
Mixed race French edition

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Nope it mean that we are your daddy

You're all the sons of French tribemen who went to colonize over areas

Fuck Drumpf

stevemri would be so good if he didnt try so hard to be a connoisseur


duck blumpf

But first I need to find a bf...


cant jump the fump





>modern French

me on the left


Who /Anglo/ here?


>Fuck Drumpf
>And fuck white people

Tay Tay 2bh




Funny, because she looks like she only fucks black people

Can I still be a WASP if I am Catholic?



I managed to save an old HDD of mine and found some old OC I made

I will share what I have found so far in here

Basically a nigger

some slutty latina woman who didn't speak english was upset at my job because we canceled her layaway. She was frustrated because of the language barrier and we couldn't get her money back. I wish I could have used the situation as leverage to see her tits, she was leaning over the counter the entire time and I could see her skimpy black bra down her blouse. I probably could have just molested her and she wouldn't have been able to tell anyone

I dont believe it





>Gets Allahu albar'd
>literally no breaking news anywhere

lmao, dumb landlocked counties


Oh well, such is the nature of things I guess

should I get pizza?

think im gonna blow my entire next paycheck on a lappy

Your animal escaped lads
pls take him back xoxo thanks in advance


That's Cali for ya :^)

Well can he?


for me it's feist

no attacks get coverage here unless its a shooting or police car chase
really makes me think

Everyone hates C*tholics. You are the scum of the earth.

Just thought you should know. It's nothing personal.

only if it has pineapple



remember when a WHITE SUPREMACIST killed an innocent black man with a sword? He was such a WHITE SUPREMACIST TERRORIST



if time would stand still this moment I'd freeze it in place

A picture of an extremely attractive woman I felt the need to post online so people I'll never meet can look at it

r8 me


Chile and argentina can go fuck themselves

Haha, where'd you find this one? Mind if I save it?

can't stop listening to new kendrick album desu

I'm not Catholic yet, but seriously considering conversion rn.
Washington must be behind on this Catholic hate, cause I don't see it around these parts.

why is vignette so perfect, buds


>why is vignette so perfect, buds

So if I paid for 2-3 day shipping and it gets here in 4 days, you guys think I should contact the website and see if they'll compensate me, or would that just be a petty bitch move?

I agree with this statement.



contact them, it's a legit service failure. The shipper has to initiate the claim through the carrier

will we collapse like rome?

Anime spazzes ruin every thread

>tfw Chilean posts used to be good



If your dad didn't give you common sense wisdom and tell you about the good ol' days then you didn't have a good dad.

Not on my watch

its race of people were not replaced

>Anime spazzes ruin every thread

We need radical centrism.

Yeah, if you paid extra, then you should get the cheaper service



what else does it say on your watch?


but the 4 day shipping was only like 2 bucks less, so I kind of think they'll just be like "we'll deduct 2 bucks and charge the 4 day shipping instead"

Give me attention


>posting anime



>2 bucks less
watch it

Ok so the argie and chilean just joined the weird thread that I mentioned here:
who are they and what do they want?

Did that one user ever get their gyaru wig?



if that's the case why'd you even bring it up?


Heh, you'd be scared to see, normie......... guess your kind never learn after all

because I thought maybe they'd go the extra mile and give me a coupon or something, maybe someone has experience with a similar event

is this that one show were Muhammad is like a cute girl or something and there's Satan and catgirls and stuff?