
the rorkina gf edition

Other urls found in this thread:


what do 4 dimensional waifus look like

are her nudes online anywhere?

/brit/ish women were made for breeding with the VIRILE AMERINDIAN MALE

wonder if the religious nut and the schizophrenic are the same person haha


real yank gf hours who tf up


gong to bed


Decided to stay up. Going to watch Tarkovsky's Mirror once I get more coffee.

yank gfs are the destroyers of nations


think im getting a cold

i dare you to ask her that on twitter, she will probably go mental


delete this post mate

it's been exhausted and has been superseded by either sociology or real science depending on the questions being asked

geography doesn't have anything anything new to teach us or any new subsets of study

velas . . .

yh would spent more time in prison than hospital probs

How long before a potential gf finds out you have no friends and basically do nothing except work and browse the chon

gave you churchill though

greatest brit of the modern era

This guy is fucking comedy gold


forever if you play your cards right and get some friends and hobbies

do not conform to the normie ways

rorkina? who is she? how is she a rorke?

the goal is french canada

bout tree fiddy haha

You want my number? Sorry, I don't date slags.

Imagine being this fucked up

come maritimes xx

haha yes

but you'd have to learn french

and it's not the nice french kind of french, it's shitty french spoken with a terrible nasally accent

who /nhlplayoffs/ here?

post em lads

gf choked on my willy and died so I stole the body from her grave and re-buried her in the pet cemetery

I'm from manchester and I did french at school
I'll fit in perfectly

i actually understand pigs. there's even scientific evidence to back it. the religious texts got that one right. it's delicious though, no denying it. a lot of the others on that list, particularly rabbits, were unreasonable. ducks and geese, all that seafood. nearly all seafood can be eaten right out the sea. you say tradition, that's nothing more than senselessly doing what people before you did. god hasn't guided anyone to write new laws? did he not guide men to discover those foods are beneficial for survival, as well as delicious? or did men do that on their own, or are we all sinners who will birn for eating them?

honestly i want to know how it's rationalized.

impossible within the potential timeframe

It's dangerous to look at demoralizing architecture! Take this.

look at the shit she posts


shes a right wing nut job


ah yes nice troll
but you arent tricking me that easily

full blown softcore coming soon

I don't care what the science says lad I just want to go to heaven, leave me alone.

loverly x

she is a jew LOL

that neighbourhood (NDG) is on montreal's west end and is mostly english speaking

>blocking 1 nipple but not the other

and your a poo


a jewish lolbertarian who is loyal to israel

also whats the key round her neck for

i value my not blown up mailbox, thank you very much

Après Moi Le Déluge mod for HOI4 looks p cool

>civic nationalism

mosley was a leftist

cocaine you dumb virgin

that was in westmount, and it happened over 30 years ago

Sexy femboy cartoon is the name of my synth band

Rooting for the bruins like some reverse irish yank wannabee

how dare you


classic ha ha

the FLQ are alive in well the frog apoligist LIBERAL GOVERNMENT is just supressing their crimes agains tthe english canadian nation dog bless :D:D: trudeau is not my PM ok english canada ok :D:D

t. knower

ahahaha ripped a spoof in me dog's face


abolish all borders except israels


tight kick patternz

less foreign flags would be nice


this is an australian's view of england haha

but mate im not asking you not to believe in or appease god. im just asking you why you think something written in a VERY old book is exactly what he wants. the version of the bible you have read is not even the original version, or even close. it has been changed so many times.

tldr; do you really think if god is this all powerful being who decides who is good and who is bad is going to make you burn in hell if you have a duck curry but lead an otherwise good natured life?

i think you should give god a bit more credit


mummy mel

who's going to get the sextuples lads

You're probably not here but I really miss you

38 of 74 posts are of non-brit orogin as of this post.

get out

loved how israel sent all the eiritreans to canada

why are there NZ and AUS flags posting here and not where they should be (/balt/ + /ausnz/)?

state of those areolas

what's the point of watching threads

Why is it that the people who like the EU the most are the readiest to believe it will act in a belligerent, irrational, self-harming way?


Link the thread

>go outside
>dude what smells like piss?

Australia was actually part of Britain once

all me

dunno dont do it manually and it only seems to pick certain ones (ive been in more threads than this since christmas)

ur general is full of hostile weebs and weird continentals who are rude to me without fail whenever i stick me nose in

Time to watch three films in a row to keep me awake throughout the night. Any suggestions after I'm done with Mirror? I was thinking Black Dynamite and something else.

put some classic arnie kino on, i quite like running man and total recall

the goal is a greystone

i enjoyed arrival

>muh bible
Fuck off proddy

it adds any thread you reply to
reckon i've got mild OCD so I clean it out of archived /brit/s very regularly

why do yanks have to intital their middle name. no one cares fuck off

Impeccable taste.

Has anyone here done an access to higher education course?

come join us on /cum/ to make fun of potatoniggers

Um sweaty I didn't say it's what he wants I said it was to protect the Israelites at that time and that I still follow it because of tradition. KJV is actually very accurate. You have no idea about my religion you probably think satan is the bad guy. Top kek mate.
Hell is a Roman Catholic fanfiction, sheoul is where we go when we die. God said we will rot in nothingness until Judgement day.

spilled orange juice on my chocolate