por favor deja de odiarme edition

Other urls found in this thread:


>take spanish test for college class (they want to see my level)
>get put in beginner level
This hurts when you are half mexican,

Are you the son of immigrants or are you a 2nd gen?

>half mexican
>Not living in Latin America or even American south west
Did you magically expect to know Spanish? Is Spanish even common in Canada?

actually used to be pretty good when i was younger, but parents divorced and my spanish got extremely bad since then (no practice for around 10years) at first i didn't realize how much it would have paid off to keep practicing it, now im paying for it. was expecting the test result but still hits hard when you fail something you could have succeded when you were 10 yo
also,we have a lot of Colombian here and i have some chi friends

Orale ese

send me a qt finnish gf please

I wanna die esé's

Si quieres que el mundo deje de odiarte reconquista el Norte para Mexico.

Why mexican parents dont teach spanish to their children when they live out of Mexico?

Because when they leave Mexico they suddenly think they're not Mexican for whatever reason.

Let's just allow North Korea to nuke the murisharts and give us our territory back ;^)

Oh shit for a moment i thought you had a Mexican flag.

I was asking the same question.

>Because when they leave Mexico they suddenly think they're not Mexican for whatever reason.
Mi mama es de Hermosillo y mi papa es de Lima Peru, pero siempre me han hablado en espanol

are you in Cali?

no, why?

so we could hang out :(

i'm in the east coast all alone

dad did

i'm sorry user, are you also a CHI?

wtf me too, what country is that?


Eres un canadiense colombiano??????


yes, retard

no only pointed them out because there a lot of them here
soy mexicano


i'm sorry user you just keep asking dumb stuff

its ok user

Can Chicanos be white

Mexicans smell like shit

Depends, some latinos are pretty white and if they have a kid with a white dude then that child will be white

only if they take an Italian surname

thats why they fit in so well in your fat sweaty fuck country

Stay mad white boi while we alpha chicanos continue to fuck your women

no they don't, women don't want to fuck them because they have dirty dicks

no one want to fuck some landwale fucking amerifat, you cant even call those thing women anymore

closer to human than any mexican

t.whiteboi who lost his gf to a CHI

In what way exactly? last time i checked most mexican can move with their legs, does this apply to amerifat?

hecho en mexico, marcion


Se escribe maricon, puto desgraciado

jaja chicanos

They do, but we just forget it when we get older.
I was really fluent in Spanish until I went to school. I was surrounded by anglos and frenchies all day, so there was never a reason for me to use Spanish.
Eventually I forgot it all

Como te va?

Bien y a vos?

Todo bien carnal, pero estoy un poco cansado. Ya tengo casi 27 horas despierto

que estan aciendo horita mi chicano amigos.



Who /bloodinbloodout/ here?


Because they want to act white and Spanish isnt a white language and their children are American and mot mexican you know?

The CHICANO shitposter King

Don't summon him, idiot.

>Because when they leave Mexico they suddenly think they're not Mexican for whatever reason.

>go back to mexico and suddenly everyone tells you you're not mexican at all

'te va wey?

who? the guy who only posts his hand is a bigger shitposter than he is he's the one who makes all these generals

My parents taught me Spanish. Don't listen to this beaner


What exactly is a "Chicano"? A Mexican living in the US or something?

lazy cunt

That's correct my cucaracha friend.

Why is it a meme in Sup Forums?

both the U.S. and Mexico hate them

>Spanish isn't a white language
The absolute state of the New World

it's just one self hating chicano who makes these threads

Like Turks in Germany then. Thanks for the answers my white friend.

Any Salvadoran-Americans here? I may have some questions.

i doubt it, i bet its a white guy who makes them to make people will get annoyed with and hate chicanos


What's up, /CHI/?

>Speak Spanish with an Italian accent
>Ppl think i'm from Brazil

Don't talk to the chicanos, they are dangerous.

Do Burgers & other chicanos/chicanas even know where Brazil is?

Pic related

>they are dangerous.
yeah we decapitate people, bury them in mass graves and set up multi billion dollar cartels that can influence the Government

we just had the olympics yo, and fifa

need gf tbx

I thought you guys already forgot what and where Brazil is

I get confused for being since I'm really tall, have white and brown hair. Also posted my face here a couple times over the years and never get recognized as chicano unless I state it. If asked I just say Mexican American IRL

the majority of americans know where brazil is, but just don't expect them to know where Ecuador or Ukraine is


>tall, have white skin and brown hair
yeah wow, that's so rare for a mexican

for being white*
white skin*
Typed that out quickly on my phone

>if they have children with a White then the kid will be White
Not guaranteed though. I know a half CHI half Anglo guy who's basically White, but his brother (who looks exactly like him otherwise) turned out pretty dark. Their mom looks a little Indio but she's pale.

Do Mexicans and chicanos know what is Brazil?


It is, at least the tall part. I live in El Paso and most of the people from Juarez and my fellow Chicanos are manlets. Juarez is surprisingly white though.

it's our sister language. Plus, the national football team plays against your all the time

And what is Brazil to you?

Americans (and I guess Canadians, going by this thread) with Mexican hurritage.

To me its South Americas cultural powerhouse along with Argentina.

>chicanos not accepting their reality

I'm just spreading the words of the average American, familia.

Bossa Nova, football and tropical cities.

I used to think that Mexicans didn't know Brazil, I guess I was wrong


[User was beheaded for this post]

>It is
no it really isn't im from a bumb fuck part of rural central mexico and many of my family members are mistaken for whites.

they're tall
have brown or jet black hair and two of my cousins are blonde
even me, who's almost fully native, am 5'10

being tall, white skinned and haveing brown hair isn't rare at all

nothing, i dont think about brazil, not that i hate it, it just doesn't cross my mind unless the amazon or sports are involved

he's posted pictures of his hands before

[User was beheaded for this post]

I always confuse brazil and africa

nah i still bet it's some white cunt

When I said really tall I mean it homes. I'm 6'4" so I'm taller than most white bois too. And I'm just going by stats so don't lose your head. Around 80% of my familia has white skin too and most of the males are above average Height, doesn't mean its the average.