Your cunt

>your cunt
>honest size of your penis in length( no e-stats, no bone pressed fuckers)

6.7 inches here

Other urls found in this thread:

5.5 inches



lol pencil dick

southern brazilian detected

Shut up


2.6 inches

That's cute, are you 10?

you mean soft r-right? I'm ashamed with my 5.5 inches already

Wouldnt be here if i was 10
Assume its just bad genetics, andm aybe partially my fault

post it

Yes, soft

Who cares about soft dick size

I don't know. What is the correct way to measure my benis?

Isnt much better when erect though, at most roughly 4 inches

You are everything that is wrong with the current otaku community. Haha, dicks mentioned, oh my God that is so funny! Stop wasting your time on that crap and watch better anime like Seikaisuru Kado or Re: Creators.

Women do. My dick is about 5 inches when soft and when they see the bulge they think it's huge.
Only to be disappointed it only grows half an inch when hard.

>tfw only 5.8 inches

>otaku community
lol faggot

Just enjoy the chink cartoons

19 cm or 7.5 inches
Literally useless though since it's only 13 cm around

> My dick is about 5 inches when soft and when they see the bulge they think it's huge.
i have big balls so it is not a problem

I'm the other way around. My dick is like 3 inches soft and 6.5 inches erect.



14 cm

>tfw 10 cm 165 cm 45 kg


>6.7 inches here
You have to go the 18 hundreds.Nobody uses inches anymore.Metric rules supreme.

17-18cm, depending on the level of arousal. I have a really hard time believing all the penis size infographics

oh my
post boipussy

Yup, it looks pencil-y but at least it's still on the higher end of average

19 cm

its really curved though

mines 15cm * 13cm

it's 17cm

i would say 18cm is the minimum needed to have a dick that actually looks decent

is 15 cm enough for most grills? pls respond

yeah don't worry

no 18cm

16cm, but it's a pencil dick with a giant mushroom head though.

yes, but it will never be enough for you

Are you a grill whom often takes dicks up the ass?
If not, you have no right to judge.

5.2 inches

>Mfw I still beat the average dick size

Seriously, people, if you're that insecure about your dick length and willing to improve it, just get a Phallosan Forte.

i know

18.5 cm or 7.3 inches
well, I even never use my cock...

12 cm / 4.7 inch cock
Is this even pasable?

you seem to know awful lot about dicks, how does that work?

16 or 17 cm idk r8 it homos

Something like that


18cm - 7.08661 inches
but i'm a manlet, 170cm -5'7

17,2 cm


14cm in optimal conditions. No idea about freedom units.

Kinda small desu.

>OP says no e-stats
>90% of posts have guys claiming 6 or 7 inches

5-5.25 inches here, no e-stats

I'll tell you once I've lost like 40lbs and it hangs as low as it used to. Don't get fat, kids.

Are you bottom?

Sweden, you can't assume people from not-sweden are gay by default.

You speak like one, that is why I did that. But if you're not, sorry.

Jorge? Is this you?
post new pic and I will rate

23cm, too big for comfort

15cm and about 3 fingers wide
girls are happy with it

Flacid or erect?
Flacid at 5.3 inches
Erect at ~7.5 inches

Fairly certain Jorge has way above 18. Mine is 17 and looks embarrassing in comparison

11.5 cm



17cm x 14cm
I don't know how much this is in burgers

> tfw 18 cm, but you are only one who knows it

With differing size depending on my overall arousal level even if it's technically stiff in mind, the maximum is 6.5 by 5.5 inches which is around 16.5 by 13.5 cm.

I'm 6'1
7 inch benis
Still virgin at 21

15 cm.
Feels average.


6/7 inchers are common
I'm 20 cm when pressing slightly on the bone