What do poor alcoholics drink in your country?

What do poor alcoholics drink in your country?




anti-freeze for windscreen washer fluid

2dkgs pálinka (meaning 2cl)
and wine that never saw grapes

Welfare money, mostly.

cagnina which is a type of wine

A sweet wine from Cyprus called Diamant


Cheap wine. Here the most "famous" to be drinked by homeless people. Notice the plastic bottles. Make me sad for them desu.

mouth wash

good ol' Denat
It's even made less poisonous these days so hobos can survive drinking it

cheap wine

Everything from vodka and beer, through industrial ethanol stolen from railway sidings (we have a railroad police armed with submachine guns) to engine/radiator coolant (filtered through bread).

Vodka and cheap fruit wine seems to be the most popular choice though

>through industrial ethanol stolen from railway sidings (we have a railroad police armed with submachine guns) to engine/radiator coolant (filtered through bread)

Damn, Polish alcoholics don't fuck around

We have some sort of distilled wine/beer/whatever mix that has 12% alcohol and sells for 1,30 EUR for a 60cl bottle
I think it's supposed to be wine but they fortify it with spiritus or whatever. All the old grandpas at the supermarkets get them

>industrial ethanol stolen from railway sidings
I-is Poland a normal country?

billy mavs

At least it's not isopropanol or methanol

Alcohol 70% mixed with cheapass fruit juice. Not memeing tho

Cheap beers like Cara Pils, Kaiser Pils or Schültenbrau


I laughed. Good writing.

But this thread is perfect because I'm a really weird guy who's a STEM grad student and also a raving alcoholic. Thereby, I have no money, or what little I have goes to small savings and food. Anyway,

My ""favorites""" are Natural Ice 40s, (terrible beer that's strong and cheap) Rule Vodka, Franzia Boxed Wine.

Beer is too expensive though I need about 200oz of beer for a weekend day to get drunk. Or 26ish beers.Wine is the situation where I need 4.5L or so for a full weekend day to stay at a happy level of drunkenness. Last night I bought a 1.5L bottle of Cabernet Franc and I was done with it in 4 hours. Annoying really.

So I usually go with vodka or whisky because it's efficient.

Jesus dude how are you still alive

Lol, not really.

It gets fucking worse when one of those tank cars contains methanol, few retards die/go blind from it but then you have a literal fucking plague of bums and other scums occupying local hospitals claiming they've been drinking it too, because treatment for methanol poisoning involves drinking ethanol. Word spreads fucking fast among them.

Medication to offset the internal damage. You wouldn't believe it but I've been at this level of drunkenness for 4 years now but I'm getting Bs in my Applied Physics courses. Always been naturally good with numbers I don't know why. But it is way the fuck harder because my memory has been shot to shit.

Anyway I take omeprazole for the stomach lining to repair itself, I take anti depressants to offset the depressive side effects and I have a few xanax lying around for when I start detoxing and can't drink here and there. It's awful and destroying my life and I know it. I've only drank once in the past two weeks.

Can you feel your liver with your hand?
Anatomically correct shouldn't poke outside of the arcus costalis.

If it does then you're on your way to the other side bub.

No my liver is fine. I have blood work done every 6 or so months. The real problem I have/had was my stomach. There was a solid 4 months where I would throw up every morning and be in terrible pain so I went to my doctor and it turned out that I was on the edge of ulcers. But I fixed that.

Good to know though.

maddog 20/20 is the bottom in america, but america is rich enough most bums can afford better

Blacks drink it anyway; they prefer it

Cartons of wine or the cheap fernet that comes in small plastic bottles.

>tfw have been drinking 5-6 7% alc. beers every day for more than 6 months already

The cheapest vodka and/or beer imaginable and all sorts of liquids that contain even a little bit of alcohol.

>now but I'm getting Bs in my Applied Physics courses
wtf i want to be alcoholic now

That stuff is overpriced compared to the cheapest bottles of wine in a grocery store, stuff like charles shaw or quail oak is under $3 a bottle.

elephant beer

during prohibition: aftershave mixed with lemon water

>but then you have a literal fucking plague of bums and other scums occupying local hospitals claiming they've been drinking it too, because treatment for methanol poisoning involves drinking ethanol


>through industrial ethanol stolen from railway sidings

I thought this was a Russian thing. Wow


not bad

>Alcoholic slowly dying

nothing of value will be lost

escapism is not the answer

They have this new one that's 7.7% and even cheaper. It's called beer bear. This shit is fucking disgusting.

My first post in a week and here you are

that's the kind of terminal alcoholic you see in hospitals here

when you ask them how many bottles they drink per day, they usually answer "1"

if it's a women, you have to understand "2"
if it's a man, you have to understand "5"

except shitloads of public money to treat his liver cancer before he dies

well, it's the USA, so maybe he won't have his free healthcare, actually

I'm keeping tabs on it and I'll be a fucking physicist soon so fuck you all. I understand it's impermanent, just fuck off and leave me alone. I'm not doing that bad, I lift too so I got that going. Bench just hit 200.

>but then you have a literal fucking plague of bums and other scums occupying local hospitals claiming they've been drinking it too, because treatment for methanol poisoning involves drinking ethanol. Word spreads fucking fast among them.

now that's dedication

sure, you're keeping tab on your heavy addiction, I don't doubt it

good luck for your future job interview, you and your 5L-of-alcohol-per-day breath

Hurricanes. I'd go buy a couple right now but I don't have access to a vehicle.

I got rejected by the rehab place in Santa Cruz county.

>tfw had a beer
I'm drunk as fuck now, shit.
'bout to go to bed since I can barely stay awake.

Starting salary of 80k a year faggot



Box wine if they manage to get it.

cask wine

and the youth looking to get cheaply drunk do too

This shit.

It's disgusting

Oh, I thought it was like really fucking poor people because of your pic.

Normal poor people drink box wine and cheap whisky.

Fernet and coke too.

In the north they have free shops all over the place and a lot of them sell to Uruguayans even though they can't so even poor people buys ballantines and johnnie walker, let's not talk about Fernet since it's dirt cheap in free shops, basically everything is.

wait, they sell hooch in juice boxes over there?

What even is it?

>Bachelor's degree
>b-but I lift

How are alcoholics so easily triggered?

I'm a poor unemployed alcoholic and I drink premium imported beer, courtesy of the Canadian taxpayer.

Backyard moonshine usually, or at least our variant of it (distilled from leftover fruit pulp)


can I move to the faroe islands and live there if I only speak english?

drank this all through college because poor.

>tfw legitamately enjoy the orange one now

pic related
this is the most trashy alcoholic drink you will ever find

Shia LaBeouf is really hitting rock bottom

Popov, Mickeys, MD20/20

Store brand liquor also works.

Thats pretty good for a manager position at McDonalds!

The bums seem to be split between faxe 10% and a disgusting lager beer called "Lager" (tastes like bud light if bud light had alcohol in it).
Moonhine is also a big thing here, but its mostly drunk by kids who aren't old enough to buy alcohol

cask wine (goon)

found a 10$ whiskey 750 mL bottle the other day

might start going to that one if i wanna get drunk a lot

well, i've been poor alcoholic in japan, and for the most part, i found that 8-9% chuuhai to be the most efficient way to get drunk

in our country, it is mostly boxed wine, can get really cheap fruit wine as well

I don't see the appeal of alcohol.

>tfw your country taxes alcohol based on alcohol percentage so vodka is much more expensive than beer for the total alcohol you're getting
>tfw doomed to either get fat drinking beer all the time or drink some shitty moonshine

Damn that's just like in Drunken Master 2

how much would a bottle of vodka and beer usually cost?

Alcohol is a drug for the defeated blue-pilled

I'm done with that shit pill. Leads nowhere but infinite suffering and death.

This shit or any cheap fortified wine like domestic port.
Also the cheap 375ml flasks of vodka
t. Liquor store clerk

>I don't see the appeal of alcohol.
For women it turns off the autism detector
For men it turns off autism
It's the only recipe for autistic virgins to get rid of their virginity
Would highly recommend

Windshield washer fluid is quite the patrician taste of poor people around here.

Moonshine, Natty light and steel reserve. Sometimes maybe Southern comfort, or any bottom shelf vodka too.

very russian

I drank Popov and Taaka several times per week from when I was 21 to about 24. I got so used to shitty Vodka that now when I drink good Vodka I feel sick. Except for Sobieski. That shit is excellent.

but light or miller lite

The difference being average russian is more prone to drink it, as i believe they're all more or less... poor.

Korn & piss cheap liquors.

Malt liquor
Boxed wine (20 bucks for around 5 liters I think)
Cheap vodka/bourbon
Sometimes all in one night.

We all need to quit alcohol buddies. It's a bad trick on all of us.


I wouldn't trust a man who refuses to enjoy the only thing i enjoy.

Mostly Malt Liquor or Grower's cider

1l of vodka = ~5500 ISK = ~200 PLN = ~50 USD afaik

and the minimum wage (or idk how its called) in Iceland is 250k ISK

Boxes of wine. 5 litres for 100 bucks ZAR which is about $7.50. However, this is from major supermarkets. There is cheaper and more noxious shit available from most bottle shops.

home made grape of plum brandy

2 liters cost 1 euro 28 cents

500 ml of cheap vodka is like 4000 kr. ($36) While 500 ml cheap lager is under 300 kr. ($2.6)