Post flag memes

Post flag memes

not a meme tho

I'll post some to get this thread started

bretty good, Iceland should look more like a downy though.






plz be my ai gf :3

Oh god don't remind me







that guy on the right unironically looks like my dad

Top kek.

B-but we are not monkeys.







delet or I shitpost









That cheeky phone in the top right, fucking kek.





>when you make a typo making a meme

These people are attractive.



Kekked hard


>american flag in the background of the bottom pic

Audibly lel'd




This is a good image

How would extra detect if you were in ISIS territory?

I need context




I am part of the New Memeā„¢ distribution team.




I would so fuck Germany


Where is the nigger?