Italians, you have some explaining to do

>in supermarket
>Italian pastas are on sale, but they're still not what you'd call as cheap
>eh, what the fuck I'll buy some, Carpe Diem am I right
>cook them with some chicken
>expect pleasures untold, heavenly delicacies
>it tastes just like any ordinary pasta you can buy for half the price

Well, that was a gigantic letdown. I mean, it's not bad. Just nothing special. Why doesn't Italian pasta tastes different from the Hungarian ones?

Have I been lied to?

now you know that unless its fresh pasta, you would never buy expensive ones

Shitalian food is bland and generic like their country.

>Why doesn't Italian pasta tastes different from the Hungarian ones?
Why would it? Did you expect it too? Pasta by itself is all about the shape and texture. Taste is what the sauce and other accessory foods are for.

Spoken like a true pleb.

Good dry pasta is characterized by:

>processing through bronze tubes
>high recommended cooking times
>a natural drying process

Good pasta enables you to serve pasta that will absorb the sauce instead of leaving a soup underneath (that's the bronze tube processing there)

t. professional chef for 5 years

Trash pasta is Barilla
OK pasta is De Cecco
Good pasta is Rummo
The pasta of gods is Gragnano


look at this faggot here, kek

sorry if your masculinity feels threatened by my vast pasta expertise

If you were used to eating pasta every day you'd notice the difference, but as other anons said it's not the brand of pasta itself that will make a good dish, but the condiment

>Cooking pasta with chicken
Mamma mia, I sure hope you guys dont do this

>Trash pasta is Barilla
>OK pasta is De Cecco
>Good pasta is Rummo
>The pasta of gods is Gragnano
Notice how the first is produced in the North and the others in the South.

forgive hungaria, I am italia

I come to your country to sell normal pasta e sono CUM dal sesso

industrialization has a tendency of turning things into shit yeah

holy shit you faggots are obsessed, if you hate the north stop coming here thanks

Northern """"""Italy""""""

>Why would it? Did you expect it too?
Yep. I don't know why. Italian magicks, probably. Look, to me Italy is this mystical land south I'll never see, where heavenly food, history and culture comes from. And the ancient ones, Romans who named our country Pannonia and left ruins all over the place. Of course I'd have exceedingly high expectations. To me, they're magic.

Whatever I could get my hands on before - Italian ice creams, cappuccinos, cake was god tier, and BTFO'd everything in Hungary, so whenever I can, I buy them. Was it wrong for me to assume the famed pasta would also BTFO Hungarian food? Perhaps. But in my experience from Italy good things come from.

Thank you user, that was very informational!

t. Italeeb

It's honestly all about the way it's cooked, follow the frenchbro advice and youll'be fine.

Also for every non italian in this thread:

Use a lot of water (pasta has to be covered)
Add a fist of salt
Wait for the water to boil
THEN and only THEN add pasta
The flame must always be at max level
If needed add a little oil in the water, to avoid foam

>If needed add a little oil in the water, to avoid foam

Never understood how this could be considered bad, it adds nothing and takes nothing from the pasta, i mean, a fucking spoon of oil not half a glass

But hungarian food is really good.

I don't like pasta.

Why do people overrate it so much? It's dumb.

It's just stupid

Not an argument, i don't want my kitchen to be dirty everytime i cook something desu

Oil dirties more than water, and if your problem is the foam then you're just not using an adeguate pan, or the flame is too strong

put less water, familia

when i'm lazy I cook my pasta in a frying pan, even

takes some technique though, won't lie

>Pasta in frying pan

That's blasphemy french bro, i thought you understood the pasta ways. Sad!

i've cooked pasta in a ragú di vitello once, muh dick

I also like using sausage.

swabian pasta > mafianigger pasta

Wow pasta al forno, very original


theyre not macaroni
theyre spätzle
thick and coarse


>Italy is this mystical land south I'll never see
It can not be that expensive to fly there. Just save for a while.

magyar cigany


It's fucking cheap to fly there. I go there almost every year.


highly autistic

You've prepared the ragù yourself? If so, that's notable (for a foreigner)

I always use the beef/pork mix tho

hungarians are white, kind, intelligent and with an interesting culture. You romanian subhumanoids should shut up and bow down to the hungarian gods

>le romanian boogieman
>lines up to suck the dick of foreigners who insult us
polentoni everyone

Stop being so autistic

stop choking on foreigner dick

I'm not the other guy, and OP didn't say anything wrong btw

stop praising shitaly and romania

foreigners will always be better than us

go to a sagra di paese where they do pasta with their hands(no industrial shit)

t. Abdul Muhhamad Hoxa

Why do Italians speaking english to one another?

because it would be rude to everyone else in this thread, you retarded nigger

So that everyone can understand

because English is far a better language than shitalian. Only brown people speak shitalians (maybe with an exception of few slovenians and swiss). Meanwhile English is the language of the white enlightened man: it sounds beautiful and elegant.
Shitalian is random vowels pronounced in an arabic way, fucking disgusting.

rate my lunch guys.

t. sardo

Spaghetti with cheese?

>cutting the pasta

They are being educated, you atistic fuck. The same way Iberians speak outside the generals to each other in English, so other countries can add and understand.