of your pedophilic sandwarlord.

Go be unemployed somewhere else dumb moor

if you take out half of the retarded shit on that plate its actually great. breakfast is the only meal brits do right.

I'm shitposting in the office right now, Mamadou, you should get a job. But, hey, you are lucky frogs work for you but remember that 50% of newborn babies in France are muslims so you will be fucked in a couple of decades turning France into Algeria 2.0.

I dont like the bad vibes in this thread.

>he believes the Sup Forums memes
Guess I shouldn't expect too much from a dumb moor, afterall africa starts at the Pyrénées.

>he denies reality

It's ok, Mamadou, I don't want to make you cry.


Don't mind him, don't know if it's the same guy but there's a trend of french shit threads. English breakfast is great.

Hungarian breakfast is better

>africa starts at the Pyrénées.
t. nigger

What is it? Bacon omelette + some kind of ratatouille?

beans, cumin, spring onions, red onions, tomatoes, potatoes and paprika

Why would you not eat this? Its all delicious (except the black pudding imo)

God I LOVE full breakfast. Black pudding is GOAT.

>except the black pudding

Full english pizza

>except the black pudding

why don't they use normal bread

>Go to france
>Eat frog legs
>Eat undercooked meat
>Get food poisoning and die

I'd eat the shit out if this.

to be perfectly honest I'd eat that up in a heartbeat

nah mate, even the best things we've got are basically shitty adaptations of austrian and hungarian cuisine


>no mushrooms
>no crispy crust
>weird raw tomatoes
>needless sausage overloaad

>Be Englishman
>Rule the world, empires unites many cultures, traditions and languagues and also people
>Hmm... I could learn from that!
>Present day

It looks pretty good and nutritious.
Except for the beans fuck beans they are the worst.