Are slanted eyes ugly? is eyelid surgery wrong?

are slanted eyes ugly? is eyelid surgery wrong?

>are slanted eyes ugly?


>is eyelid surgery wrong?


>are slanted eyes ugly?


>is eyelid surgery wrong?


Im asian with double eyelids

>are slanted eyes ugly?


>is eyelid surgery wrong?


>are slanted eyes ugly?


>is eyelid surgery wrong?




>are slanted eyes ugly?
It depends.

>is eyelid surgery wrong?

I prefer monolids. I don't know why.

because you're mongol

Ugly ppl are ugly regardless of it


You can do all that you want with your own life



Slanted eyes are fine and surgery is retarded.
Hundred years ago japs thought of europeans as weird hairy, "dogeyed" freaks from foreign shores. Get a prideful mindset and stop cucking yourself out to our beauty standarts.
As cringy as blacks straigthening their hair even tho they have an own wealth of hairstyles based on curls.

well this is depressing. the 1 feature define asian is ugly. im sad now.

her eyes aren't slanted, just narrow.

Who are you and what did you hope to see?

This Also that Woman is a qt.

Who the hell cares.
There is more important stuff like, being short or having small dick. I wish both could be fixed without killing myself.

>she is qt
ugly? no
PS is wrong? yes

but people make fun of slanted eyes with their fingers pulling their eyes!!!!! how can asian be prideful after that!!!


I think some europeans have a barrier when they first meet a foreigner though.

Slanted eyes are a bit ugly; but eyelid surgery is still fucked up. Embrace your ping pong heritage.

I don't give a shit. I don't find it attractive but that's just me preference and has no bearing on facts. I don't think surgery on your eyelids is a good idea. If they fuck it up you'll look retarded.



Such cruelties will be avenged when your middleclass swells and the streams of tourists shuffling through our citycenters will become permanent enough to make everyone used to it I guess.

>are slanted eyes ugly?
depends, seen some full on brock from pokemon eyes

>is eyelid surgery wrong?

>As cringy as blacks straigthening their hair even tho they have an own wealth of hairstyles based on curls.
My black friend would beg to differ and he also like pointing out every women wearing a wig or extensions.

You have really straight black hair as well.

>are slanted eyes ugly?
Not from my view. I like them.

>is eyelid surgery wrong?
I don't think it's good to not accept yourself and your appearance, so far as to surgically alter it. But it's not really that bad, if you really want it then why not I suppose.

what a pussy. i cant even imagine how you can have such a complex.

and that girl is just narrowing her eyes.

Plenty of "blacks" don't have curly hair and straightening/curling hair is big part of lots of hair styles. Fuck off with that "putting everyone in a static box, that they can't leave" for your world-view convenience bullshit.

Im asian and i domt have slanted eyes but somwhow my daughter has slanted eyes eveb though her mom is white hispanic

Fuck off! Slanty is Masterrace!

These are slanted eyes

Blacks who dont have curly hair can wear it different then, I dont believe africans or whatever neworld mixtures are running around your place are so homogenous as you suspect me to think. Many have some felt-like hair as well which you can style in neat ways.
Its just that for the majority who have a very sturdy kind of hair it seems a to be a very inconvenient and maybe even hair-damaging hairstyle based on imitation which is what is offputting for me.
Going out of your way to achieve a look even though there are easier natural ones which also look good.

so cute.

Wrong pic. Girl on the left has slanted eyes. Her eyes are tilted upward

do you need surgery for that?

wtf ivan, now i want to wife whatever that is

Thst guy obviously has had double eyelid surgery, you fucking autist.

>tfw no kazakh gf

she looks like every other spoiled chink girl in the north

Honestly I think it's the cutest shit ever.

Kind of weird to me that anyone finds it unattractive.

>slanted eyes ugly?
>eyelid surgery wrong?
Nothing is 'wrong' but yes, don't do it.

I think they look really beautiful and the surgery is wrong

slanted eyes are not ugly at all and eyelid surgery wrong is definitely wrong.

Hope this will help you, my slanted eyes brother. I have double eyelid tho.


so beautiful

>asians have surgery to make their eyes look less asian

>are slanted eyes ugly?

>is eyelid surgery wrong?
do whatever the fuck you want