Swedish commonwealth

These 2 countries should join the Swedish commonwealth, they should adopt a new currency and use our king on it.

The commonwealth will function much like the british commonwealth does today.

How would you feel about this being implemented?


Don't you dare touch our colonies, Sven


How about you give the red area some autonomy and let it into the commonwealth, or alternatively
your whole country could join the commonwealth?

Both alternatives would make sense historically thinking

Fuck off, sore loser.

Why are you sticking up for loser Russia, whom you yourselves defeated?

>loser Russia
This is some next level psychosis, they literally destroyed your army and ended your dreams of relevance for good.

Not him but your comment is wrong
>Dreams of relevancy
That wasn't always a dream, we were legit very relevant for some time.

And we were also decently relevant in the 20th century again

>we were also decently relevant in the 20th century
No you weren't.

Why do you guys always leave Hungary out of Finnish and Estonian memes?

It makes me feel so alone ;_;

>Astrid Lindgren
>companies like: Ikea and Volvo
Our music industry was also extremely large

You're only 10 percent Finno-Ugric genetically speaking.

come here russia, I'm gonna nuke you

That's not the kind of relevance I'm talking about, and I think you know it.

This is a Swedish power fantasy thread, you shouldn't even expect Hungary to be mentioned.

money is the only thing that matters in this world

Nice power fanta pigs there :DD

Swedens isolated position and low population made it next to impossible to be relevant politically and militarily.

But different relevancy is still relevancy

>the Swedish '''''''''empire''''''''

Russian economy's worth is in the trillions, Sweden's barely half a trillion. So no, you're not relevant.

plis stob

Unironically if i was told to choose Sweden or Russia (god desu i choose neither) Russia would still be my choice, atleast they have real sway and not little boys who jerk off to delusions on chinese trading forums.

You conquered lessers outside of europe, we fought and defeated european powers

unironically this tbqhwyf

>Conquered small Finnic and Baltic tribes
>"we fought and defeated european powers"

I think he means the times when france funded them with money and mercenaries and they marched proudly into sack poland and fight in germany. Later only to march in to their deaths in the snows of Russia.

Truly a """"great""" power.

Russia's economy is about 1.3-1.4 trillion USD. All of that have to be shared by 143 million people in a country the size of a fucking continent. Sweden on the other hand got an economy worth roughly 580 billion USD shared among just 10 million in a relatively small country. They're richer only in absolute terms.

It warms my heart knowing most of our solders were Finns and other non-Swedish untermenschen.

30% was the most finns were eve rin your armies due to our low numbers. Your ancestors were the ones who died for your grown and now you'll suck up to your grown like a good boy.

Will ya my proud neighbour?

I never said we conqered european powers , i said that we defeated them. And that we did.



>due to our low numbers
I wonder why

>They're richer only in absolute terms
And that's the only thing that matters, in this globalized world. Sweden lost, Russia won. No matter how you twist it that's how it is.

Maybe because we never were numerous you daft cunt.

I know you swedes aren't well in your head but please contain your absolute moronism and stupidity to your own general, please?

It doesn't matter because you can't spend what your economy is worth. Russia have vastly larger expenditures than we do. We (and you) can spend much much more money per person than they can.

Of course we can because we're world class micronations only out there to make the best we've got. Russia's a world class superpower who has to keep expenditures high to secure that position as does USA for example.

In this terms it exactly matters. Very simply put it you lost your game 1809 and now only scrape the bottom of the barrel, no matter how you twist it as the other already said.

>Russias a superpower
Putinbot leave,
Russia may be the second most powerful country om earth rn but its in decline and will soon be replaced by China in the power ranking

>acknowledging facts makes you a putinbot
Time for your psychosis medication

Russia is NOT a superpower, and the only people to claim otherwise are putinbots

Even if they lose their spot to China, they'll still remain more relevant than Sweden will ever be. Sweden had its chance and fucked up, better start looking to the future rather than cling on to the past :^)

First you take my post, borrow it. As if you were to disagree and then you agree. The latter part of your post how true it might be is bullshit until it happens.

Whimper off lad. Start to think before you write something moronous.

because the tribe of swedes was extremely united and populous compared to various different finnish tribes that were scattered and uncooperative with each others. back in 1100 swedes easily outnumbered finns 15 to one

>it's my daily dose of swedish/finnish autism
>I roleplay as my nation

Who's roleplaying who here? What i've seen here is just other finns strike pure truths at your fellow countrymen. Not much countrylarping form them.

>Swede claiming large part of Swedish armies were Finns
>Finn claiming minor part of Swedish armies were Finns
Never seen that before.


I know right, total shocker

Seeing these Sweden vs Finland threads always makes me cringe in embarassment, the Swedes always get BTFO

Nope. Finns just post so much that they embarrass themselves so much that Swedes leave.

No, they are always provide arguments and facts that you are unable to refute. The only rebuttal you have is

>Kangz lololol
>Swedish empire lololol

The Finns always point out uncomfortable truths that make you squirm.

It is embarrasing to watch, stop making these threads since you just get BTFO every fucking time.

Not sure what threads you've been watching. In the ones I've seen the Finns just post genetics maps and rant about r1. They also post kang pics much more than any non-finn. Also go fuk yourself, that flag is too good for you to post under.

May we join too? I want king.

can we include Russia in the commonwealth as well?

You may. You need only to bend the knee.

Yes my lord.

You pretty much have one now.

>Finland sucks at war
>For a store camp, become a medic in free will car

Suomi > Sverige desu


Keep on dreaming Sven!