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are technopolis stores open anywhere?


would support dbi

Can you tell me why Slovenia is in that triangle?

If progress, investments, people, happines and futures dissapeared from here then I don't know why you are all moving here?

Why did you include Greece you slav subhuman?

>Everyone wants to be Greek

don't overuse the pic you faggot

it is a generator of fail, with the rest of us:

My plan for Balkans:

Turn into one super country and invade Turkey, give it to the Albanians then figure out your other borders

>peплициpa нa ики


You try to pull Greece to your inferior side but you know that Greece is much better.

balkan subhumans

turkey will destroy all balkanshitholes in one day

Toni can finally get an Asian gf now.

Haha funny one

pls answer


when we team up turkey gets rekt fast though
>what is balkan war

Already tried that, held the brunt of the attack against them, got threatened by Russia to be attacked if we took Constantinople, as they got pissy we actually had an independent policy, got a peace treaty with the turks and got macedonia taken by serbia in spite of the previous territorial arrangements, the smug fucks proposed russia as an arbiter on the land re-distribution. Then we tried to be upheld the previous arrangements with force and got dogpiled by fucking EVERYONE, including goddamn albania. The same reason why we fell under their rule in the first place, we were bickering retards then and remain so today.

shit, China gonna buy out the Balkans eventually

we did not pulled down anyone, m8

they did it to themselves and are still doing it now

the balkans are generators of entropy, we apparently inherited it from trukey

all balkan shitholes are useless
help me instead of the balkan roaches

i mean you want to have Greece on your shitty side to look less shit

Greece is obviously much better than your subhuman shitholes will ever be.

iki how does it feel when we turned you into a major meme


skopje blown the HECK out

Balkans desperately need more Asian qts (ancient Bulgarian ones excluded)


iki, I did not knew you were an accomplished economic analyzer to be making predictions like that

I am humbled to have such accomplished professional gracing us with his analysis.

Spending time on Sup Forums rather than working on your extensive economic and political theories -
enlightening us plebs. is surely praise worthy.


Triss is Macedonian.

>gook lovers in my comfy balk


Not a gook lover but if you say you wouldn't you probably gay.

I would lick the side of her face.

yeap she is

Don't use those mind tricks on me boi.


everyone can fuck beautiful woman, it takes real man however to fuck the fugly ones

Donate more tanks to save her.

is that xposed bulgarian a real man?

Was Alexander the great a Greek or Macedonian?

In the molls

Illyrian like his mother Olimpia aka Albanian

Macedonians are Greeks

Is this the gook thread

Fulgrim, quick! post an Aryan woman to save the thread



sure, it's not like we will need them once the turkistan went full retard yesterday



Trissfu is a priority.

You should be honored to give your life to save her.

fulgrim btfo



she's fucking another man you cuck


you never know with south east asians, what you can find in there

Nothing wrong with that.


>philtrum THAT wide

no thanks

give me one reason why cuckolding isn't the best fetish

What the fuck. Why the fuck does macedonia exist then


to pay welfare to our Illyrian overlords

See my flag?There is your answer.


Good. Asians got their shit together unlike all other inferior races.

Superior people need their own countries

He was a gay Macedonian so Greek

Shitfians BTFO

How will their Shitfian skyscraper of 200 meters compete?

He was Illiri

How autistic are you balk

I am writing 65 full notebook pages worth of story in pure Albanian without loanwords


>those crossed eyes
>that fivehead

Can't wait till America and China- Russia go to WW3, use yurop as their nuclear battle ground and turn it into a radioactive waste land. God i fucking hate you all. Why can't you just kys you subhuman scum. Your existence is nothing but a burden on this world.

A little.

what do you mean by loanwords though? are you going to use ONLY words that come straight through Proto-Albanian, not even ancient loanwords?

what are you going to call "apple" btw?

Why would you write it in the Dark Speech ? Nobody can understand it.

>But who are the Macedonians? You will find Bulgarians and Turks who call themselves Macedonians, you find Greek Macedonians, there are Servian Macedonians, and it is possible to find Roumanian Macedonians. You will NOT, however, find a single Christian Macedonian who is not a Servian, a Bulgarian, a Greek, or a Roumanian. They all curse the Turk, and they love Macedonia. But it is Greek Macedonia, or Bulgarian Macedonia, and their eyes flame with passion, whilst their fingers seek the triggers of their guns
“Pictures From The Balkans” by John Foster Fraser (published in 1906)

Albaniya + Greece = B.F.F.

not guys with 14cm dicks

much bigger dicks

Love girls with breeder hips

and that's the count only after I bought the game.


I remember hating myself after playing MW2 for 30 days

Is it about space albanians with phazer handguns?

Words that aren't loaned from substrate,but from other languages. So lule, which is from a common Mediterrenian substrate is not a loanword, but mollë(apple) which is from Greek is loanword.

>How to call apple
Abjolë is an Albanian word for apple used by Arbëresh
Also, the word thënukël(dogs apple) comes from thën+ukël, ukël is an obsolete word for apple., but which can be revived



>enter /balk/
>regular posters
>trips everywhere
>everyone knows everyone

its a fucking chatroom for fucksakes. theres no anonymous conversation, theres no international discussion. its fucking facebook without profiles.

fuck off then lmao

We are all IRL friends here

false i dont know who this kid is : which diaspora are you amigo ?

First two pages are even in rhyme

"We're holding your family and friends hostage, give us all your money and jewels if you want to see them alive again.

Yours, local Albanian gang."


i laughed




"Go back to siberia slav, this is illyrian land, you are russian

Albanians fuck your women Albania better country than your"