
university edition

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My name is Maximus Brisbanus Phimosis, commander of the Armies of the Neet, General of the Virgin Walkers and loyal servant to the true emperor, Turtle Mong. Son to a disappointed mother, brother to a whore sister. And I will have my circumcision, in this life or the next.

find the idea of communism quite appealing desu



Are white flight destination.


Of course its appealing it promises utopia

california and the northeast once again proving themselves to be some of the few remaining bastions of civilisation

when im writing essays i constantly make cat noises as a way of dissipating the intense frustration and sheer boredom

its funny that you assume just becasue she dressed cuter she wasn't already a weirdo

>bastion of civilisation

>owning any property or trading is literally illegal

appealing if you're a complete cuck, sure

Pop 200mg of modafinil and your work will become interesting you bender

watched the first miute of the one on the left

BAFFLING when these people accuse others of narcissism

im not the one with a prossie sister he lives in sydney

The neet-mummy power dynamic makes the situation so much worse because I'm not allowed to defend myself when she goes off, I have to grovel and apologize even if I actually haven't done anything wrong. I find that she almost never cares about the thing she's yelling about, she's usually just venting her frustration over my complete failure to launch and the fact I'm a loser.

I couldn't afford easter eggs for the family so I tried to hide in my room when everyone was exchanging eggs. She wouldn't allow this, she made me announce to everyone that I had no eggs for them.

>so you didn't get any eggs for the kids? Not even a little pack for them to share? Wow, happy easter to you too

>economy keeps growing but public services keep getting cut

Ah yes very impressive

great picture, mind if I save it?

are you trying to tell me you call it soda and not soft drink

Where to buy?


public services are gay

me negotiating a bit of the ol' how's yer father with the gf

*asserts dominance*

fizzy pop masterrace

no because im not a weak fucking shit twat
never respond to me again i INTENSELY dislike you

execute all new zealanders

like this post because I'm the emperor

There's no such thing as ethical paypigs under capitalism

someone in a thread a bit ago said that when he had anal sex it felt like sandpaper on his knob

and now i cant get that image out of my head, find it rather disturbing indeed

reciting poetry in front of anyone seems fundamentally vain

Wish Theresa May would stop saying the country is united in backing Brexit

What fucking planet is she on? It doesn't help when the daily mail reignite the bullshit with headlines like todays

extra cute: all new zealanders

howling at the utter state of your intellectual poverty

*bends you to my will*

alri but did you crack a smile at least

of course she was a weirdo, all vloggers are self aborbed wankers
but she wasn't a man hating feminist

your mum is a public service



theres an aussie whos sister is a prostitute here?

Might start a poetry vblog

Wearing giant shoe lifts, walking slightly funny but I don't think anyone's gonna notice

Right is better

might do a move to thailand

roses are red
violets are blue
thailad did quite a large poo

you want to be in my poetry vblog?

might blow me nads off with a shotgun

licence is a bastard to get though

Might have to steal this one

Your sister moaned like a whore.
Which come to think of it is understandable considering we were having sex in a brothel at the time and I had exchanged money with the explicit expectation of an ensuing sexual encounter.
Not really much of an insult now that I come to think of it, sex workers are a legal profession here and the historical stigma attached to sex work created a great deal of harm throughout the community.
So, um, yeah.

ed's sister is very fit

pls watch this is very important

post pic of ed

never seen him

not being funny but how do all the Bruces know one another

lads, girl at work ran a half marathon in 2 hours 1 minute earlier in the year.

she's now taking bets (sweepstake) on what her time will be at the London marathon. what do you reckon?

i'm thinking 4:47

woke up and found myself in australia again this morning even though I signed a formal contract with the devil for the exchange of one soul for a choice of settlement in any location around the world

used to have a right giggle at the atheists but this experience was a real eye-opener

Made a bargain with the devil, I now have telekinesis but I'm never allowed to show anyone. You can't dispute this

the lessons in the prince would be taught to a fledgling royal before he was 8

What's the alternative to backing brexit

adorable thanks for sharing


sounds like a terribly runty office

bit concerned about how you both made posts about the devil within 8 seconds of each other


Girl independently brings up anal but says she doesn't do it


Yes I can


This is my bed, this is my girl
This is my bed, for my little while
This is my bed, this is where I go
This is my bed, when the day is done
This is my bed, where I’m at ease
This is my bed, my place of peace
This is my bed, be ready for me when you come
This is my bed, where I wake up
I hope you’ll stay
or return if you go
I hope you’ll taste my kiss


Alfie-linaris, shitposter to the emperor May, had a good crap here.



Put me in for a tenner on Did Not Finish (Died)





if you're not in the purple quadrant of the political compass you're not a real person desu

I have wet the bed. I admit, I was wrong, my host. If you ask ‘why?’ The toilet was busy.



your thoughts on pints lads?

love pints

Is raping a communist even rape since they don't believe in ownership

your thoughts on pines lads?

former prostitute and shes in big debt to some arab guy
you can spot him because he's always whinging about how much of a bitch she is

love pines

your thoughts on wogs?

hate wogs

i think the law will still count it as rape

are you racist?

subhumans who haven't yet realised that the soccer meme will never catch on because cricket is the thinking man's sport


not racist just don't like them

Rape hasn't been a property crime since the early 19th century, you shitlord

bark chips were the bane of my childhood


Only ever met two in my life, one was a bit wierd and the other was a eloquent smartypants

wogs includes indians in the UK cause they're fucking stupid


Got a so-called "electrician" on the way
Going to be watching him like a hawk in case he tries to nick anything

Normies. Thoughts?