Am I white?

Am I white?


in America, you would be.

Are you a guy or a girl? Can't really Tell from your pic.

Guess ;)

you're a leb here but a white woman in america

Do you have blonde hair, blue eyes and light skin?

No, but it doesn't matter. In Australia it's even beneficial.

Part Maori? Abo?

There's some chocolate in the vanilla.

nothing to do with black hair black eyes a ton white people have it and still white

it's more the face

i feel it's like 99% feeling like "do i instinctively thik this person is white ?" well no i don't here, something feels off and not normal

google says so

>nothing to do with black hair black eyes a ton white people have it and still white



You have too many masculine traits, in a country like mine people would think you're a trap

>chink eyes
>brown skin

What are chink eyes btw?I keep getting told on on balk and pol that i am asian :^)



So you don't know?

You have a double eyelid, yours aren't chink eyes they're called hunter's eyes and they're considered attractive

Epicanthus. You have a slight one. But your eyes are light so you couldn't be Asian. (Even half-Asian kid have 100% chance to be born with brown eyes, because Asian parent is homozygous black/brown eyed and this gene is dominant)


That is not a double eyelid.Look at my photo more carefully.Those are my brows.

you have a very strange double fold

Yes, i do.
If i get to have 2~3 children that inherit it this could be the next step in human evolution :^)

Your eyelid folds mate, it's a regular eye, not a chink one

I'd fuck that