Where would you drop them

You are in control of 3 nukes, you have to let them off or they'll explode you and your surrounding area

Other urls found in this thread:


All three on Japan

All three on America

Hopefully it will trigger MAD, and if not I hope the big hit to Israel manages to trigger something, whatever it is.



all three on the muslim stone in mecca


>Nukes Somalia

On the other hand, you could just do nothing and achieve the same results.

Doesn't matter, as dropping nukes that size would ensure a global nuclear winter.

>new world education

Saudi Arabia


smallest one on israel

Be glad the only nigs we got are Somalians. Literally turbo skinny manlets.


And that, kids, is how you remove 90% of the evil in the world.

Mecca, Moscow, Berlin

>dropping a bomb on Turkey
Wasted desu. Cockroaches survive nuclear radiation.

[spoiler]no nukes![/spoiler]

Still worth it, one of my primary aims was the cut off that migration route


There we are. That's about half of our problems solved

nuke 3 is too big... Im not a monster

>you have to let them off or they'll explode you and your surrounding area
Do nothing



Thanks for missing me

Of all places, fucking why?

OK, reconsidering.

He took out Adelaide, Melbourne and Sydney in one shot. I doubt he was focusing on Victoria.

Try again :^)

I wanted to hit both Sydney and Melbourne. Actually not sure how far north Sydney is so I hope I didn't miss it.

You're probably OK then.

SA gets nuked by the sun every year anyway.

And lose a lot of oil too

Russia has enough of a supply of burnable fuel to keep all of Europe running for thousands of years.


hey thanks a lot asshole



No need to use any of the others.

>you have to let them off or they'll explode you and your surrounding area

Goodbye then



>1=between France and Germany
>2=Saundi Arabia


i think this works quite well
India gets biggest to help cull population


Nuke 1: Brazil - Rio de Janeiro
Nuke 2: Brazil - North
Nuke 3: Brazil - Northeast


patrician's choice

USA, Israel and Saudi Arabia. We will have peace for a few decades at least, until the Jewish diaspora consolidate their power into another country.

The cancer is worldwide, after all. It will always grow another tumourous body elsewhere in time.

>Nuking Africa

Umm sweetie... That's quite pointless.

Fucking this.

>Bombing Gallipoli



i was trying to maximize the terrorist/poo-in-loo ratio

love & peace ღ

Ah yes, mass famines. Maybe once you nuke the cunts who are giving them so much aid, the population will level like a tower made of diarrhoea poo.

>nuking gelibolu
get rekt scrub

congratuliatons you just doomed us all by melting antartica.

>100 years after galipoli
>STILL butthurt


New York
Los Angeles


put them all on middle east so they cover as much ground as possible



Good choice

i understand the POO in LOO jokes are to make fun of them, but i don't get actual hatred towards indians
they're generally harmless

Oh would you look at that. An Aussie who can't follow directions.


Well the big one is a couple of orders of magnitude bigger than the chicxulub crater so it alone would be enough to exterminatus all life on earth no matter where it was set off. That impact is widely believed to be what caused the last mass extinction, and simulations show a 20km high molten rock fountain so something that big could probably expose the mantle depending on where it was detonated.
Animation: i.dailymail.co.uk/i/gif/2016/11/Chicxulub.gif

Hey fuck you man

Where would I drop this Japanese flags?
Over to Japan, I guess.

Basically this.Where's all the food meant to come from?

Hay algo radioactivo en Dinamarca.

>tfw almoust made it.
>tfw I probably died as collateral damage, not been the actuall target of the bom.

Just wanted to draw you out. I'm not actually in bed yet, to be honest.

Ah I see. tfw baited.

What's keeping you? (couldn't bear the thought of not talking to me?)


Wanted to just finish somthing up. Took a bit longer than expected... But I'm done now, finally.


What """thing"""?

Nuke 1 - Washinton D.C. - Thanks me later.

Nuke 2 - Argelia, middle of sahara desert.

Nuke 3 - North Siberia.

That's it.

Not your lapdog, fat cunt.
Australians innovate.
Americans clap while falling into a heap of polyester and shit in aisle five.

Just some part of a programming hobby project.

Fair enough. You should go get some sleep I guess mate.

Kinda tempted to get a nap myself

smallests one on switzerland

holy shid




t. jew

>this is what australians unironically believe
Where the fuck are all Australia's earthchanging innovations?
I can list heaps of American earthchanging innovations
And yes, Australia is America's little bitch




Yes purge Australia of the trash.

I will kill you and rape your cold body

I we're gonna need a bigger nuke

*I think....