His country is monolingual

>his country is monolingual

Other urls found in this thread:


>be in monolingual country
>be bilingual
People think I'm interesting just because I was brought up like a lot of the world is


Be proud of your Swedish heritage Pekka.

But you're bilingual.

>his country doesn't have atleast 1211 languages


>his country speaks only english

>most of it in papua island

>his country doesn't have a meme language and an even memier language

>he doesn't speak at least three languages

>his language hasn't been influenced by so many foreign languages making proper grammar nearly impossible
LMAOing @ your life senpai

My cities official languages are Chinese, Vietnamese, Spanish and English. Is your city quadlingual?

>his """"""country"""""" speaks a language that was created in another cunt

>he doesn't ignore all the shitty natural languages, only learning the top 5 most spoken and proceeds to learn awesome and interesting constructed languages
Your ways are too archaic for this world, my friend.

There are loada leids o the Unitit Kinrick; Inglis, Scots, Ulster Scots, Erse Gaelic, Welsh, Scots Gaelic, Cornish, Manx Gaelic, Guernésiais

>tfw know 4 languages and about to learn a 5th one
I am going to be a very successful girl


Does Luxembourgish mutual intelligible with German?

>his country isnt divided north/south/west geographically, politically and ethnically
>his country isnt filled 50/50 with smart, athletic people and obese, rednecks
>his country doesnt half-assedly run the world
>his country isnt infamously hated globally

lmaoing @ ur "countries"

Written Luxembourgish should be understandable for German speakers without difficulties,but oral Luxembourgish can be more difficult as we pronounce letters different like g for example

post kneecaps, that's the good shit
>girl (boy)

Does having a multiculti national broadcaster count?

What a waste of quads

fuck you

English (main)
Spanish (primary)
Chinese, Vietnamese (secondary)

>He cant make himself understood on more then 5 continents

>be colombia
>Multilingual country
>Nobody gives a fuck about aboriginal languages.
>The one who really matters is spanish
>They teach people english at school. Nobody gives a fuck about it neither.

Hello m'lady.
I am a very successful swede who needs a gf. Please be my gf, thank you.

You do realise that this is exactly how modern languages in the Old World worked, too?

Holy fuck, and I thought Mexico's 68 (264 actually) was a lot.

>more than 5
You can talk to penguins?
Can you explain to me why did he choose to do this?

Well, Portugal (and later emperors) took care enough as to never let this kind of cultural divide happen.

We have African, Dutch, German, Russian, Italian, Pole and Japanese diaspora surpassing millions, besides a lot of Latinos and the Native Americans, but BRAZIL STRONK, SPEAK PORTUGUESE ONLY!

People who don't speak Portuguese are a really tiny majority, mostly in god-forgotten villages with a couple hundred hillbillies.

Franco-leafs > Anglo-leafs

The US is bilingual

>tfw you put effort into learning languages but every time you go abroad everybody just wants to practice their English on you

God damn lingua franca.

pretend you don't speak english
say you're from somalia :DDDDDD

>his national anthem isn't in at least two (2) languages

Say you're from Scotland and meme on them with the most heavily accented horrific English you can muster.

scots unironically believe that doing this makes you bilingual though

> There are less than 1721 recognised languages spoken in his country

>one of them is english

>not having penguin vassals

>his country allows for regional languages
Its like you never did any cultural genocide

My country has 68 languages and I can speak two languages (English and Polish) except Russian.

youtube.com/watch?v=OGzuZv6o_QY - this is the national language of Putin. It oficially uses the latin alphabet

>he can't even imagine what it means to speak a foreign language

top kek

Also Spanish will replace English in USA

It's our second language, there are 5kk speakers of it, but only few of them only Tatar


>be in monolingual country
>be trilingual (English, Spanish, Japanese)
>people think I'm some sort of god who's ">tfw to intelligent"


I used to speak French too, but I forgot it, but it's still easier to me to understand french songs rather than English.

I hope Canada will be ruled by quebecian nazis and speak only French

But he is right, it's a big shame for all your country that you dropped Spanish as a second language.

Even your extra-based president can't fix it.

You have to learn Spanish, because you are Catholic.


but I already speak Spanish

It's pretty good

You have to make it official in the country, because it's your history

It's a shame that we dropped French

I've been hearing that South Koreans study every waking hour and kill themselves (or start playing starcraft) if they don't do well enough in their education.

my country has 22 languages
you can't touch me

jätte bra allihuppande talade svenska