
Stacey Dooley edition

Other urls found in this thread:


might hurt a fly



that's one awful tattoo haha

the squad


First for me and Kate Beckinsale

>haiku due on friday
>havent even started


Any other lads here watching WWE?

*yank and leaf crew enters the thread*

racist in greggs
do tell us what happened lad
yeah it was in greggs

no i turned 15 years ago

No because I'm not a mentally stunted manchild

>the longest literary work in the English language is a Smash Bros Fan-fiction

Always wanted to be an actor when I was young.

>only one apple snack pie left

python does that for you in one line, please learn a real language

and you were being racist, you say?

wrestlings not even real lmaoooo

how important is a woman's voice for attractiveness

apparently its really important to me, even more than breasts. a nice speaking voice is like viagra to my ears

she has an enormous head

post rare ludders

am i outta my head

am i outta my mind

if you only knew the bad things i like

don't think that i can explain it

what can i say

it's complicated

pretty important
I can't be with a woman who has an annoying voice
drives me insane.

>My time with user has come to an end. During our time together, I learned about his general cynicism and misanthropy but also his irreverant, self-deprecating style of humour and his ability to show compassion forward those who shared his "feels". What had started as a journey into the "dark side of the internet" had become a poignant investigation into the lives of wayward young men. With no community to fall back on and plenty of free time to spend online, they had forged an alliance not out of common interests but common sense of displacement. Although they have been attacked in the media as nazis, perverts and nihilists, the picture I was presented was one of loneliness and desperation. I finally realised that the "Internet Hate Machine" hates nothing more than itself

how did you fuck up the first line of a haiku

>mfw constantly pulling my shirt from under my mantits in public

your mum has an enormous gape

whole lotta redditfags in here

need to gtfo namsayin

youtube.com/watch?v=0pD3azJmB7g HOWLING

thank you louis

you wouldn't


cant stand someone who speaks like a mongoloid

i have no idea who stacey dooley is but you've made me hate her with your obnoxious threads

well done

count them again, idiot. 5/7/5

But lads they've got based British wrestlers

fooling no one you nonce

*wipes beard*

Fuck off yank
Do a shart in the wal mart
Get shot bog fart yank

back to Sup Forums you go, before i call the authorities

how do we save him?

Greggs is one syllable

get him tossed salad and scrambled eggs

i like anime and i think stacey would too, if she saw the right one

figure out what to do with those tossed salads and scrambled eggs

Do me a favour and get a trip so I can filter you?

Don't want to inadvertently reply to someone that watches wrestling in the future

Lads any of you just dropped everything and moved somewhere else?
I had to move back home after losing my job in a city I had moved to, but I'm fucking miserable here, thinking of just saying fuck it to everything and moving back in with friends in that city

I KNOW my willy is above average size but it doesn't look or feel that way.


check 'em


I feel sick

not comfy at all


>python does that for you in one line

Jesus Christ was your dad a wrestler that left you what's wrong with watching wrestling?

i am motivated by a girl i have not seen for 5 years


Another member of the JUSTice League?


do i just end it all now?

Lol binging with babish theme

None of today's professional wrestlers could beat Abdullah the Butcher



>tfw D

Mate I think you need to have a long honest conversation with someone you can trust

racist in greggs
do tell us what happened lad
yeah it was in greggs

3+1+1 = 5
1+1+1+1+2+1 = 7
1+1+1+1+1 = 5



cirilla fiona elen riannon

>B low grade willy

What Is that supposed to mean?



I smell normies up in this motherfucker

rightists btfo

Zizek is the only commie I can listen too for more than 5 minutes since he's basically a crypto fascist

>they will never laugh at me like that
count your blessings

No she wouldn't as she seen first hand the suffering the industry causes

And yeah anime is a very broad term but you know exactly the type I'm on about

*enters your room*
*locks the door behind me*

vocaroo of you saying racist

*Spreads Arse*
*Spits on hand*
*Rubs spit into arsehole*


racist(2) in (1) greggs (1)

>tfw B- willy


Always wondered if girls judged themselves on their actual face, or their face when they're wearing make-up. Which one do they see as their normal selves so to speak

you are like a little baby
watch this

whish i could

What the fuck do you want?


which is the real you? the mask or the man behind the mask?

He's a classic opiate addict, always scratching

what suffering does it cause that other creative industries dont?


>digital marketing
>social media
>graphic designer

My favourite wrestler just lost lads :(

don't think that's true



>Loli isn't child pornography, its just pornography featuring children have sex
>No, I'm not a paedophile, I just find the idea of having sex with children arousing and go out of my way to imagine such scenarios
Reminder: This is literally what every single animefan thinks and believes.

>Go to restaurant on my own
>order the biggest burger on the menu
>this massive stack comes to my table
>all the restaurant staff constantly looking over and discussing if I'm going to finish it

i want to post a complicated infograph too