Why are foreigners so shit at Sauna-etiquette?

Why are foreigners so shit at Sauna-etiquette?
>be at the gym, just worked out
>gym has a sauna, just as it should
>enter sauna naked, like you should
>a nigger and a mulatto sitting in the sauna, wearing towels
>talking american english
>won't shut the fuck up for a single moment, disturbing the sauna silence
>talk to eachother about how I'm probably gay because I'm naked
>I speak english too yknow
>one of them goes out to take a shower, leaves the door wide open
>get sick of it, pour some more water
>too hot for these faggots so they leave

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beats me, tbqh the only ones who aren't shit are swedes and finns

>talk to eachother about how I'm probably gay because I'm naked
They are right, though.

saunas are smelly and greasy

just smoke em out

normal men go to banya naked


literal finnish death camps

call them niggers

What's the point anyways? Never saw the appeal of saunas. Boring, too hot, gay.

>Prefers being nude around other men
>Also Swedish
Not surprised people think you are gay. The chances are above 90%.


Is that even possible if you don't throw water? It should stay bearable without steam. Some odd home-made sauna probably.

Well, you definitely should be naked in sauna

I'm definitely not gay. There's nothing weird about being naked in the sauna. The only people who think that are closeted gays who don't want anyone to find out that they're gay.

Yes there is, why would you ever want to be nude around other men? Why would you say that is the state you should be in? That is extremely gay.

What if you have a small dick? Won't your friends laugh at you both during the sauna and afterwards?

The ONLY circumstance where it's ok to show your peepee to another man is if it's for medical reasons.

>primary association nudity=sexuality
You might want to reflect on some repressed urges.

I assume seeing a womans foot means that you've sinned as well?

It's not about being nude around other men. It's about being nude and other men coming to your territory. Are you going to hide your junk like a little bitch, like a girl? In that case you must have a small dick.

You must stand still and not react.

>Naturality is gay

You're so far from natural state you couldn't recognize it even if it was putting a 10 inch branch up your arse.

No. Also people who find feet arousing are weird.

Nature =/= good.

>repressed urges
Aren't we all 20+ years old kissless virgins?

Why would anyone, especially straight guys, care about someones size with flaccid?

As in it's a manhood test. If you flinch, you're a bitch. No one wants to be your friend.

Fuck you clueless noob. Sauna is a 20000 year old finnish cultural invention and frankly the people who make being naked sexual are mentally children. Its a really advanced form of meditation something which goes beyond anything else.

Seriously, if you think that seeing other men naked constitutes something sexual then might be deep down the closet.

>Nature =/= good.

Nature is Nature. If you get disconnected from it your truly lost.

Hmmm, that's actually a really good way of looking at it. Too bad I will never be able to think that way because my mind has been ruined by a culture of shame in nudity.

The only reason to be nude with other people is for sexual reasons. There is never a reason to be nude otherwise. That is why it is well known that Europeans are gay because you do that sort of thing.

Then get off your computer and go live in a forest.

This is why I don't like arabs

We're trained to be like this from a young age when we take showers after a school gym session and what not.

If you act like a princess and act to hide yourself, you're going to get treated like a princess.

However boys will be boys and some fag masters will look at your dick and make notes about people's dicks. However you can just call that person a fag and that's the end of it.

Tbqh here people would still probably laugh at you for having a small flaccid dick.

Also what happens if you get an erection by accident?

I'm not an Arab.

I practically do. I work the forest i wander the forest. I hunt the forest.


you are a closet faggot???? Even families are nude together in more advanced cultural settings than yours.

Truly these people need to grow to the next level that is the west.(not usa that place is fucked)

Its to me as if you are a child with no relevant life experiences when you say such things.

Why so insecure, Achmed? Do you need a physical barrier in between you and other men's sex organs to not feel intimidated?


Hasn't happened in my experience, but I imagine it could happen to a first timer who's trying not to think about anything that turns him on, making him think about something that turns him on. I wouldn't care much about it.

I see. That kind of thing in schools is banned here because of pedos. Kind of wish it wasn't though (no homo), it would have made me stronger.

Yes you are. Atleast mentally. Just as them a little bawling baby.

Of course he does. Pakistan and other arab countries are famous for how they gang rape little boys


No this is Sup Forums, not r9k. All the people on here got laid by flying across continents to an obscure country to meet some girl that was flirting with them in broken English.

No, I am completely straight. Which is why I don't do things like you do, because I am not a gayropean.

>Even families are nude together in more advanced cultural settings than yours.
That is very disgusting.

You make no sense. It is like me saying you are a Finn because you share the same attitude on something.

It is not about insecurity, it is about respect.

There is no logic to your mentality. If nudity = sexual, then I guess you were raped by your mother if she breastfed you and so on. On the other hand, this is probably more about your father raping you.

Why u so gay OP?

Well no because children is different, but between adults that is an issue.

>Do you need a physical barrier in between you and other men's sex organs
People don't want me looking at their peepees and i don't like people looking at my peepee, so we, like intelligent, civilized and non-faggot persons reach an agreement to have a minimum of decency and cover up.

>sweduins burgering about sauna

This is why you lot like buggering little boys right?

But only faggots would be interested in peepees.

Do you also look at men's butts in jeans? That shit can't be hidden and it's in plain sight. Irresistible to you?

Yeah, and those anons can fuck right off.

That is Pashtuns specifically, nobody else does it.

This. If you can't stop looking at dicks it's because you're gay.

pajeets fuck off

Here we northerners drown in the endless sea of uncultured insecurities of insecure men from countries where rape and abuse are borderline legal but prudity is strictly seen to.

Truly, i would weep if i was born in to some other country which would breed such insecure failures.

Sure, this used to be a good country until we let animals like pakis do whatever they like.

Why didn't they just turn off the heat?

>Two women

Whatever. Still gay.

If you are naked with other men without giving a shit and being indifferent about it you will be treated normally. Nobody gives a hit about your dick

If you try to hide your dick and act akwardly because of seeing another man naked then everyone will think that you are gay because you get nervous around dicks. Also hiding behind a towel seems like trying to hide an erection.

As expected the savage cannot produce anything intelligent to say but parrot what he thinks first, what he was told to think.

Brainless sheeple living amongst the largest sheephouse in the world. Sad!

proud of you OP

Except you're a mature individual and don't base your existence around trying to look at other men's cocks.

All of you retards not understanding the concept of being nude in a sauna are closet faggots. There is no debate, you are sexually repressed faggots fantasising about other men.

Why didn't they just break the glass?

>Two women

I bet they are even afraid of communal showers.

If there's an unsighty piece of shit in your visual field wouldn't you want to cover it/get rid of it? "lel if you don't like it don't look at it" it's no justification. We're talking about basic decency.
>only faggots would be interested in peepees
Everyone covers up, there's no ugly peepees in sight, men can be men in peace, and the occasinal faggot can't sneak a peek.

For all practical purposes covering up is better than going naked, look at all this discussion and accusations going back and forth that could be solved by wearing a damn pair of boxers.

le nordic sauna moment, norden bröder amirite


So what you're saying is if I ever see a subhuman russian walking around I'm completely justified in attacking him because he's an unsightly piece of shit in my visual field?

Good to know.

Holy shit, fucking homo thread

kill yourself

nordiska allihuuppande


I've never seen a sauna door you couldn't just push open, definitely not one with a lock.

How are you going to enjoy the steam if you are covering half of your body in a towel?

70% of pakis are inbred haha

In every comic/tv-series they have a fucking towel?


>these faggots need to cover up cos they're afraid of getting a boner and are insecure about their little peepees

What's the matter, my Nordic brother? Can't handle a little banter about the obvious non-Nordic roots of Finns?

Feel free. Suicide by russian is an interesting way for a finn to die.

sexually-repressed faggots
I suggest looking at some gay porn, you might find you like it.


Fapping to this thread atm

im not a faggot like you

>if you're naked around other men that makes you a fag
I was the only person to cover myself in the showers because I was actually attracted to men, some classmates knew it, and I wasn't comfortable being around them naked or looking at them so I'd wash up as fast as possible staring at the wall. This thread has reminded me of how awkward that was, but I don't think anyone actually gave a shit.

>closet fags BTFO by real fag

t. guy who molests little boys in busses as part of his culture

gay tbqh

So much reverse logic itt.
Next they will claim that sucking cocks is completely normal and anyone who thinks the act is gay is a homosexual.

t. guy who cuts off little boys penises and dresses them as girls and blocks their hormones as part of his culture


It indeed would be interesting as such thing has yet to happen.


Said the russian commander when asked about the lands they manage to claw off of us.

Bifag here. Same here. I made sure to either finish in the showers fast or wait until everyone else was done. Didn't want to risk popping a boner but it was subconscious at the time. I was telling myself the same pretty lies as the closet homos of this thread are saying now.

You should just kill yourselves and do the world a favour.

You don't wear a towel while showering. It is the same with sauna.

Funny coming from your flag.

Useless non country leeching it's filth across the world. Do me a favour will ya? Be the first one of your proud folk to off yourself.

>that flag
>that post

You don't shower with other men though, or do you do that as well in Fingay?